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bnwtwg last won the day on January 27

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  1. Ahh my fault, I interpreted your second paragraph as Hodge rankings rather than p4p. I was wrong.
  2. Some random named Nate Jackson. I wonder whatever happened with him. Probably could have been a decent freestyler if he didn't quit wrestling after his freshman year.
  3. But in theory, Hodge is most dominant not best p4p. I recognize that is not how voting is conducted anymore, but that's the principle. I believe you are correct that Mesenbrink is consistently somewhere in the #3-5 p4p discussion but he is conducting the most dominant season thus far punctuated by the techfall of the #2 wrestler in the country. If he finishes with 100% bonus rate and continues to maintain or even improve his 92% early termination rate then I don't understand a rational argument to not award the Hodge to MM.
  4. MM will score more bonus points than he will have minutes spent on the mat in his finals match.
  5. The only scenario where Messinbrink doesn't get OW is if Starocci or Steveson is knocked off and the person who did the dethroning wins the tournament. That stupid energizer bunny lights up the scoreboard too much and only Keckeisen is in the same stratosphere when it comes to nattys bonus machines.
  6. Crazy stuff happens every year, might as well try to wade through the impending chaos 125 Lilledahl 133 Bailey 141 Alirez 149 Lovett 157 Shapiro 165 Messenbrink 174 Haines 184 Starocci 197 Surber 285 Steveson
  7. tl;dr Last Chance = good for world team, fargo, etc. but bad for NCAAs not oversimplifying in the slightest
  8. A tough but realistic question is what happens to the AWA pipeline if the Askrens move on to AWA? There are three outcomes (improve, maintain, decline) and the monkey's paw could curl if they move up to college wrestling, assuming Max is HC and Ben is asst or RTC.
  9. There it is folks: get wrist control on Focus and you control the match. Like turning a steering wheel.
  10. Steveson lets Kerk stay close. I will die on this hill among the other molehills I will also succumb to.
  11. Thank goodness for the fairytale ending. Eggum correctly held the challenge brick when Steveson should have been awarded amplitude instead of step out 1 but was fully in control, both that match and the entire Olympic tourney to that point. But if Steveson lost after the gut ride from hell because he didn't get the final takedown and Eggum didn't challenge 4 vs 1, well hoooo budddyyyy....
  12. Doesn't even include that was the beginning of the new generation taking over - Parris beat Gwiz in the offseason when the RTC cards put the wrestling community on their back.
  13. This is where I volunteer and run for So it pains me to say that after what went down with Natalie's dog, I am separating the art from the artist and saying that Mesenbrink is "My Girl" and should win the Hodge as long as he wins out. Terminator on another level at his weight class. Of course, if KOT stayed or MM bumped up (and don't get me started if Carr was around another year after last year's attempted Patrick Mahomes level of ref jobbing for PSU...)
  14. Honestly I have trouble mixing up all the bald guys who get spladled
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