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BobDole last won the day on November 9 2023

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. I thought Republicans liked calling people names, you know Brandon, Sleeping Joe, Crooked Joe, Groomers, Libtards and so on. I guess I must have been thinking of a different Republican party, I blame it on my age.
  2. Unfortunately for you I'll lurk here for a while.
  3. I only lurk on this side due to all the racist, homophone, inbred hillbillies that post in this section. It is enlightening to see all the likeminded cousin lovers unite and support their dear leader Trump.
  4. Typical racist, homophobe, Trump supporting Republican who regurgitates everything they see without any context. When you haven't left your bubble of racist inbred hillbillies you would never know who Harris is addressing in this manner. Just so you don't have to do any research, this was a group of disability advocates with many that are blind. It is customary when talking with a group such as this to introduce yourself in that manner. It is called respect, just like when you meet your cousin/uncle, you ask how your sister is.
  5. I thought the same thing with them doing this in college this year. I was wondering if there would be a lot of challenges both ways trying to get a point or get one taken off. However, I did not see any and there were honestly very few 3 counts as most were 2 or 4 with little to no complaints.
  6. Maybe Notre Dame's football coach has a say since his sons are wrestlers and pretty good at it on top of that.
  7. As posted earlier 2019- Freshman 2020- Sophomore 2021- Free year 2022- Junior 2023- Redshirt 2024- Olympic Redshirt 2025- ???
  8. You can go ahead and say those magical words. You were right senator.
  9. Medical and normal redshirts are basically retroactively applied after the season and it is determined you meet the specific criteria. I would assume to a certain degree Olympic redshirts are applied in a similar way.
  10. I'm not privy to the process to declare an Olympic redshirt with deadlines and such, but if he was teasing a comeback this past season he could come back this coming year.
  11. Are you sure? 2019- Freshman 2020- Sophomore 2021- Free year 2022- Junior 2023- Redshirt 2024- Olympic Redshirt 2025- ???
  12. Even if Coleman got an AHC job he would likely be gone as soon as a solid head coaching job opened up. He'll be the first name that pops up on any job opening until he gets with another top tier program. The thing you have to wonder about is how are the wrestlers taking this? You think the staff is going to have minimal changes, then they pull this on you and you aren't sure who will be coming back.
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