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Caveira last won the day on November 23

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  1. Wonder how many of the blue city mayors play ball with Trump? I know in Chicago black residents are almost daily yelling at mayor Johnson in town halls and the like for forgetting about the people who essentially got him in office…. I hope I can bet on the next mayoral election lol cause I think there is a 0% chance he is re elected here is an unedited tik tok of Eric Adams from nyc blaming Biden/harris for 6.4 billion dollars of migrant related nonsense…. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYyp6uFV/
  2. Just gotta toss one in jail…. Then the others all fall in line pretty quickly.
  3. Sure Seems to identify as a him … I think it’s in every article I found so far https://www.them.us/story/layshia-clarendon-wnba-trans-interview
  4. Did they pay their debt yet? Pretty dishonorable no? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/1-billion-disaster-heres-what-fec-filings-show-about-harris-campaigns-3-month-spending-spree.amp
  5. Don’t forget Oprah and Whoopi’s and the view. And the jooooooyyyyyy. So much joy.
  6. If you say so. Sure is confusing though. Does this mean “men” can play in the wbba. Super confused.
  7. No need to be up in arms. Google is your friend. Let me help you Google. Are there any transgender dudes in the wnba. That will result in the answer of layshia. Another trick. You can click the tab labeled “images” and see pics of him if you’re so inclined. Apparently he made the all star team averaging like 7.x points per game or something in that area. I think he retired from the wnba. Not 100% sure to be honest.
  8. If you can’t admit the guy who deported the most humans in human history from the United States….. was wrong. you can’t say the guy who wants to deport equal or more is wrong. Just deport all the new people Biden let in. Case closed?
  9. Aaaah. You can only deport the new ones? Weird. I’m sure that was documented somehow when Obama deported more than any president ever. You still didn’t tell me why there are no negative consequences to Obama deporting more than anyone ever. But yet Trump is gonna ruin everything. if we can deport all the new ones. Can Trump just deport every single one Biden let in? They’re new no?
  10. You also didn’t answer what negative consequences came out of his mass deportations. Were they labeled far left at the time? Were they labeled racist? Were they anti American? is it just orange man bad fear?
  11. Or illegals.
  12. I was sort of half joking. I’m not on the Seth gross diet. I like me some Brussels sprouts. Asparagus. Broccoli. Green beans. Spinach etc. but I do eat red ish meat almost daily. The ish is pork chicken or lamb or other meat which may not be “red” but it’s still meat.
  13. ABC news wouldn’t lie would they? https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/obamas-deportation-policy-numbers/story?id=41715661 you might be right It says more than 2.5 million headline if you don’t wanna read it… maybe a 2 for 1 policy Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President
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