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  1. He's a kid, he's allowed to be dumb, the fact that Flo is running with it is embarassing.
    13 points
  2. Tracy McGrady once told a story about Kobe. One offseason, apparently at a hotel, McGrady told Kobe that he was going to go work out. Kobe responded by acting like he was crazy. “What are you going to work out for? We’re in the offseason. You don’t need to work out.” McGrady eventually accepted that idea, went back to his room, changed, and relaxed for a bit. But after a short while he got antsy and decided to go lift. And once he got in the weight room, he saw Kobe lifting.
    9 points
  3. He's teaching his son a lesson that will prove valuable for the kid's therapist.
    9 points
  4. Bro, pass the pipe. Jk I don't do drugs but seriously, what has been up with your posts lately? Things so boring at home that you have to stir up bad faith arguments online? It doesn't take much effort at all to find interviews online of some combination of spencer, his dad, teammates, or coaches, to realize that nothing you said is true (of Spencer). That being said, I can definitely envision Bassett being drawn to Iowa precisely because he would be perceived as the top dog - - including the financial incentives that would entail.
    8 points
  5. Neither does Trump, so Bo's in the right place.
    8 points
  6. Its been said (at least once) that even before Uetake came over to the states, etching had been found in a cave in the Glass Mountains describing how he would never be challenged.
    7 points
  7. It's more likely God blessed him with the strength of 1000 men to solely strike down Yazdani and the false prophets he represents.
    7 points
  8. I'm passing on some excellent knowledge from @gimpeltf that I had saved down on my desktop: "1. Back in the day (40s-50s in particular) the top 4 wrestling colleges in the state sent their coaches out to local high schools to give clinics as the sport was in its HS infancy. Those areas where the colleges were became the states hot spots. One might surprise you. In no particular order- A. Western Pa (WPIAL)- Pitt (Rex Peery) B. North Central Pa- Penn State (Doc Speidel) C Eastern Pa- Lehigh (Sheridan/Leeman) D. South Central Pa- F&M (Believe it or not- they were among the top teams in the country back in the day) (Uncle Charley Mayser) 2. The State College system. Used to be known as the State Teachers Colleges. Several of them have dropped over the years. The PSAC was never a qualifying conference but the league tournament was one of the best in the country. So what would happen is that a kid would wrestle in HS, go to one of these colleges to wrestle and to become a teacher. Would get a job as a teacher and a coach and the cycle would continue in an upward motion." Really goes to show how PA became so good at wrestling in the first place and how PSAC (State Teachers Colleges) deserves a cherished place in wrestling history as a conference.
    7 points
  9. As a reformed internet political arguer, I am much happier posting about less divisive things like sports and stuff
    7 points
  10. If that kid had just learned a stand up and gotten off from bottom his dad wouldn't have been arrested! That is why you practice mat wrestling (looking at you, Ohio State).
    6 points
  11. My rationale for hoping this thread is moved to the non-wrestling board: 1) Its not about wrestling 2) I can hear idiots argue about this stuff anywhere I go and the points mentioned here are identical 3) It has made me think worse of people who I otherwise respected from conversations about wrestling. (not because of their political opinion, but because of how quickly they are willing to abandon decorum when alternate views are presented). 4) I make a decent effort to avoid thinking about things I don't want to and this thread keeps popping up in a place where I don't intuitively expect it. I will otherwise just keep trying to unsuccessfully ignore it lol
    6 points
  12. Imagine having such deep deep feeling towards someone (in either direction) even though you’ve only ever seen them on TV and in reality has never done a single thing for you or too you .So much of a deep feeling you literally hate people who feel differently then you about the subject , then imagine having this feeling and fighting with your neighbors, family , co workers and complete strangers about for 8 straight years. When you step back and look it at like that y’all seem a little crazy no?
