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Jimmy Cinnabon

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NCAA Champion

NCAA Champion (13/14)

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  1. This will impact Iowa since they maintain the largest roster in D-1
  2. But the topic is overall performance - NCAA wrestling + grades. Any Ivy league wrestlers perform very well on the mat and in the class room? Would Meyer Shapiro be the best bet?
  3. He finished 2nd at 157 this year and achieved a 4.0 GPA. Impressive.
  4. If he goes to Iowa, he will be compared to Spencer. Lead the program, become the face of the program and win 4 NCAAs individual titles. I think if he goes anywhere else expectations will be lower but he will still expected to be a 4x AA and multi-time champ. Realistic?
  5. Coleman is a PA boy and still has family there. Would love to see him hired at NLWC to work with lightweights.
  6. There are a lot of Title IX issues. Plus Iowa has already cornered the market. No one else can compete with a roster loaded with 3 Olympians.
  7. Yup, they are even more talent dense than the Penn State men's team.
  8. And arguably the best wrestling team in Iowa City. Will the women's team start to overshadow the men's team if the Lady Hawkeyes continue their streak of landing ALL the top recruits and winning all the NCAA titles?
  9. He plans to not coach for another 15 years? That's a long time to be out of the sport if he expects to come back.
  10. I obviously don't know for sure if he's blacklisted but the fact that he's still unemployed in any wrestling capacity seems very odd to be given his credentials and background. Why would he suddenly become a salesman if he has all these great wrestling coach opportunities?
  11. Yeah but usually leaving for a new job doesn’t mean you’re essentially blacklisted forever from the industry. Scott went from D1 head coach to out of the sport entirely.
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