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Interviewed_at_Weehawken last won the day on January 16

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  1. Agreed. It'll be somewhere between "We already knew this stuff" and "The government is still made of liars and/or hiding things!"
  2. I'm not sure how I feel about action against the cartels. I will leave that to people who are much more well-versed on this stuff than me. This bolded section seems laughable. Absolutely laughable. Basically by being a a huge part of the Mexican economy, they are highly visible. I seems very unlikely this could turn into much of a guerilla conflict, which has been the only type of conflict that we have struggled with in the past 60 years. If they decide to hide in the mountains or jungles, then there could be problems... but that would make it difficult for them to make money off their illegal activities. At least that is how it seems to me...
  3. No, because I have heard that Elon Musk is just a rich nazi that didn't earn his money and really has no technical skills whatsoever and really isn't that smart.
  4. He makes up a lot of stuff. " I know this guy who..."; "I was at this political demonstration when..."; "My daddy has been retained by this criminal illegal..."
  5. How do you know? And are you opposed to ethical hunting by trained firearms owners? And by "opposed" do you think its stupid or "cosplay?"
  6. Impossible. Minnow has stated with multiple posts and comments that Iowa is refusing to attend. Done deal.
  7. Hopefully not with the newer ruleset.
  8. You've got to be amazingly good as a team to win the Black Knight Open in recent years. Being a champ of that tournament should grant immediate legitimacy.
  9. You were starting to make sense until the last sentence.
  10. Sounds familiar...
  11. Rivera also beat Spencer Lee in college. Twice?
  12. Both.
  13. Rivera is/was pretty good! I'll be super happy if we get Olympic medals out of Mendez.
  14. Sounds like someone is lining their pockets! Could be a windfall for some attorneys in AZ!
  15. What are your thoughts on the 2nd amendment?
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