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NCAA Qualifier (11/14)

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  1. Great match. Great competitors, A lot of fun to watch. All good all around.
  2. As I said, you're not wrong. But, realistically, if we're going to discuss strategy after the fact - riding harder would be a good idea.
  3. You're not wrong. But, IMO, the neutral position seems the best way to settle it in OT.
  4. These are a couple of Minnesota guys who met in a state championship match in high school. Crazy.
  5. If you have access to B1G+ (or others), it's worth it to watch a few more of his matches. Highly recommended.
  6. If you're smoking something off the Schedule 1 menu.
  7. We can meet halfway. At least the IDK part of your post is true.
  8. Substance? Carrot top? wtf? You're kind of like the Oompa Loompa of not being able to see above your nose. I called you out on your ongoing BS above - "Posted Wednesday at 09:23 PM" That's the one where your post was BS, and you were a babbling idiot (which is at least consistent.) You're certainly a dim bulb - 25% at best. Dopes like you keep posting with no substance, then singing the 'you have no substance' tune. You're pathetic.
  9. It's the one on the right, the one where you put in 100% effort to honestly discuss. If you choose to do less, you'll keep posting like one of the dim bulbs. Not a good choice.
  10. But you're wrong. It is accurate. "Forbidden terms" is, indeed, a level of censorship. And this is exactly the type of thing that is getting people laid off and fired from federal work at this very moment. You can argue that "it doesn't rise to the same level" as other countries - but that is dependent on your perspective and personal opinion, as well as the pre-existing conditions prior to this censorship change. It's all relative, and there is no concrete comparison between what we are seeing in the US vs other countries. One other mistake you made. ICE is well known for detaining (and worse) US citizens. As they are known for detaining (and worse) non-criminal aliens. Your claim that ICE is only policing "criminal aliens" is 100% inaccurate.
  11. Here's the sequence of posts for review: Nobody said "everyone is doing" it except you. You missed the point entirely. Pay attention, read before you post, give it some effort - or you'll keep looking like a babbling idiot. Like everything else, if you're going to do it - it's worth it to put in some effort and try to do it right.
  12. Everybody that is doing that. If you can eat with a spoon by yourself, read the thread yourself and identify them yourself.
  13. Well, that's just plain not nice. You should really aim to be nicer than that. Even if you're posting from a garbage-hole country.
  14. "Forbidden terms" is so straight out of a communist country like Russia, NK, or China that I find it difficult to wrap my head around the fact that it is in the US and coming from the Trump administration. I have visions of black vans driving around picking offenders up in the middle of the night, never to be seen again. That is routinely done in the aforementioned communist countries. Which is even more crazy because ICE already does exactly that in the US - without legitimate due process, and with little pushback from citizens. We're coming up on Super Bowl LIX soon - we'll have maybe a couple hundred million tuning in and watching. But the purposeful erosion of freedom in America? All we'll hear is crickets.
  15. Perhaps some posters here have been indulging in the top shelf spirits more tonight than usual. (As opposed to the lower shelf stuff some of the NWT folks tend to imbibe on a more regular basis.) Doesn't really matter. We came together to have a good time. To quibble, to squawk, to piss, and to moan. IMO, there isn't much more we can ask for than that. It's been a good night of wrestling.
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