    6 points
  13. My sister and her girls hike the same trails that Rachel Morin was raped and killed on. The perp who came here illegally and did that to Rachel is a bad person. Feel free to de humanize that scumbag all you want.
    6 points
  14. I thought I was agreeing with you, but I guess not? As a black man closer to 60 than 50, I think it's absolutely horseshit to demonize anybody who is simply trying because of the color or their skin. It goes both ways, too. Seeing people all over social medias advocate using physical violence, or any other prejudicial hate, to justify the positive-negative asymmetry of it is complete dog shit. Not even the good, high protein Ziwi Peak dog shit... the cheap Gravy Train dog shit. Evil is evil, is it not?
    6 points
  15. The constant need to immediately jump to conspiracies is one of many things leading to the downfall of this country, and more specifically the political discourse. The Reverse Occam's Razor.
    5 points
  16. Indeed. The ultimate goal for a kid that was a serious wrestler in the early/mid eighties was the Olympics( maybe that has changed). There was nothing bigger to us. Attended many World Cups when they were held in Toledo when the Soviets were there, they were great, but they weren't the Olympics.
    5 points
  17. U of New Orleans' AD was at the Collegiate Duals in December of 2022 which took place in New Orleans. He seemed to be very engaged and talking to a lot of different wrestling-related people. Didn't appear to be a guy that was just invited there and hanging out for a few minutes, so I was hoping maybe that would be the case.
    5 points
  18. I'm not sure it's any harder to win as a true freshman than any other weight. There really aren't that many true freshman champs at any weight. Below are the number of true freshman champs at each weight since the weight class change in 1999. 125 - 1 (Lee) 133 - None 141 - 3 (Ware, Dake, Diakomihalis) 149 - 1 (Schlatter) 157 - None 165 - None 174 - 2 (Martin, Hall) 184 - None 197 - 2 (Cox, Ferrari) 285 - None
    5 points
  19. A few thoughts. First, I feel bad for the AIN athletes for Russia. Earl's article on the front page says that the boycott was a "unanimous vote" and that the invited athletes participated in it. But the time for the individual athletes to make that decision was two weeks ago. Several declined (mostly Belorussian, and one or two Russian), and the other 10 said yes. So basically all 10 of these athletes wanted to go, and now, obviously not wanting to spend the rest of their life in a Siberian labor camp, decided to "reconsider." Second, it isn't surprising. It never happened before because the AIN process had always been a rubber stamp. But now that the IOC actually decided to give a crap, and affirmatively refuse invites to people who are actively cheering on Russia's land-grabbing invasion, it creates a scenario where only athletes who steadfastly refuse to support their own government can participate. And if you're Putin, that's just not tenable. You can't have athletes actively trying to dissociate themselves from you. Better to ban them from going at all, lest it spark dissent against the warmongering regime. Third, all of this tells me the IOC, for once, got it right. Prior "bans" have been a JOKE, with there always being a de facto Russian team there, praising Putin as Putin praises them back. The AIN process was always supposed to be about the rights of the individual athletes, not Russia's rights, but Russia basically got to have a team in every way except in name. But done right, the AIN process can actually do some social good by incentivizing change. So while the boycott sucks for the AIN wrestlers, it tells them: either (a) stay in your country and cheerlead for its bad actions, and lose your right to compete, or (b) stay in your country and don't cheerlead, but realize your country may *still* not let you compete, incentivizing you and your supports to advocate for change in your country's behavior, or (c) find a better country, and compete there. Fourth, the question remains whether AIN selections will remain as rigorous for future UWW events. After all, many of these Russian athletes cleared the AIN hurdle for 2023 Worlds. What changed? Will UWW, when not being glared at by IOC, continue with its prior weak approval process, or will it have teeth? Does Sadulaev make a sudden return in 2025? Only if it has teeth going forward can the new AIN process have any effect. (My own guess is Trump wins in November, immediately cease all support for Ukraine, Ukraine is forced to capitulate and cede land, the war ends, the ban ends.) Fifth, all that said, it sucks we won't get to see the US wrestlers compete with Russia's best.
