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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2024 in all areas

  1. I've got Amit Elor on my list. She beat two world champs in her four matches.
    4 points
  2. The ones that I really feel sorry for are the wrestlers for Johnson-Wales in Rhode Island, home to one of the best culinary schools in the country. Probably the only program that worries about their HWT making weight.
    3 points
  3. for the kids who are pictured on the right hand side of this forum, who have just signed up to be miserable and malnourished for the next 4-5 years of their lives? I was young and dumb and thought I would win NCAAs and got smacked down by reality, just as most of these guys will. Poor guys. Don't tell em.
    2 points
  4. Totes. This is where I’m at. I would love to understand freestyle better. The emotional appeals (with zero backing data) are a bit much. If freestyle is about two athletes and a ref competing together, then that’s what it is lol A par terre clock makes a lot of sense to my folkstyle-influenced brain
    2 points
  5. Rivera put it really eloquently in his bronze medal, post match interview. "I find peace in the sacrifice"
    2 points
  6. Granted, Walz made a mistake by saying he was in a war. This was a lie. It was 6 years ago. Meanwhile, Trump makes several lies every single time he makes a speech. Nobody complains about that. And he and Vance never served their countries at all. In fact, Trump purposely evaded any type of military service during the Vietnam War. Thank you Governor Walz for your 23 years of military service. Definitely more brave than being grazed by a bullet in the ear.
    2 points
  7. No one says Walz was wrong to serve his country. His service is admirable. 24 years is a long time. Walz was wrong to say he retired at a rank he did not retire at. Walz is wrong when he said he carried arms in war. Those two things are what Trump and Vance are critical of. They have never said Walz should not have served or that his service was bad. mspart
    2 points
  8. Getting rid of Biden was a coup per the #2 definition. It was not unconstitutional as the Constitution does not define how candidates for the Presidency are nominated. The different parties have those rules. Were the nomination rules of the D party broken by the change in the nomination process? Yes. Biden was the clear winner of the Primaries yet was pushed out because of fear he would lose and cause other D candidates to lose. He has said so himself. Harris has not even given a press conference since at least 3 weeks ago. She cannot logically defend what has happened and will not do any interviews or press conferences. The D party runs primaries in all of the states and the overall winner of those primaries is the nominee. That is Biden by the voice of the people. Harris has been nominated, not by the voice of the people, but of the party delegates and leaders. In effect, the D party has produced an undemocratically chosen candidate if they go with anyone but Biden. Democracy isn't safe unless the Ds win is a lie. Democracy is already not safe because of the Ds. Examples: 1. Trying to keep Trump off of the ballot and not allowing the voters the right to vote (CO and ME). 2. Trying to keep RFK Jr off the state ballots (happening here in WA as well as other states) 3. Ds kicking the choice of the people off the ticket (Biden) and giving that mantle to Harris (not one person voted for her to be nominated). The voice of the people means nothing. 4. As another example, a couple of liberal orgs sued the WA sec of state for not counting signatures properly for 4 citizen initiatives. The initiatives were legally processed. This was a case of trying to keep them from being voted on by the people. Interestingly, these orgs and their leaders all are donors to the current WA AG and current Governor candidate Bob Ferguson. Ferguson, nor anyone else, told the organizers of this effort. Ferguson was obligated to argue for the initiatives but was personally opposed to them AND has accepted money from those that brought the lawsuit. Rather than recuse himself, he kept it under wraps. A reporter found out just before the WA Supreme Court ruled unanimously against the plaintiffs. The reporter asked for comment from the initiative backer. He had no comment as this was the first he had heard of it. This happened last Friday. This was an attempted coup of the initiatives on the sly and not allowing the main org that moved them forward to have a say in the defense. This was an attempt at voter suppression. This was not saving democracy for all of us, but attempting to shut down dissent before the Initiatives could be voted on by the people. https://lynnwoodtimes.com/2024/08/10/initiatives-240810/ Democracy certainly is at stake with those in power exercising such control over the processes. Democracy is certainly at stake when those in power deny due process and make obvious censorship efforts. That ladies and gentlemen is what the D party has provided. What happened to Biden was a coup per the second definition. mspart
    2 points
  9. I don't care about him and his recruiting and that is why I am constantly checking in to see what he is doing
    2 points
  10. Yes, exactly. Instead of resorting to insults, you could say: “Drinking bleach as a cure for cancer is dangerous and incorrect. Please consult reliable medical sources for accurate information.” Then, ignore the person spreading harmful advice. Darwin’s law wins.
    2 points
  11. None of us are truly objective. It's unattainable. The best we can do is acknowledge it and accept that our aligned ideology is neither absolute truth. I myself have grown from the young libertarian who acknowledges the need for stop signs.
    2 points
  12. Problem is that 99% of us don't have time to truly and objectdively vet out what is accurate vs inaccurate. So, it's a nice concept, but in reality it doesn't get done and most of these people just believe what they choose to believe and reinforce their confirmation bias.
