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Gus last won the day on July 26 2023

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  1. I’ve listened to enough FRL to know that this is not Askren’s take on this issue. He thinks kids that adequate size and skill level should not be held back. He thinks that kids that are not adequate size or skill level should be held back. He doesn’t really support a one size fits all approach but rather tailored to what he sees as best for each kid.
  2. Yeah, this guy is is definitely not joking at all.. He is 100% serious.
  3. For what it is worth Wrestles stat currently has PSU middle weights as 157- Kasak, 165- Haines, 174- Messenbrink, 184- Starocci.
  4. If they rolled Mirasola out at 197 they would likely get more than .5 points also.
  5. Yesterday, on my computer, the ads were abundant. Today, on my computer, the ads are back to normal.
  6. Looks like Cobe Siebrecht to SDSU is a go. Welcome aboard! Go jacks!
  7. His season ended last year with a concussion. That is when they pulled Ragusin's redshirt.
  8. NIL just started a couple of years ago.
  9. Brandon Meredith upgraded to Robbie Howard upgraded to Drew Hildabrandt upgraded to Gary Steen upgraded to Braeden Davis. It did not work out for those guys but they kept trying to roll someone new out there.
  10. Which they have always sought to upgrade.
  11. The fact that you have to go back 10 years and select a former AA in his sophmore year, R12 his junior year proves that PSU will seek to upgrade those spots not performing. The exception always prove the rule.
  12. Few and far between. This new era with the NIL really ramping up and the transfer portal being so accessible I highly doubt that PSU would not be looking to upgrade a spot like that.
  13. Here is a question to ponder… Does PSU keep guys in their lineup for multiple years that go 1-2 at NCAA’s?
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