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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. I don't know about that. Hendrickson finished 2023 with pinfalls over Lucas Davison and Skinny Tony Cassioppi at NCAAs. I wasn't willing to look up the weights of anyone else, but I suspect the 25 pinfalls and 8 techs since then have been against a variety of shapes and sizes.
  2. Intermat's rankings on Iowa have really diverged from Flo's rankings this week. They are at a season high -10.9. As recently as January 21 Intermat had Iowa scoring more than Iowa. On the Oklahoma State side there is little disagreement as the spread between the two has never hit 3 points. Clearly, Iowa has the edge in a tournament structure at this point. But how do the dual lineups look using the average ranking of Intermat, Flo, and Wrestlestat? 5-5. It looks like it comes down to bonus points. And OSU does have Pinfalldrickson, so...
  3. Bartlett is #1 on Flo, also.
  4. As I said, I would have Bartlett #1. As for using just this season, you still need to prime this season with previous season results.
  5. I would guess WIN is basing it on 1 championship > 0 championships. I would have Bartlett #1 myself. And Flo drops some time tonight.
  6. That makes me sad
  7. Its Rutgers. https://rutgers.forums.rivals.com/threads/holy-smokes.285716/ You heard it here second.
  8. Nice. Thank you. It is interesting that when I googled it, the first NWCA article in the search results was the older version without the clarification.
  9. Iif you want a laugh read the HVI (PSU) and HR (Iowa) threads about the PSU/Iowa dual. Both fan bases think all the stalls on their guy was the reason Rivera should never ref again. Oh and he didn't call any stalls on the other guy.
  10. I have been a Rivera defender in the past, but that one was bad.
  11. @Jason Bryant says it is 76 in a row by the 1937 - 1951 Oklahoma State Cowboys (Wikipedia agrees). JB article The National Wrestling Coaches Association least year said it was 69 in a row by Oklahoma State (twice) and Iowa. NWCA article And Yesterday Flo's Andrew Spey said it was 70 without stating who holds the record (can you ask him who had the 70 and when @Jon_Kozak?). Flo match notes So does PSU already have the record? Or are they tied for the record? Or are they still 6 wins short of the record? P.S. This NCAA article would suggest JB is correct as the minimum stands at 73 using their annual results. Then the question becomes, why are the NWCA and Flo wrong?
  12. That is a hilariously bad take. Starocci had four takedowns against a guy on rollerskates. What about four takedowns is "without really trying to score"? What is Ruth supposed to do? Try to score. He was the only one not attempting to score.
  13. The way Intermat has handled this is Bartlett takes over #1 for beating #1. Flo has not always done it that way, I believe.
  14. Agreed. That reads way more harsh than I meant it to be. Apologies.
  15. Ya got me. But this was listed under at large criteria. So it can't be conference tourney champ, because those guys are auto qualifiers.
  16. You realize you are a nazi in that scenario, right?
  17. All the info I have provided? Oh yeah. I have earned more.
  18. We have a bunch of socialists in this thread. What happened to the wrestlers' belief that you get what you earn?
  19. Define rankings
  20. Perhaps to keep Ferrari happy
  21. It also says it needs to be completed by Jan 1. What I am unsure about is who the registration requirement applies to, the event or the school attending the event. The notes from the meeting suggest the budgetary impact is that schools will not have the added expense of sending athletes to something that had not been budgeted or planned for. Since these last chance events are "pop up" events, I imagine they are not on anyone's schedule. This makes me think they are targeting the events through the schools' registration of schedules rather than the event being registered. But I may be reading too much into that unclear wording.
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