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BruceyB last won the day on February 16

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  1. Which was the first? I might have to see if I can find it.
  2. I agree, but how awesome would it be to watch Bouzakis at 125?
  3. And most likely bonuses are on OKST's side.
  4. Mendez is a small 41 pounder. He would be at a massive disadvantage against the likes of SVN and Henson at 149. FWIW, CP thinks Bouzakis goes down to 125 next year and stays. I have no idea if he has heard rumblings or not, but it seems like an odd take if he hasn't.
  5. Relative to who others will be losing after this season, I actually think OKST could be better next year. But that depends on what Coach Taylor wants to do with the elite incoming recruiting class. But their line-up could be something along the lines of.. 125: Spratley 133: McComas/Sakamoto 141: Hughes 149: Jamison 157: Travis/Routledge 165: Lockett 174: TBD (transfer?) 184: Thompson 197: Merrill 285: Doucet
  6. Zeke has done an incredible job at ASU. They were probably the best team on the west coast in the last 20 years before the Sunkist money went away and Iowa poached their top 2 wrestlers. If Figs, Parco, Teemer, and Schultz were still on that roster, this conversation wouldn't be happening. Not to mention Larkin. IMO the biggest concern is the amount of injuries that occur under his watch. It could be coincidence, but ASU has been ravaged by injuries for several years now.
  7. You realize Zahid is trying to win the 2028 Olympics, no?
  8. All good. It can be hard to tell the difference between jokes and bad takes around these parts.
  9. Care to wager? Edit: I will take on all wagers regarding this matter.
  10. Strong opinion. You see the match ranging from a decision to a pin? For the record, being skinny is not a beneficial trait when wrestling Hendrickson. That usually winds up with counting lights.
  11. You're absolutely correct. Assuming the line-ups feature all 20 regular starters, it would require a very unexpected upset for this dual to not end up 5-5.
  12. I understand, I was just attempting to make a joke after Whalen and Paniro removed themselves from the conversation.
  13. I was only referring to the final stall call, where Starocci was not looking to score, but actually looking to stall Ruth out. Starocci knew the match situation and pushed, and took "activity" shots to earn the final stall warning without truly attempting to score. Otherwise, he probably would have scored another takedown like he had shown the ability to do all match. However, I disagree that Ruth was on roller-skates, unless you want to agree that Carter made him wear them. He just couldn't handle Starocci's forward pressure, but I felt like he at least attempted to hold some ground, he just was unable. It's hard to look to score when getting pushed backwards and being dominated in the hand fight. When Carter wants to take ground and push, no one has shown an ability to stop him. This is the tactic he used for the majority of the match against Keckeisen, and Keck was pushed around the mat as well. I find it hard to fault Ruth's effort in that last sequence. I didn't say the call was wrong, but I don't know what else Ruth was supposed to do other than have the ability to not cede ground.
  14. Meh. Starocci engaged his classic underhook, drive forward, feign knee pick even though it's no where close and earn the stall. He was pushing without really trying to score. Other than not get underhooked, I don't really know what Ruth is supposed to do. He seemed to be giving relative effort to circle, but couldn't out-circle Starocci's pushing. Regardless, it wasn't competitive.
  15. Well, it looks like our discourse may not have been necessary at all. Jordan William's will probably win the PAC title at this point and eliminate the rest of the competitors from this discussion.
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