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Lipdrag last won the day on September 27 2024

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  1. I am OK with this. Boys will be boys . . . and other than boys. And they can compete against each other. Everyone still gets to play.
  2. We found the CheapFake the KJP kept harping about. We all knew it was lying about here somewhere.
  3. I am willing to bet that the facilities are not in this 80% increase. I am sure no where near 80% increased teacher pay. The bulk of the increase went to additional administrators, consultants, etc. Still, I would be very surprised if any individual teacher has less buying power than he/she did 10 years ago at the gross pay level. If their net take home pay is lower due to tax rate increases, union dues, and benefit cost increases then that is the fault of how they vote and I cannot be persuaded to feel bad for them. Of course, any individual teacher's pay will increase with seniority in addition to the annual increases they get. Nevertheless, I would even be surpised if the payscale/ladder now buys less than the one 10 years ago. Capital projects are handled via local millages vs. the state school funding pot of money. If we added in the facilities upgrades then the increases are significantly higher. If someone can show me Oregon and Washington are including capital improvement millages paid by the locals in each school district in their property taxes in their analysis in addition to operating funding providedd on a per/pupil basis by the state then I will take back my statement.
  4. The dems and media and all who want to control the narrative talk about mis-information and dis-information. I now think we can dub all that DOGE is revealing as mis-spending (things not helpful to current and future Americans) and, even more sinister, dis-spending (things actually harmful to current and future Americans). A balanced budget amendment and the line item veto are desperately needed to protect us from Congress - and to protect Congress from itself. And the DOGE function is desperately needed to protect us from the Deep State "interpreting" the best use of vague Congressional funding direction. IGs, Congressional Budget Offices, Waste/Fraud/and Abuse lines, Whistleblowers, and other foxes watching the henhouse have spectacularly failed serving the American citizens.
  5. Great show. Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers. Whatever you do don't drive like my brother. And their credits at the end. Their lawyers: Dewey Cheetam, and Howe. Their statician: Marge Innovera.
  6. AND Republicans. This is not on the Dems exclusively. This is on every politician sent to Washington in the past 50 years or more. Every damn one. And it is on the media for not being our watchdogs and reporting about all of this nonsense. For our colleague whose defense is "it isn't fraud": It might not be fraud in the legal sense of the word but it also was not anything those who want it would advertise and exclaim proudly to all the American people that they were doing with our federal budget - 30% of which is borrowed and payable by our grandchildren. Democracy dies in darkness exclaims the banner on one of our countries "main" newspapers. That particular newspaper was part of the vast network casting the shawdows creating all of the darkness aroiund USAID and the soon be revealed other government mis-spending of my money and my grandchildren's future earnings.
  7. Some of my colleagues who work in our German locations were the most Greenie happy people in the world. They were all over sustainable everything and touting how perfect the world would be with the Green Miracle economy. Now physics and reality seem to have hit them square in the face and they are realizing they've been hoaxed. They are not happy. Elections have consequences. Choose wisely. The copied comments below are translated from German:
  8. Well, 51% of Congress and 4th grade judges better start lining up and defending/refunding (i.e. funding again) all of these things or get the FBI to start arresting and charging all of the illegals doing illegal things. Otherwise, they are legal. Let's call it . . . prosecutorial discretion. Soros' prosecutors are very good at discretioning what are and are not crimes regardless of the laws passed by legislatures so the new kids on the block can start discretioning constitutional crimes. Ultimately, the populace passes judgment at the ballot box - unless Russian pee stories and lap top hoaxes sway our electorate again.
  9. New rockets and tunnels. That's what they are good at and know best.
  10. I'm sure you are wrong. Every fiber of the schools is infused with leftistisms. Whether they feel the right or not they cannot help it. It is in their bones up to and above their eyes. Their unconscious bias comes out in every single way on every single day. The only balance to the hyper-leftie educators is the school board - IF the community elects a board that represents them AND IF the board will impose its will on the school leadership. Both rarely happen. Bring school of choice vouchers which follow the kids and then the education mafia will be neutered.
  11. Even with 0% funding increase scores should be going up. I am expected to be more productive and effective at my job every year. More/better output with the same input. Educators must be doing the same. You must be a better teacher each year. Administration must be causing educational attainment to go up by more than the cost of their own salary. Not should. MUST.
  12. Sounds like a “ Jesus can’t swim” type response.
  13. The idea of windmills and dreamcatchers facing the sun as energy sources are not new. In fact, they are some of the oldest technologies in capturing/converting energy from one form to another. The issue is that they are not nor ever will be efficient and effective. Therefore, the free wind and free sun rays cost more than the other energy sources. This is not news. It is physics. You know, science. While I am very sure that there are hucksters and hooligans (might we call them Hoaxsters - Al Gore comes to mind) getting rich being a Carney Caller about the "renewable" energy sources they are not causing the price of the inefficient electricity to be so high.
  14. I have. At NASA. In the military. In universities. In international corporations. Ranging from the 80's onward. DEI is nothing new. Just reshuffle the acronyms. I have also seen it hurt the very best qualified and performing minorities very directly. This one officer candidate was the absolute best among his peers. Head and shoulders above the rest in a very high performing group. But due to affirmative action and "goals" (aka quotas, wink, wink, nudge, nudge) it would always be wondered if he was where he was due to merit or melanin. This was in the 1990s.
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