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Husker_Du last won the day on January 2

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  1. awesome stuff WKN.
  2. lol
  3. my favorite part about this whole thing is that it's another glaring example - perhaps the most shining example - that democrats will go along with any freakin' thing their party tells them to. add 'massive government taxpayer waste' to the list of things the democrat constituency is willing to accept in the name of their party. they won't just accept it - they'll rage on message boards and social media, and college campuses to defend it. foreign waste of taxpayer funds! they're raging in defense of it! twisting themselves in knots! In prelude to this, there was a thread on these very boards at the inception of the concept of DOGE, in which our resident lefties told us it was unnecessary and stupid. And five months later, when the laundry list of insanity is exposed, they double down on it. buncha ideologues.
  4. it's funny that the same people that complain about when i post a tweet in here as a 'scource' are the same people claiming Elon Musk is making all these decisions b/c he tweets about them.
  5. Angelo has at least two and maybe three left. (3 if SS didn't count, and i don't think it did). McEnelly and Plott still on the docket.
  6. the match was not over. the period was. and there was a blood stoppage. the rule is stupid and the call was bad.
  7. link takes you to Harley-Kueter exchange in question.
  8. ok. that's fine. there's two different things. 1) the asinine waste these things fund and 2) the method to reverse that funding. the amount of dunderheads on the left that are still supporting/whitewashing the justification of this spending is nearly as incomprehensible as the funding itself - which was signed into law by dem pieces 'o sh!t
  9. fair enough. but there's one party rn that's trying to curtail some of it while the other is having a temper tantrum about something that shouldn't be partisan (or confusing)
  10. ok, yes, maybe not 'fraud' but it certainly is NOT simply ideological. it's massively worthless spending. worthless. do i really have to list them? or have you seen them? please tell me you've seen them. he's not 'unilaterally' doing anything. i am one of millions that voted hoping this stuff would happen, whether it's based on Elon's recommendation or any freakin' one's. dems allowed all this fraud/waste/garbage/bs to happen and fester out of control. including people like you. you (and your complicity, stupidity, and naivety) caused this stuff. but you still don't get it, and are lying and making excuses still till this day.
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