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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Dissapointing ... I only opened this thread to see the First Coaches' Rank
  2. So lions would have limited success on this forum?
  3. I live in a terrible place, please don't come to visit.
  4. Seay came from this Cal State Bakersfield and ^^^ this ^^ guy ... no idea. You only have room other options.
  5. Roderick and Smith came straight from international Olympic competition. I don't remember on Chesbro but don't believe he was an assistant. Want to try again?
  6. Has OSU ever in its storied history hired an assistant to be head coach?
  7. Is the mom pregnant again?
  8. Has @nhs67 confirmed availability for the touring dates?
  9. I've had people tell me that Ohio St football fans are the worse fans ever. I've never had a problem with their wrestling fans.
  10. One of my all time favs too.
  11. ... sure you did ...
  12. I know its a year later but can I still get one? Tri please.
  13. You Sir are a steely-eyed music & poem man!
  14. We've been through this many times now. 2.5
  15. Who? This was actually done (not for your reasons) last dual against AF and they won 165.
  16. That wasn't the question.
  17. Believe that is the Jimmy Plan.
  18. We can agree to disagree on the definition of normal. I'd say one is less abnormal than the other two but the family is not normal.
  19. I'm sure there's a chart or diagram.
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