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flyingcement last won the day on May 18

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  1. I had three severe grade three concussions in the span of a single year. I'm not sure if it was that, or the lead paint in the walls of my room, but I think my personality was forever changed after that. Concussion is a good reason for a break. As a devils advocate, it would be something that might be easy to fake for a medical forfeit if needed
  2. I can empathize with your situation. I used to be a die hard 76ers fan but have had a hard time stomaching them after their star refuses to get in good shape for the season, and when they lose in the playoffs, he blames other teammates, calling them out by name. I won't root for them until Joel Embiid is gone
  3. 125: Richard Figueroa 133: Lucas Byrd 141: Andrew Alirez 149: Ty Watters 157: Tyler Kasak 165: Mitchell Mesenbrink 174: Keegan O'Toole 184: Parker Keckeisen 197: Stephen Little 285: Wyatt Hendrickson
  4. This can be a catch-all thread for random thoughts. I heard a funny quote today that made me LOL: "The Western World is run by the mediocre children of accomplished people"
  5. I think I have the last three years, although in different formats. I need to come up for air from some things that people are expecting from me and I will package it together.
  6. I am sorry to be a duck, but I have only a couple years of transfer data and none of it is actually linked to results
  7. I guessed 177/184 but I it was just a hunch - probably wrong
  8. gotta be. none of these others have that level of rivalry
  9. I would favor Crookham in folkstyle right now
  10. In my opinion, the 50 was a bit much for a number of reasons: the Fed have the dual mandate of stable prices and full employment. these are both still within target range. although unemployment is trending upward, now with U3 at 4.2 in August, the Fed is trying to get ahead of that. inflation is not at risk of going far below target. in the Fed's view, 50 was needed. i would have started at 25. I also think its odd to be more aggressive so close to an election, given how many people conflate the economy with the part of the current president. I also think the forward guidance was way too dovish. As if to imply the neutral rate will be back closer to where it had been pre-pandemic. I don't buy that, barring some miraculous fiscal balancing act
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