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The Kid

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  1. Why? Israel had occupied Gaza for over 70 years. Now they want to kill every Paladtian there. Israel has bombed Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. Why do they get a free pass NATO violated the peace treaty with Russia, the Minsk Accords. Russia doesn't want NATO on their border with nuclear missiles. Just like we wouldn't want Russian nukes in Mexico and Canada. But yeah, Putin is going to take over Europe. You believe this US propaganda? HOW MANY LIES WILL YOU ACCEPT AS TRUTH?
  2. However, no israeli's are banned due to their invasion and genocide in Palestine. But, yeah. Russia is bad. israel is God. They must exterminate their opposition.
  3. Well, the writing is on the wall. Can you read it? Wrestling is dead in the PSAC. Clarion, Bloom. Lock Haven, and Edinboro are on life support. The plug may be getting pulled soon. What a shame. I'm glad to lived through the good times. They are long gone for the PSAC
  4. Is cardboard allowed for head spins?
  5. It's not only a rules violation, it is class A sexual felony in most jurisdictions.
  6. He is a very articulate young man. His quotes and quips will be regarded in the highest esteem amongst all the greats. "I'd spit in his face" "Wipe your ass with that money"
  7. So I'd you're proud of your country and culture, you're no good?
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