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BigRedFan last won the day on March 20 2023

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  1. So, is the Ivy League the only conference who has not had a team removed from consideration?
  2. Then there's that thing (which actually caused the exclusion of some of the Russian wrestlers, and not the mere fact of the Ukraine invasion) about athletes publicly speaking in support of the invasion of Ukraine.
  3. Immigrants commit crimes at lower levels than citizens. You can always find an instance or three of someone in an ethnic group who commits a horrible crime, but to cast that on the whole group is, well, racist. Oil is depleted? The US is a net exporter of energy. What resources are depleted, compared to the rest of the world? Who disrespects our military, besides Trump ("losers" and "suckers")? Doomsday predictions about the US currency have been going around for, what, decades? Maybe there's a reason why that just doesn't happen.Violent crime in the US has been dropping for decades, and is as low as it has ever been. From Pew: You know what has gone up? Public perception of crime rates. Who is it that beats the drum about crime, especially by illegal immigrants? What needs to change? Stop drinking the Kool-Ade, and stop listening to media outlets that spew BS 24/7.
  4. Remember this truism about Trump and his supporters: "Every accusation is a confession"
  5. In the women's pole vault, Brynn King passes *two* heights, and on her first attempt at a height she'd never made clears the bar, sets a PR, meets the Olympic standard, and moves from eighth place to third place and makes the Olympic team.
  6. You are asking for logic and/or reasoning from people who pay cash dollars for t-shirts with this picture and the tagline "Never Surrender", when the photo is from when he actually surrendered? From a group with a website "catholics4trump" that supports the most non-Catholic human being and belittles the second *actual* Catholic President? Good luck with that.
  7. That sure is some tasty Kool-Aid you folks are drinking.
  8. The Philadelphia Inquirer eds said that Trump should drop out. Time to switch subscriptions!
  9. That was what the individual event streams were for: put the camera on the discus ring or the long jump runway(s) and stream it. That doesn't seem to be a problem for, say, women's gymnastics.
  10. Peacock devoted entire streams to each of the other events. You could watch every discus throw, every shot put, every long jump (which was a great competition, with the top 4-5 changing almost every jump on the sixth round). Just remember that the viewers are the product, not the competition.
  11. You win. No mocking. He was waving his arms around to insult him, as one usually does, but not in imitation of the disabled reporter's physical condition.
  12. No, it is not fair. He *mocked* a disabled person. That is quite different than "insulting" a disabled person. Are you denying that he mocked the reporter? Your defense of his behavior, in the face of clear evidence to the contrary, is telling. Why are you trying to defend the indefensible?
  13. Did I say anything about "targeting"? We are saying (and you are denying) that he mocked this disabled reporter. This video is pretty clear that he is mocking the named reporter. Are you going to deny what we can all see?
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