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Antitroll2828 last won the day on August 16

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  1. I’m pretty close to age with JB , I met him for the first time in high school warming up for states ,I’ve literally rooted for him (and other NJ guys) his entire career. I’m going to continue to root for him til he leaves those ugly shoes on the mat, all that being said I still think JB the person is a narcissist, it’s not personal he’s just loves JB some JB and I call that out when I see it and it annoys me how people act like he can do no wrong
  2. “The anti JB squad” …so anyone that disagrees with JB or doesn’t think he’s the goat is anti JB now? Seems like you re taking others opinions personal..I think he’s wrong with MM situation and I don’t think he’s goat but i still rooted for him at trials and will continue too at worlds , so does that make me team anti JB or pro JB
  3. Impossible, he ll never make another Olympic team and lacks the Olympic medals to be the “goat”
  4. I could lean either Bruce or John depending what criteria you want to lean towards more …John for winning 6 straight with 2 Olympic golds that’s the most dominating stretch in us history ..or Bruce for longevity, making so many teams , accumulating 13 medals ,including 4 Olympic medals including gold. And for the record I’d have JB at 3rd I honestly think he hurt his legacy but wrestling into his 30s , losing his weight class to Dake 2 Olympic cycles ago and dropping matches to atleast 4 different Americans in that time frame
  5. How are you the goat when you lost multiple times and had to bump up?
  6. If you want to talk about competition let’s talk about JBs competition for his titles at 79kg , definitely not the toughest thats his past 2 WT and I know he just made the team this year but I’m old enough to remember everyone saying Logan Steibers title wasnt legit bc it was an Olympic year WT
  7. Picture of the tweet is on the previous thread about JB /MM , also floats around the penn state forum from time to time …also he’s not Goat by any metric ,top 3 yes but John Smith and Bruce both have better arguments
  8. Always with the JB fanboying , ridiculous this dude is 35 yr old multiple time world and Olympic champ and who literally can’t help himself from being petty on instragram bc of a match with a 19 yr old 6 months ago where he did some dirty stuff and got booed by the drunk home team fans .. like grow up , and everyone always defending everything he does. He refers to himself as the “goat” for christs sake , gets petty with a fan base he’s messed with for years bc he believes everyone should respect him with no critique bc he won an Olympic gold 12 years ago ..this is a man who needed to tweet in 2016 that any fan who rooted against him at trials should be ashamed of themselves..for how great of an athlete he is he’s really thinned skinned and petty
  9. Yea only if Penn state agrees to go to Iowa and brands only does this in years the dual is supposed to be close , if they don’t think they’ll win they don’t do it
  10. Middle of wrestling country you mean and the schools only D1 sport , 2 hrs or less from NJ , an hr or so from Lehigh valley , and I’ve seen it implied a rich donor came in fixed the $$ issues maybe @Husker_Du has more clarity .it also has a very high acceptance rate compared to Davidson which has low acceptance numbers . In 2013 Bloom went 17-3 under Stutz and finished the year ranked #11 in the country with wins over #12 Pitt #15 Edinboro #20 Maryland and Arizona State so he knows what can be accomplished there opposed to Davidson who have never been good.
  11. Bloom was aggressively going after Michael Kemmerer and they were waiting awhile on a decision so when he declined this week they quickly pivioted to choice number Stutzman ,who obviously is going to take the head coaching job at school he’s had success over being an asst. at one of the worst schools in the country
  12. I see a lot of holier than thou takes on Williams , a lot of grown ass adults judging this kid but the reality is the kids father is in prison , his mother isn’t in his life and he doesn’t have much guidance , Coleman Scott and his wife were his support system last year and checked on him daily to try and keep him in line then after one year at school his support system is gone , I would bet 95 percent of you have no idea what’s it’s like to be 18 and have no parents to help you and no support system ( nevermind while wrestling D1 at one of the most prestigious programs in the sport) ,save your judgements and just hope this young man finds a place where he can get it right because the talent is there and he’s a great kid overall
  13. Not right away (long at first ,Ruth, the Alton’s could party) he made plenty of exceptions in his time at PSU , seems Taylor is jumping right into the Pat pop way of doing business
  14. I’ll be there all 3 days , haven’t gone since it was the garden and I don’t anticipate it ever being closer then Philly so can’t miss this one
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