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  1. LOL...he didn't pull out of any debate? Name the date and time of the debate he pulled out of?? Didn't think you could. I'll repeat again because some of you like to accuse people of things that aren't true...I do not like Trump....but I hate when people spew false things just because of political reasons...all his campaign said is he will wait until after the DNC. Which seems like a logic thing to say.
  2. LOL..."They are getting scared"...crack me up
  3. And just as sickening was the amount of Humas flags being waved around and all the graffiti supporting Humas. And yet none of them will be held accountable...unbelievable!
  4. I love watching the swimming events at the Olympics. Back in the day I had a guy who reported to me whose son won an Olympic gold medal in one of the swimming relays at the Sydney Olympics...was cool to see the medal up close.
  5. LOL...ganging up on poor Rock Lobster....yep it's not you it's everyone else. psst....here is a little hint...it may be you...
  6. Do you ever wonder how some people actually get through life?
  7. She should be upset at Humas is the point. I know you don't understand that because you support them, but the hatred and anger should be pointed at them. Also, she is a sitting member in the congress for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It is sad and terrible if she does in fact have family over in Palestine, but again, she should put her energy and efforts towards getting Humas eradicated and her family out of there...not hating on one of the biggest allies of the country she was elected to support and defend.
  8. LOL...you took the time to write this?? You are just saying words now....I can assume it is because at some point I got under your skin and hurt your fragile tiny little ego. Don't worry...the pain, embarrassment, sadness, will go away eventually.
  9. LOL...you telling me I am misunderstanding a problem is rich...by the way, my opinion and what I said stands on it's own, I couldn't' give two rats behinds what you THINK it should be. Anyway, if you need to think everyone thinks about their vote like you do go ahead...hopefully it gives you your warm and fuzzy's and you can sleep better at night in your tent at some college protest encampment than go ahead...it isn't going to change the way I think.
  10. Surprised no comments on Israel's Prime Minister (can't spell the guys name) addressing congress? I have seen bits and pieces...liked how he had a strong message and reiterated how we are allies and should be a united front. Didn't like one of the squad members holding up little signs...not sure how a member of congress can be so against arguably one of the strongest allies of the US, which they are supposed to represent...but considering who it is I am not surprised.
  11. Funny you mention this isn't kindergarten, yet you are acting like you are in it. Did I ever say "deal breaker"?? No! People can, and have, voted for a president and didn't necessarily like the VP!! But the mental gymnastics you two are playing to say "Well if you voted for the president you have to like the VP because you shouldn't have voted for them if you don't because the VP could be President." If your two simple minds work that way...good for you two...enjoy your life. But to say your mind is boggled because people have a way more involved thought process than that, says way more about you than the person you are boggled by.
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