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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2024 in all areas
4 points
First off, why is it that if anyone ever criticizes trump the first place you go is "you must love biden". i never mentioned the guy at all. the mental gymnastics you guys go through to excuse the guys behavior never ceases to amaze me. you had an excuse for everything and most of them were "but but but biden". you idiots are exhausting.3 points
You are asking for logic and/or reasoning from people who pay cash dollars for t-shirts with this picture and the tagline "Never Surrender", when the photo is from when he actually surrendered? From a group with a website "catholics4trump" that supports the most non-Catholic human being and belittles the second *actual* Catholic President? Good luck with that.3 points
You do realize most universities can't do that correct? Only @flyingcement can give a rock solid guarantee.2 points
Overruling Chevron doesn’t eliminate the agencies, it doesn’t give Congress the power to decide regulatory cases, it eliminates the deference given to agencies to write, prosecute, and judge their own laws. Congress will still write the laws, the agencies will investigate, and if controversy arises, the difference is that it can be adjudicated by jury trial. That’s the difference, instead of bureaucrats, you get a jury.2 points
The agencies aren't going away. But the regulations that are challenged and shown not to comport with actual law will/may be going away. Big difference. mspart2 points
“The President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official,” Roberts wrote. “The President is not above the law. But under our system of separated powers, the President may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for his official acts.” Doesn't sound a absolute. If you are referencing other text then please quote so we can see the qualifying language associated with the immunity.2 points
Braves, So what you are saying is that Congress doesn't know what they are doing so the administrative state, who supposedly does know what they are doing, has to create law that Congress never authorized. That is exactly what SCOTUS objected to. mspart2 points
2 points
The Supreme Court didn’t change anything, they simply published what has been understood since the beginning, at least until FJB and Merrick Garland took office. Weaponizing the justice system to attack your political rival is unconstitutional. Officials acting officially are protected, officials acting corruptly are not. Nothing about this part of the ruling is new or improved over what has been practiced for centuries. What got my attention, made me say: “Wow!” was the part by Clarence Thomas. He wrote: "If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed, it must be conducted by someone authorized to do so by the American people." Indicating that Jack Smith is not legally qualified to prosecute this case.2 points
2 points
Not if he already had the immunity and it didn't increase size of govt. We had one President before and one President after. No one has yet created a new Department of Immunity.2 points
Remember this truism about Trump and his supporters: "Every accusation is a confession"2 points
LOL...you guys crack me up. Glad once again most of you can't have a civil conversation and would rather use the extreme emotional rhetoric instead. This DOES NOT mean we are back to a monarchy system, it DOES NOT mean Biden can kill Trump, nor will Trump assassinate anyone. Honestly I am torn based on how I understand it. I'd like to know more about what an "official act" is and/or isn't.2 points
2 points
Super excited to be back in a monarchy system again, and on the week of July 4th! All Hail the Leader and his many wise and unassailable "official acts"!2 points
My Jackrabbits are still on the list so.... love him for now.2 points
2 points
i'm just encouraged they changed the narrative at all. i thought cnn was gonna say biden won.2 points
It’s a nice thought but a 174lber Haines would break him in half and O’Toole is a better version of Sasso. Better at everything, and not nearly as counter-dependent. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/why-does-the-media-ignore-hamas-crimes-against-palestinians-opinion/ar-BB1paDP8?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=4f1ed57a2aaf45f182f9cc6580a74068&ei=532 points
Of the 4 listed at the top, I vote for Burley....4 time finalist, 2 time champ and was very exciting, especially vs. Randy Lewis....epic battles. Also, although not a big deal Milkovich's last year was 1976.2 points
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Not exactly. They argued that it depended on the circumstances. A technicality, perhaps. But still less strong an argument than a blanket "is an official act."1 point
You, "Looks like SCOTUS got this one right this morning. Stick that in your ear self-loathers. " Also you, "if you keep about talking politics you're a clown and hateful".1 point
Trump's lawyers explicitly argued that a political assassination is an "official act."1 point
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Proven to be the third best in the five (6) team ACC.1 point