    5 points
  20. "Hey your best guys can't play because they support the evil invasion." "You can't fire me! I quit!" "That's fine. We already said no to the guys that mattered anyways, bro..." "BOYCOOOOOOOTTT!"
    5 points
  21. If your kid is losing and you're not assaulting either the ref or the opponent's dad, do you even really love your child?
    5 points
  22. Happy Independence Day, everyone. While we may disagree on many things, I think we can all agree we would not live anywhere else. Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. I'm firing up the grill, firing back the beers (OK, maybe some whiskey and mezcal too), before watching my son in law fire off the works. He went big last year, then got certified so he can go even bigger this year.
    5 points
  23. You know when else public perception existed that crime was high in America? Pretty much always. And when immigration would make it worse? Again, pretty much always. That feeling is heightened right now. As recently as 10 years ago we'd see news reports or TV media run stories that stated that immigrants were less likely to report being the victim of a crime out of fear of deportation and/or further crime being committed against them. The same goes for minority communities. "Stiches are for snitches" is a familiar axion to many. Before writing this post I read a story from 2014, just 10 years ago, stating that immigrants were 78 percent less likely to report crime when compared to US citizens. If this is true, then how can the public believe immigrants are somehow less likely to commit crime than US citizens? Especially when many of those immigrants are coming from the most dangerous places in the world. Most as are running from the crime there, but how many commit crime. Enough so that people intuitively know something is wrong. You have to make them believe it, right? And how does that work? You create a study and then cite that study as the gospel truth. Then you repeat it over and over and over again in unison. So you may cite a study as reported in the .org world but the public holds little trust in those studies when they don't comport with what they think makes common sense. This is why Europe is turning away from the hard left as they see it, and why it is happening here as well. This is not to say that our citizenry are all saints, no one believes that. The USA now has some of those most dangerous cities in the world. And what is going on with crime statistics in some of our cities? A number of things are happening. Since the defund the police movement came into vogue they had to make people believe the police were oppressors. They clearly are not, but anything to get power, right? In some cities they have created new categories to explain away deaths. One of those categories is "suspicious deaths". In Philadelphia an enterprising reporter went looking into those situations and came away believing most were homicides. Can't have people thinking there were too many homicides now. So overlay all the new crimes victimizing the citizens with the existing crime victimizing the citizens and people are going to feel less safe, and no study will change that. People feel unsafe in their gut. And what about the financial costs of all of this policy? The country can't afford it. Cities are cutting programs all over the place because of skyrocketing costs. As since you asked, the oil being depleted here in the USA is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. It stands at about one half of its high set during the last administration. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcsstus1&f=m This means that at the same time our Strategic Reserve was cut in half, literally in an effort to add supply to consumers, gas prices still rose about 50 percent. People feel this in their wallets. As for the currency, it is stable for now. But China and Japan buy far less of our debt these days. Trust in what we are doing here is dropping. Currency that is good doesn't go bad over night, it takes a lot of bad leadership to make it happen. Just as in Europe. in New Zealand, in Canada, people want change. They no longer trust the status quo as they feel it everywhere that something just isn't right.
    5 points
  24. I know reading comprehension can be hard, but I think if you go and read what I wrote again it doesn't say what you think it says. I never once said that sex of a person was made up. Rather, in the development of language (which in of itself can be considered a scientific field), humans developed different words in order to describe things hence created language. The creation of language doesn't superseded how we are genetically put together...aka, we are either male or female (99.9999999%). Now if you want to argue why we called it male or female, in addition to woman and man, sure, let's do that, pick any other two words besides man and woman to describe the two genetic geno- and phenotypes of humans in regards to their sex...should we pick pencil for males and erasers for females?? Go ahead three arrows...you can pick whatever two words you want in order to make yourself all warm and fuzzy at night...there there now....