    2 points
  13. To answer your direct question. No. We had a nice thread started by Rasta, people asked direct questions and recieved direct answers, no left winger crap.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Bucknell, Virginia and Wyoming removed today. As it stands those still listed are: Air Force, American, Arizona State, Clarion, Cornell, Iowa, Iowa State, Lehigh, Little Rock, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, NC State, Nebraska, North Carolina, Northern Iowa, Ohio State, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Oregon State, Penn, Penn State, Pitt-Johnstown, Pittsburgh, Princeton, Rutgers, Stanford, Virginia Tech, Wisconsin.
    2 points
  16. Someone's in extra whackadoodle mode this morning...
    2 points
  17. The self-denial associated with weight loss is a complicated personality trait and (thankfully) many people simply are not emotionally ready to buy-into it. I was one of the extreme weight cutters n HS and college; it wore me out by the time I was done with the sport. But I do remember guys on my teams who couldn't (or wouldn't) engage in significant weight loss and at the time, I felt as though they simply didn't have the "commitment" to the sport or the team that I had; I thought less of them as a competitor/teammate. With the benefit of time and perspective I can now better see the error of my thinking. The absolute worst thing about our sport is (excessive) weight loss.
    2 points
  18. Am I the only one that is dumber for trying to understand transfers and grad transfers? Can any prominent wrestling persona contact the NCAA and have a representative come on a podcast or similar and explain transfer rules like we are all in the 5th grade? Is a definitive answer and understanding too much to ask?
    2 points
  19. Lopez for me. Career accomplishment is insane - 5 gold medals!
    2 points
  20. John Stutzman named Associate HC at Davidson, and Alan Clothier as assistant coach. Rumors seem to be Kemerer likely to be head coach at Bloomsburg
    2 points
  21. Have to feel bad for Glazier. It wasn't enough to bring in Ferrari, now they bring in Buchannon. They must really hate Glazier.
    2 points
  22. Day 1 Amouzad (literally made Zain and musuakev look like they were nowhere near his level I dont think he can function on 2 day weigh ins at 65kg any longer he needs to go up) Zhamolov (the quarterfinal fiasco was terrible I sort of throw out the valiev match though just because they are both elite and have been wrestling each other often for a decade so that match was always going to be weird but he just absolutely dismantled Kadi and Takatani as well as beat salk rather comfortably a guy who had previously had his number) Mijan (no reason in my mind he could not win 6 people just cannot move him or handle his par tear) Azarpira (if he gets a gas tank I dont think anyone is beating him hes only 22) Kiyooka (best leg attacks to a lace out of anyone in the tournament regardless of weight) Ramazonov (not because I think he was even the best guy at his weight or even the second-best guy but this man really had no business medaling here his best result in a big tournament prior was silver at 79kg at the euros in 2020 and he did the damn thing regardless of yaz's health or brooks mental lapse he took advantage of the opportunity)
    1 point
  23. Ummmmm, Facts??? This statement reminds me of a leadership conference I went to, and walked out of when the following statement was made: Facts are not real, feelings are real.
    1 point
  24. Yes, there’s clear right-wing hypocrisy. Trump often lies, and while he faces criticism for it, many people (this forum, right wingers, etc.) question his character. His draft dodging is also a valid criticism, but he didn’t run on his military record, so it’s a separate issue. Walz made a commitment to serve, knowing he might face combat. Retiring when faced with that possibility and the exaggerations about his service for political gain complicate things. His criticism is about both his decision to leave and the misleading claims about his service. While Trump’s draft dodging is a separate known issue, Walz’s situation involves new public awareness to his retirement controversy and his misleading military experience statements. Each deserves its own attention, but understanding both helps explain why Walz is facing current criticism.
    1 point
  25. Don't waste your time with your nonsense sites - that's all BS. Especially the 'superior' crap you keep pushing... in the US we don't believe in superior people. We're all equal. Your buddies are now posting that "Tim Walz withdraws", so dumb, you guys keep getting crazier. The only site that is open, honest, and without BS is right here: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/fact-checking-attacks-on-walzs-military-record-by-vance-and-other-republicans (Yes, it's the same one I've posted a few times, and the same one that NOBODY has responded to. Pussies.)
    1 point
  26. What the hell happened on Twitter tonight? 40 minute wait, 30 minutes of techno before Trump comes on slurring his words while saying Kamala Harris on the cover of Time looks like Melania Trump. Apparently these should be on the Separated at Birth thread. Then Musk doubles down by claiming the delay was a denial of service attack while there are suggestions that is not true. https://www.theverge.com/2024/8/12/24219121/donald-trump-elon-musk-interview-x-twitter-crashes
    1 point
  27. The people who create these social forums/platforms should be locked up. Cage em in the Zoo I say!
    1 point
  28. Social media is still very new and ever evolving. What would Intermat's role be if someone starting falsely posting on here using your real name that you were a pedo? Would you want it censored or just let it go even though it was false information? At what point should a person be censored for spreading false information on this website? People who post what you said have very little comprehension of the affects of spreading false information. There always becomes a point in which the information on social media needs to be censored. Everyone wants this fantasy of freedom of speech until it affects them personally.
