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jross last won the day on January 29

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  1. The mission and leadership communication.
  2. I'll join the very large group of people willing to pay $10 per egg to eat popcorn and enjoy "win" after "win" after "win." DOGE is out there delivering a three piece and soda. Super Necessary.
  3. Watch the video and form your own opinion. Trump explicitly states that Palestinians should not return to Gaza after its reconstruction at: 6:59 - 7:09: Here, he says, "The only reason, the Palestinians want to go back to Gaza is they have no alternative. It's right now, a demolition site." 7:27 - 7:32: He continues, "They instead can occupy all of a beautiful area with homes and safety and they can live out their lives in peace and Harmony instead of having to go back and do it again." Trump says the area will be better for Palestinians, but not just for them. 38:13 - 38:25: He says, "I envision a world people living there. The world's people. I think you'll make that into an international unbelievable place. I think the potential and the Gaza Strip is unbelievable. and I think the entire world represent from all over the world will be there and they'll and they'll live there Palestinians also Palestinians will live there, Many people will live there..." 39:08 - 39:26: Trump reiterates, "destroyed that live there now can live in peace in a much better situation because they're living in hell. And those people will now be able to live in peace. We'll make sure that it's done. world class, it'll be wonderful for the people. Palestinians. Palestinians, mostly we're talking about..." Trump also talks about the peace it will bring. Its a tough one. The world wants peace and this will bring it. But what does Palestine want? What about International Law?
  4. I've noticed that in my engineering industry, above-average women tend to advance more quickly than their male counterparts. I believe this is due to diversity quotas aiming to mirror the general population's gender ratio. The industry has a stark gender imbalance, with roughly 15 men for every woman, yet women seem to be promoted at a rate of 10 to 1 compared to men. This observation leads me to encourage my daughter to pursue engineering, highlighting its bright future, broad opportunities, good pay, and the additional advantage her gender provides in this field. Well maybe I did experience it, but I choose not to believe it. Amazon head hunted me and I went through "overviews" with other candidates that were all non-white males. I went through 8 interviews and felt that I aced the interview. Obviously I did not because they told me I was not "technical" and recommended me for a non technical job. During the process, I immediately noticed I was the minority in the candidate pool and amongst those that interviewed me, with exception to the bartender. One thought that cross my mind was that I didn't fit the quota. Even though I've won "architect" of the year for a large company, I reflected that I must not have answered with enough technical detail in the open ended behavior questions. I also declined to relocate to Austin, TX.
  5. When people claim that "merit" hiring will only benefit white male Aryans, it suggests they don't believe minorities can earn top jobs on their own merits. That's the real racism.
  6. Full match posted but x does not allow embedding the tweet. https://x.com/FloWrestling/status/1887174032631406685
  7. I don't know how the displaced Palestinians could afford luxury homes. It would be a different class from the surrounding areas that move in. It would have a positive impact in reducing violence in the area while displacing the OG.
  8. The first 90 seconds was not aired. I don't know how Lee scored the 6, so I imagine it was a take down and two guts. RBY scored a step out on a single leg and I think the later TD was a go behind. Lee did a better job than I expected with defending the quickness of RBY.
  9. I have never witnessed any of my employers, nor have I, chosen one candidate over another candidate because of their demographic information. However, I did interview a minority demographic for a DBA position that didn't know what SQL and Tables were. What is the equivalent here? An electrician that doesn't know wiring... A chef that doesn't know how to use a knife... A mechanic that doesn't know how to use a wrench... In the military it means that you lower the physical standards so that more women are considered. Women? I am biased. Heavily biased. Give me a middle-aged woman any day for project management. Super productive compared to any other demographic I've routinely worked with. Disjointed thoughts there
  10. She/He won. Nuh uh. Stop with the sucker's choice. Both Canada and the USA won on parts of this.
  11. Nah. Church: Voluntary. Government: Mandatory. Both exploit, cover up scandals, misinform, corrupt, dogmatic control, abuse power... One impacts everyone negatively and one impacts those that opt-in.
  12. It’s different worlds. Many people in that RV world on reddit.
  13. This is why home school has grown.
  14. that’s a girl that I’ve seen be on the wrong side of arguments lately, but I believe her on this. that is an incomplete framing from the government about a win. it is also inaccurate to say that Trump got rolled. The Canadian citizens are talking about how screwed they are in this trade war, and it’s only a 30 day pause. we need to wait and see what it occurs. The leverage is there…
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