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  1. So the teams wrestling in other conferences besides the P5 get screwed? Not that they can afford the 30 scholarships anyway.
  2. Rosters will be cut down to 30 making it possible for some good kids to spread out a little to several programs, which is a good thing....However, very few schools will have 30 scholarships available to accommodate all the extra good kids......so here we are in a vicious cycle of the rich getting rich once again.
  3. And if their age had been flipped, so would your statement.... It's not like Sanderson could have went to 12 year old Dake.
  4. Yep...I agree...but I must confess that my daughter is an example and somewhat of a beneficiary of this. Having played pretty high level volleyball, she got a little burned out and didn't want to play volleyball in college. The Lacrosse coach reached out and she got a scholarship having never played. So... on to Lacrosse season!
  5. For participation requirements they only have to meet one criteria - which could be accommodating interests and abilities of the underrepresented sex - so they are not out of compliance or avoiding a lawsuit - they are meeting one of the criteria. In Ohio State's case, they are a 50% split in gender (1a). From the NCAA: An institution must meet all of the following requirements in order to be in compliance with Title IX: For participation requirements, institutions officials must meet one of the following three tests. An institution may: Provide participation opportunities for women and men that are substantially proportionate to their respective rates of enrollment of full-time undergraduate students; Demonstrate a history and continuing practice of program expansion for the underrepresented sex; Fully and effectively accommodate the interests and abilities of the underrepresented sex; and, Female and male student-athletes must receive athletics scholarship dollars proportional to their participation; and, Equal treatment of female and male student-athletes in the eleven provisions as mentioned above.
  6. Exactly what I was going to post... Women's wrestling got popular too late is one way to look at it.
  7. Michigan and Ohio State have one more womens athletic program than mens...Penn State could actually add a women's team (they have one less) . Most of the Big 10 schools are even on sports teams or more womens.
  8. Sad day for the Dakotas.... I think that he did that intentionally as to not start a civil Dakota war.
  9. I bet we can! Potollo 18
  10. https://sports.yahoo.com/nba-docks-two-draft-picks-from-76-ers-for-free-agency-tampering-violations-200429652-200429233.html#:~:text=The NBA has docked the,of free agency last offseason.
  11. Yep, the whole 3rd party thing directed by coaches, but not technically making the contact. In no pro sport does this happen without penalty - tampering. I agree - kids are getting calls all the time from a "3rd party".
  12. They can't even do that in professional sports - it's called tampering and teams have gotten fined a lot of money and draft picks for it. For every team thinking this is fine (Iowa in this case I am sure), remember that it always comes back on. you. "Ben Keuter.... Cael Sanderson on line 1."
  13. Maybe it was Bob... wait, he doesn't post anonymously as we know.
  14. Haha - no problem - I take victories when I can - your math skills were spot on - with an 8500 dual and only 2 it does makes the average go up - I get that - but it's also not the same to take their lowest and then place that as their average. If it were a "normal" dual year - say 6 duals - it probably would have averaged out around 2600-ish per dual - which would have been around 13-14. If they would have added the Little Rock dual that was off-site it probably would have been around 4k. As a side note- without Iowa coming to town, Cal Baptist would have been sunk...200+ per dual - ouch.
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