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BigRedFan last won the day on March 20 2023

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Jeez, another Anthony Knox, Jr. thread. Oh, never mind.
  2. Temple and Rutgers law degrees, actually. I think the Judge got his degrees from University of Dayton.
  3. That was the claim, but it never happened. He was entered in various open tournaments, and listed as possible in some duals, but...zippo.
  4. Yeah, batting .1 is halfway to the Mendoza line.
  5. Also correct.
  6. Correct.
  7. Of course, they met three times. Here's the last one (in which Arujau was finally healthy for the first time all year):
  8. It's remarkable how the "He's 19!" thing was repeated all over the place, as if it were accepted as fact.
  9. There've been a few of them (IIRC, Josh Saunders trained at the OTC in Colorado or something like that), including non-Cornell recruits. They are the rarity, for obvious reasons.
  10. Only Shapiro and Yianni have been true freshmen in the recent past. A number of reasons to grey shirt, including using a year to get to a higher level of D1 wrestling and/or getting better academically (not all greyshirts are actually yet accepted!).
  11. Causation and correlation and all that, you know.
  12. I think the ask is if the police would have not charged him if Knox had not challenged the suspension. One would hope that criminal charging would be based on the facts of the incident, and not on the later attitude of the accused.
  13. Only available is the Presidential Suite at $519/night... (I'm staying 40 minutes away at my cousin's house)
  14. For the All-Jewish team, you got Meyer Shapiro, Jonathon Loew, and half a dozen Finesilvers. I got nothing beyond that.
  15. In that match, Shapiro ran out of space at :30 to get the reversal, and then escaped at 1:00. He then rode the entire third period, so not much gassing there. In their third match (3rd place match at NCAAs), Cardenas rode him for about :27 in the third period before cutting him. No more scoring in the last 1:30, so either both or neither of them had gassing issues.
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