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WrestlingRasta last won the day on October 10

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  1. This was like the bible to a whole lot of sheep. woops.
  2. I read that the words deny, defend, and depose, were written on the shell casings. Someone got ***ducked** by the insurance company....
  3. Hence “with the end date having now passed”
  4. Or…ten years. With the end date having now passed. But hey, silly details.
  5. 1) I would have to ask you to tell a story of when I got “bent out of shape”. 2) I’ve never denied this ‘TDS’ idea. I just laugh at those individuals that slobber of Hunter, or Joe, or Kamala non stop in thread after thread, but then claim ‘TDS’ to any negative comment, fact or fiction, about Trump. You are…supposedly…big on hypocrisy. You should understand.
  6. This is going to be a fun read. The popcorn is already poppin.
  7. Ditto. (But I wasn’t joking)
  8. Spent yesterday being thankful for last years holiday season.
  9. Except that I’m not reading tea leaves, I’m reading your written words. No wiggles waggles will change those words otherwise…..they’re there. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
  10. Are you okay?
  11. We can also go back through the history and see where you are quick to jump on and vilify certain liars any chance you get, but are also just as quick to give this guy a pass and defend him at every turn, even though he is one of the worst liars in politics and his lies have a history of leading to violence. But he’s okay. Thats hero status characteristics. We could also go back through the history of just this thread, and see where you took the practice of ripping people off, not paying financial obligations so he can maintain and increase wealth while victimizing others…and called him genius. That’s hero status characteristics. We could also look through the history of this thread and see where I didn’t say anything about worship. You did. In fact you did to the depth of typing it multiple times, and feeling the need to defend yourself against it in more than one post, even though worship was never mentioned by anyone but you. Psychologists would have a field day with that fact, and it is another hero status characteristic. But it’s okay. We all have heroes. We just all have different qualities by which we choose them.
  12. That’s a really long detailed explanation, kinda like when MVP came out and tried to explain Tyson/Paul wasn’t rigged.
  13. No. And my statement was not made based on who he voted for. You’re just jumping to that assumption. Why you are just jumping to that assumption is for you to work with.
  14. He is definitely of hero status to you and many others on here. That is blatantly obvious.
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