    5 points
  25. Referring to Biden as honest and competent. Kudos to your humor.
    5 points
  26. Overruling Chevron doesn’t eliminate the agencies, it doesn’t give Congress the power to decide regulatory cases, it eliminates the deference given to agencies to write, prosecute, and judge their own laws. Congress will still write the laws, the agencies will investigate, and if controversy arises, the difference is that it can be adjudicated by jury trial. That’s the difference, instead of bureaucrats, you get a jury.
    5 points
  27. guys, we got a new member of the boards and he's a real sharp cookie.
    5 points
  28. I think this couldn't be farther from the truth. Davis was brought in to replace Evans (who left and, to my understanding, wanted out of the coaching world altogether), and Eustice was brought in to replace Neff (who left for a job at Bucknell). As Scubb said, 3-1 vs Army goes along ways. Additionally, they just had an All-American (first one since 2016), had another reach the bloodround (who returns), three more reach the round of 16 (one of which returns), and a T26 team finish (tied with Pitt, Indiana, and Lock Haven). They also had dual meet wins over Illinois & Pitt. I'd say for a service academy, this is a very successful season. Combine this with the athletes that transferred out/decommitted (Santaniello, Tallmadge, Rogotzke), I'd say the man is doing a pretty damn good job.
    5 points
  29. Honestly, with this being in Flo's backyard, they should White Knight this bitch. They won't. They should, though.
    5 points
  30. Everybody is getting what they deserve here. The AINs were the IOC's silly solution to the harder decision they wanted to avoid - whether to exclude an entire country from the Olympics due to non-sporting/political events, in this case Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Thus, the ridiculous concept of Russia and Belarus sending wrestlers to the Euro qualifier with a wink and a nod that they were from Russia and Belarus but wouldn't actually be representing Russia and Belarus. On the flip side, the AINs allowed Putin and Lukashenko to act like everything was normal and that they could send their best athletes with the assumption that would all be cleared after qualification. Then, Ukraine called the IOC's bluff and demanded Sadulaev's exclusion from the Euro qualifiers. I doubt Sadulaev is more or less invested in the invasion of Ukraine that any of the other Russian wrestlers despite his friendship with Kadyrov - the Chechen wrestlers seem to keep their focus close to home, and if Putin calls you probably respond because you don't want your family to be thrown off of the top of a skyscraper - but Ukraine knew they would put a spotlight on the issue with the callout for Sadulaev. So here we are. All of this nonsense when the easier decision would've been for the IOC to expel Russia years ago given the rampant state-supported doping program uncovered during the Sochi games - a ban that would've put the focus on the sporting competition and not world politics. How do people this stupid get to be in charge of anything? At the end, I hope Bey gets a shot at a quota.
    5 points
  31. Ive got a crew of five….+ three. The chaos has been the best job in the world (two years from the ‘finish line’’, although it’s never really finished) Everyone has their own way to celebrate, hope you all have a great one!
    5 points
  32. As we all know the left is in turmoil because they can't find a decent candidate to run against Trump, who is a pretty absurd figure. Why can't they? 1) All the momentum within the democratic party is on the extreme, economically moronic, oppressor/oppressed narrative is everything, utopian Marxist end. Any who catches that lightening is going to be DOA. No moderates allowed. 2) Because they are so far down the utopian rabbit hole, the democratic party hasn't elevated anyone who isn't willing to pass counterfactual purity tests to the point where they look like complete imbeciles. Why was the incompetent and ridiculous Kamala made VP? Because she's dumb enough to parrot anything. This is virtue in the democratic party. The right isn't much better, it has a significant problem with caring more about "owning the libs" than about actual policy, but its clear which side is more radicalized and potentially harmful.
    4 points
  33. @RockLobster is a clear idiot. Worse, is a clear idiot that loves to shout the idiocy to others. This thing still have an ignore function?
