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BigRedFan last won the day on March 20 2023

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  1. For someone who claims to not be politically obsessed, you were certainly quick to turn this thread political. As for the "real world," I'm retired and ride my bike outdoors six or seven days per week, from 20 to 100 miles at a time. You should change your info sources, as you are seriously misinformed. Oh, Barron Trump is now attending NYU (that's New York University). So Trump, despite his BS about crime-ridden cities (which you seem to have bought hook, line, and sinker), feels okay about that city. If you had a child that was accepted at a school in Boston (say, Harvard), or Philly (say, Penn), or Chicago (say, Univ. of Chicago), or the Bay Area (say, Stanford), or Houston (say, Rice), or any number of other "blue" cities, you'd be an idiot to not be thrilled for your kid to attend. (By the way, NYC's homicide rate is 4.8/100,000; Florida is 7.2/100,000, for example. NYC's homicide rate is lower than all but a handful of *states*, and far lower than most of the "red" states. As of 2022: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm)
  2. Can you tell us in what city Barron Trump (you know, Donald's son) just started college? Thanks.
  3. Cornell: insane. Cornell Anthony Knox 4 Saint John Vianney NJ 125/133 Cornell Sergio Vega 12 Sunnyside AZ 141/149 Cornell Isaiah Cortez 16 Gilroy CA 125/133 Cornell Alessio Perentin 19 Delbarton NJ 174 Cornell Adrian DeJesus 25 DePaul NJ 133/141 Cornell Elijah Cortez 38 Gilroy CA 133/141 Cornell Rocco Dellagatta 66 St. Joes Regional Montvale NJ 285 Does not include Elijah Diakomihalis (U17 World bronze medalist).
  4. IIRC, Gabe Dean went from a 3/1/1/2 NCAA record at Cornell to <checks notes> not winning another match at Penn State. Definitely didn't improve at PSU. Sad!
  5. She's 20 years old. She's already won eight (8) world titles at various age group tournaments. From her Wikipedia entry: Cadet, three junior, two U23, and two world titles.
  6. If you go to the sport-specific page on Peacock, you can select a future event (like tomorrow at 12:15 for the W68kg final), and add to "My Stuff". Then you can easily find what you want.
  7. It's not a refusal to engage: it is an impossible task against Elor, who when her career is finished will be acknowledged as the greatest US wrestler in history.
  8. Have you ever wondered why Israel is considered part of Europe for the soccer World Cup, and all the surrounding countries (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine) are considered part of Asia?
  9. He/she bought into the mockrage that erupted when conservatives in the US misinterpreted a presentation (by drag queens) of the Feast of Dionysus (you know, an ancient Greek festival, like the Olympics) as a depiction of da Vinci's Last Supper (an Italian painting). Perfectly understandable.
  10. I have no inside knowledge, but Cornell currently shows 43 members on their 2024-25 roster (12 freshmen, 11 sophs, 9 juniors, 11 seniors). A quick scan shows Lehigh (yes, I know it is not an Ivy) with 42. Penn with 29. A number of the freshmen are not names I recognize as having been highly recruited.
  11. So, is the Ivy League the only conference who has not had a team removed from consideration?
  12. Then there's that thing (which actually caused the exclusion of some of the Russian wrestlers, and not the mere fact of the Ukraine invasion) about athletes publicly speaking in support of the invasion of Ukraine.
  13. Immigrants commit crimes at lower levels than citizens. You can always find an instance or three of someone in an ethnic group who commits a horrible crime, but to cast that on the whole group is, well, racist. Oil is depleted? The US is a net exporter of energy. What resources are depleted, compared to the rest of the world? Who disrespects our military, besides Trump ("losers" and "suckers")? Doomsday predictions about the US currency have been going around for, what, decades? Maybe there's a reason why that just doesn't happen.Violent crime in the US has been dropping for decades, and is as low as it has ever been. From Pew: You know what has gone up? Public perception of crime rates. Who is it that beats the drum about crime, especially by illegal immigrants? What needs to change? Stop drinking the Kool-Ade, and stop listening to media outlets that spew BS 24/7.
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