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  1. Past hour
  2. Are you talking about school enrollment (from your previous post- "Schools that have trouble filling enrollment aren't great places to go to school") or are you talking about wrestling roster size?
  3. Just understand that is Arizona time. All times for US - Eastern are three (3) hours different. Meaning 9:15 AM is 12:15 AM, 2:00 AM is 5:00 AM, etc.
  4. Here is a good one for all of wrestling... https://x.com/jesss152/status/1816119729595245029?t=b3oJtXDgJ_wawLh3_UzM1A&s=19
  5. ... and even now... again, with the news. Aaron Brooks, STILL... does not lift. And now... news for wombats! D3
  6. My point exactly. Break dancing is among the worst examples.
  7. Yes, it’s absurd. Of course they can coach. Why else would so many great recruits choose then? Hammerlock just has a personal dislike for Tom Ryan. Simple as that.
  8. Today
  9. https://www.tribdem.com/news/former-wrestlers-raising-funds-for-legendary-pitt-johnstown-coachs-family/article_4fd927a2-4b8f-11ef-8012-ef0b08c31c31.html?fbclid=IwY2xjawER0Q1leHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHeNuxD3AIeb2OhVGZeHr1_SPjdwYT2UKXQMAySoe-f6Af4ZjROveL_VUSg_aem_xi43Uvo26O2paeknBzBQPw
  10. Will redahirts be considered rostered wrestlers? '25-'26 season could be painful. Many will need to cut 20+ wrestlers from teams in addition to the number of new recruits brought in. Many of the class of '24 and '25 may have their offers recinded due to the roster caps. Back up upperclassmen could be a thing of the past. Club teams may get a big boost from Jr's and Srs on campus finishing degrees who love the sport but are cut to reach roster limits. Maybe club teams could become JV squads. Stash some wrestlers on a club squad until they develop or a need arises on varsity. Will "practice squad" members be allowed? Could wrestlers be pulled up and added to the roster from club teams or "practice squads" if wrestlers get injured or quit/dismissed?
  11. Ched64 sez... Sherlock Holmes would retire trying to solve this riddle but I tried my best Take that Thursday & Friday off and park yourself in front of your device(s). (I am.) D3
  12. I have three spare bedrooms and a den, we can negotiate.
  13. Had you heard of or watched the breaking.
  14. I'm in. Discounts on AB&B accommodations?
  15. I hear we have some top grill master's on the team, and it should be a clean sweep for team USA.
  16. I’ve been told the trials are being held in South Florida…
  17. Just watched one of the new Olympic non sports called breaking. This is nuts. Next they are going to have a lawn mowing competition, shrub trimming competition and of course my favorite cooking on the grill competition.
  18. How many wrestlers did the opening ceremonies? So far I've seen Paris and Lee. I know how it felt to walk into the parade of champions at our state tournament... I cannot imagine passing on the Olympics...but maybe I'm weird.
  19. Oh it’s coming. That sport is exploding
  20. I didn't see any debris from the video either... but the FBI investigation revealed bits of metal debris on the stage. So, you may be unsure what to believe. Your eyes viewing an internet video the FBI's forensic investigation team's findings after nearly a week of investigation and interviews with hundreds of eyewitnesses. I'm leaning pretty heavily toward the FBI on this one.
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