    4 points
  34. You actually bet that the secret service fired into the crowd. Ok. You really are making yourself the poster child of conspiracy crazy whack jobs.
    4 points
  35. I remember someone just the other day talking to someone else about needing to bring more substance and less name calling to their posting. I laughed then when I read it. Any idea who that was???
    4 points
  36. Here is a prime example of what everyone is talking about...including Husker...hammer didn't insult you in his post...he was stating what he believes (which is all true) and you do nothing but insult him. So quite with the multiple personality posting claiming you don't do what you do all the time...aka., see above.
    4 points
  37. Rock, can you please start debating topics/points and not calling everyone stupid? the ratio of you debating the subject:: ad hominens is overbearing.
    4 points
  38. Pat Downey Junior College champ (2015) 1x D1 AA (5th at 197 in 2016) Junior world silver in freestyle (2012) US senior open champ (2019) US World Team Member Freestyle 2019 Wins include Jared Haught, Drew Foster, Kenny Courts, Quentin Wright, Robert Hamlin, Sammy Brooks, Tyrell Todd, Tyler Caldwell, Josh Asper, Gabe Dean, Kyle Crutchmer, Brett Pfarr, Myles Martin, Nick Heflin, Joe Rau, Ethan Ramos, and Aaron Brooks. Most of those came in freestyle as he only wrestled 22 times over two seasons in NCAA competition. I'm pretty sure Downey has a bachelor's degree from ISU and an associates from ICCC. AJ Ferrari 1 x D1 AA (1st at 197 2021) Cadet World Bronze in Freestyle (2018) Ferrari's wins include Younger Bastida, Jake Woodley, Stephen Buchanan, Tanner Sloan, Jacob Warner, Myles Amine, and Nino Bonaccorsi. Those were all in NCAA competition and Ferrari didn't compete much more than Downey with only 30 NCAA matches over 2 seasons. Pretty sure Ferrari doesn't have a college degree. I'd say Downey has the both the better wrestling and academic accomplishments. Some might value Ferrari's NCAA title over Downey's freestyle accomplishments, but I am not among them. Academically Downey is the only one with a degree and he has two of them. He might also have some graduate coursework completed. These factors favor Downey. On the other hand Downey has the more extensive rap sheet. Probably was arrested at least 2x as many times as Ferrari. Whilst Ferrari has been successful in getting his criminal charges dropped and expunged Downey plead guilty to at least one of his assault charges in high school. Financially my impression is that Downey is perpetually broke and Ferrari makes decent money via his social media following. The wealth difference might also partially explain their relative success in defending their criminal charges. Overall these factors favor Ferrari.
    4 points
  39. Russia’s invasion was unprovoked. Israel’s was not.
    4 points
  40. Immigrants commit crimes at lower levels than citizens. You can always find an instance or three of someone in an ethnic group who commits a horrible crime, but to cast that on the whole group is, well, racist. Oil is depleted? The US is a net exporter of energy. What resources are depleted, compared to the rest of the world? Who disrespects our military, besides Trump ("losers" and "suckers")? Doomsday predictions about the US currency have been going around for, what, decades? Maybe there's a reason why that just doesn't happen.Violent crime in the US has been dropping for decades, and is as low as it has ever been. From Pew: You know what has gone up? Public perception of crime rates. Who is it that beats the drum about crime, especially by illegal immigrants? What needs to change? Stop drinking the Kool-Ade, and stop listening to media outlets that spew BS 24/7.
    4 points
  41. The agencies aren't going away. But the regulations that are challenged and shown not to comport with actual law will/may be going away. Big difference. mspart
    4 points
  42. 3-1 vs Army goes a long way at USNA
    4 points
  43. And I'm saying, having grown up in Wisconsin and being a UW Alum, there is no way they would let him in.
    4 points
  44. Basset wrestles like Gable's Hawkeyes not Brands' Hawkeyes.
    4 points
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