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Husker_Du last won the day on August 4

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  1. i think i smell desperation.
  2. on mobile i get 2 ads 1 banner ad on bottom. 1 video bottom right (which you can x out of) anyone have a different experience right now?
  3. we'll continue to look at mobile. that's too intrusive, i agree.
  4. We'll look in to mobile situation. If you could continue to give feedback on that experience, it would be appreciated.
  5. thanks guys. We'll look into it. i don't use anything other than desktop, so feedback from other devices is helpful. desktop seems fine to me.
  6. still the brain. i can just hear better now.
  7. UPDATE: (on desktop) there's one video ad bottom right. you can click it and it goes away (for as long as you're on that page). there's also a bottom banner ad that's permanent. THAT's IT. and that's the way it's staying. if anyone is experiencing something different i'm all ears.
  8. (on desktop) there's one video ad bottom right. you can click it and it goes away (for as long as you're on that page). there's also a bottom banner ad that's permanent. THAT's IT. and that's the way it's staying. if anyone is experiencing something different i'm all ears.
  9. (on desktop) there's one video ad bottom right. you can click it and it goes away (for as long as you're on that page). there's also a bottom banner ad that's permanent. THAT's IT. and that's the way it's staying. if anyone is experiencing something different i'm all ears.
  10. no. we can't go back. it will get worked out. billy, are you using your phone or computer?
  11. read the first post. i (we) aren't trying to place more ads (or make more money, for that matter). we had to change the service we use for placing ads. whole new vendor. might take a bit to tweak.
  12. of course. i'm an ad hater, too. just some kinks in a new service.
  13. Guys, we just changed ad service. we didn't 'turn up' frequency of ad placement or anything. i can understand your hatred of too many ads, but i promise you it's not on purpose. i want everyone to enjoy coming to the site. it's an entirely new service, so there's bound to be some tweaks. give @BobDole a moment to fine tune it. and continue to let us know here, what you're seeing (apparently we're all seeing different things). thank you.
  14. Guys, we just changed ad service. we didn't 'turn up' frequency of ad placement or anything. i can understand your hatred of too many ads, but i promise you it's not on purpose. i want everyone to enjoy coming to the site. it's an entirely new service, so there's bound to be some tweaks. give @BobDole a moment to fine tune it. and continue to let us know here, what you're seeing (apparently we're all seeing different things). thank you.
  15. Guys, we just changed ad service. we didn't 'turn up' frequency of ad placement or anything. i can understand your hatred of too many ads, but i promise you it's not on purpose. i want everyone to enjoy coming to the site. it's an entirely new service, so there's bound to be some tweaks. give @BobDole a moment to fine tune it. and continue to let us know here, what you're seeing (apparently we're all seeing different things). thank you.
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