    1 point
  29. Rather than confronting the uncomfortable situation directly, Scourge and others attempt to shift the focus from Walz to Trump and Vance. Deflecting is a childish response; an adult can face issues head-on. It's valid to criticize Trump and Vance, but first, have the courage to acknowledge and address the criticisms of Walz.
    1 point
  30. This year was extremely sumo-y. Obviously coaches, teams and styles will adapt to aim for low hanging fruit, it has really judo-fied wrestling a lot in terms of the start stop nature. Not a good thing. Wrestlers who can push well can get into medal matches, which is dumb. Rules now mandate points be put on the board, and they get there, but the product is getting diluted. They really need to bring back ties and overtime. Criteria blows.
    1 point
  31. Very successful Iranian cycle. Congrats. Great people at the wrestling level. Dedicated athletes and fans. Pleasure to watch
    1 point
  32. is dake not being afraid why guys get to his legs so easy?
    1 point
  33. lol tell me how the continuation rule works i will start with parris' match against the mongol
    1 point
  34. Freestyle is easier to understand and is much better wrestling than folk stall. Folk stall is anti wrestling.
    1 point
  35. No, you’re on target. Any peace-time warrior who denigrates a Marine combat correspondent (they carry rifles) who served in combat deserves doubt. They also make the kind of NCOs that discourage the retention of the good guys. He is correct in that the personnel run the gamut of morality, though in my experience there were only a few bad ones. The Army being so large, they variably offer lower commitment enlistments and higher bonuses. I was told all enlistments are for six years, but can consist of two years active, two years active reserve, and two years inactive reserve, or; three years active and three years inactive reserve, or; four years active and two years inactive reserve.
    1 point
  36. Yes, even Reuters with their policy of taking a "value-neutral approach"... 8/13: "Rambling Trump, Musk interview marred by tech issues" Problem: bias and subjectivity in article title word choice, and the title misleads on the article content Problem: article has bias in the coverage of Harris, selective framing, lack of nuance... Reuters normally does a good job... but not always. Same with the AP.
    1 point
    1 point
  38. I don't understand this move from a long term success perspective. Wouldn't endowing the RTC with mucho dinero yield greater ROI?
    1 point
  39. I dont always engage in critical thinking But when I do I use red viking as my source Keep reflecting my friends.
    1 point
  40. The only rule that folkstyle needs to add is to count a neutral exposure as 4 points. Once you get exposure points, you are considered to be in the top position. If you end up on bottom after the scramble, your opponent gets a 2 point reversal. 1. The first result would be significantly more neutral throws (because you have the potential to get 4 regardless of the outcome and then backpoints if you keep your oponent in a danger position). I am talking about bringing us back to 80s style wrestling with Randy Lewis, Louden Swain. Folkstyle wrestling today is not the folkstyle wrestling of the 80s, and we have lost a lot because of it! Go watch NCAA matches from the 80s, while Lunatic Fringe is playing in the background, and tell me that the sport we have today remotely compares to that. 2. The second result would be exciting counters by defensive wrestlers in response to shots. This would end the boring folkstyle counters that involve rolling around on your own back to force a stalemate. Instead, we would have just as many scrambles, but they would inevitably lead to more points and more action! 3. The last result is that our athletes would be forced to have significantly better technique. A lot of folkstyle wrestlers shoot in on legs and hold on, either to stall or to try to force stalling calls. We even saw Aaron Brooks try to do this at the end of his semifinal match. That is not good wrestling! Good wrestling is you shoot, you score. Like Otoguro's low single. John Smith invented the low single, but Otoguro's low single was better than any U.S. wrestler that I have seen since Smith. The reason is that folkstyle in its current form does not punish you for failing to finish your shots! Folkstyle fans, I am not trying to take away your precious top/bottom wrestling or riding time! Let's just make the sport more exciting by encouraging more throws and better technique!
    1 point
  41. The average age of Olympic medalists has been increasing over the past three cycles. one of the reasons is that it is more lucrative to compete today. Athletes weren’t necessarily over the hill before.
    1 point
  42. I added a meal between breakfast and brunch. Maybe that could help?
    1 point
  43. I think we should be as good or better than Iran, but worse than Russia. I think the performance was a slight underperformance. I’ve seen people say if you go person by person it’s about what should have been expected which is fair, but I would say the fact that no one won gold was disappointing because they pretty much all had a chance to (except for maybe Zain). You could make the argument that “the US should be the best!” for pretty much every sport. I think the answer for why we shouldn’t is earnings potential of the athletes. Let’s be honest, the top overall athletes are going to play football, basketball or baseball because they can make millions. Whereas in Russia it seems some of the country’s best athletes are wrestlers.
    1 point
  44. Free speech absolutist suing people who don’t advertise on his website lmao make it make sense
    1 point
  45. Maybe he's moving for safety reasons. The Safety Manager where I worked gave the staff a presentation documenting that most serious car accidents occurred within a 25 mile radius of home. So, several of us sold our houses and moved.
    1 point
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