I know he intends to try and make the team at 61kg I feel like starting at 141 and growing into 149 would be a good move for him as for Beau man if that's who you mean by 174, I almost feel like he's going to have to be an 86kg guy come 2024 his frame is huge unless he stays super skinny like wick forever.1 point
really? where does trump mention his policies in this quote? "He's not a war hero, he's a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured, okay? I hate to tell you." or this one? " When McCain died, in August 2018, Trump told his senior staff, according to three sources with direct knowledge of this event, ‘We’re not going to support that loser’s funeral,’ and he became furious, according to witnesses, when he saw flags lowered to half-staff. ‘What the f--- are we doing that for? Guy was a f---ing loser,’ the president told aides."1 point
Yeah, there’s still time to wax and wane. In the meantime, a tip of the hat for Dean Phillips.1 point
Stupid question, but guess that can be expected considering the source. Female and male are defined by the chromosomal DNA, and that subsequently determines their phenotype (that means physical appearance dumb dumb). Subsequently, A LONG TIME ago societies developed words to describe females as women and males as men.1 point
Being that he has Olympic aspirations, you would expect him to navigate to a weight that lines up better for that. 133, 149 (fight me, folks), and 174lbs do not lend themselves toward those goals.1 point
I think Michigan could make sense of having both. Would need to shuffle some guys around, but college weight trainers can work wonders with that sort of thing. Especially those with the money like Michigan.1 point
if that was true and philadelphia inquirer was the thought leader for a political movement you would have a point (but on not planet is this funny)1 point
Good thing the Japs and krauts did not think of this during WWII. Maybe we would not have waved them in. Biden would have.1 point
Haha....it really doesn't really mean much to your argument. He did his damage for 3 1/2 years and they protected him. Their job is done and completed. Now they have to abandon him and put the pressure on for him to drop out because they know if he doesn't he will lose the election.1 point
yeah but can scott switch his accent back? goodell has a really raspy voice thats gonna be hard to imitate.1 point
Imagine if he came back and won it all at 174lbs, beating O'Toole and Haines in the process.1 point
So you think Biden is somehow better human than Trump? Trump cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star? Says the porn star, who blackmailed Trump! Biden cheated on his wife too with a married woman. Says who? Jill's at the time husband! Trump banned certain religions from entering our country? No, factually incorrect. He banned ppl from certain countries from entering our country that were predominantly Muslim. Not all muslin countries and not all Muslims. He also banned ppl from China which is not Muslim. Agree or disagree with the ban, but it was not a Muslim ban. Pushed a "stolen, rigged election? That is a talking point. There were so many irregularities MANY rational people would call it stolen or rigged. (But courts said... we all saw what courts can do in the case against Trump in the misclassification campaign contribution vs legal expense case). Mathematical impossibilities of some of the overnight vote imports and so many more. "Find votes" is not a call to change votes or anything nefarious. Simply, find illegal votes counted, votes not counted, miscalculated tabulation, or whatever. Scrutinize everything to find enough to restore Trump's lead is not asking anyone to cheat. "Find votes" is not a call to cheat. It is a call to seek out; discover. "sent his craziest followers to the capitol to off the vice president and speaker," I think his speech was just the opposite "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Read the entire speech here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial&ved=2ahUKEwjp2-CUkYSHAxV4SzABHaCzCFMQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1nh4XqvOD0-jD-nwRjXzm5 withheld funds to an ally, to investigate... ? that is rich. Biden's famous "Son of B" they fired him" to stop the investigation into the company his son was on the BOD. One was an impeachable offense and one was a nothing burger??1 point
Peacock devoted entire streams to each of the other events. You could watch every discus throw, every shot put, every long jump (which was a great competition, with the top 4-5 changing almost every jump on the sixth round). Just remember that the viewers are the product, not the competition.1 point
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I don’t think he’s being disrespectful. I feel like he’s going out of his way to be respectful, by not actually naming the schools he’s taking off the list and just saying “these are my top schools” Elliott has had some other good ones in the past too. and yes this really happened:1 point
PSU should do this too - each week come out with a list of all the HS kids they're not going to recruit. Week 1 can be everyone who is 2nd or 3rd string on their HS team or went winless last season.1 point
1 point
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