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flyingcement last won the day on January 11

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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. is an inside joke or would you care to share?
  2. that's a bad look when they snap and spin, and your head is stuck to the mat from the moment of the snap without attempting to come back up
  3. Get your head up young man!
  4. Okay the major is all but guaranteed (IMO) for Buchanan at this point. if McDanel can avoid being teched or pinned, Nebraska could still win
  5. McDanel is engaging just enough to avoid the stalls. It's not a pretty style but I guess its wise in this case
  6. Buchanan Major and a Kueter decision would tie us up
  7. One of the most entertaining (not the most technically sound lol) matches of this year
  8. I hope not - but to be fair - I root for both of these guys individually
  9. Pinto gassing already - so much energy expended in the first
  10. To me - Minto has come out of nowhere. This is a marquee weight class. he didn't do a whole lot last year as a redshirt. Has had an incredible season. Did anyone expect this from him?
  11. That was entertaining
  12. Cardenas not doing a whole lot
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