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  1. First thing I thought of as well... the scrambles. Another match-up to look forward to.
  2. Did you ever consider that there are quotes around that statement and why they are being used? Did you consider that I am questioning BAC's theory that he wants to go out on top so he is going to stop at the WTT? Did you consider that you are misinterpreting and trying to say I made up a theory, attributed it to Taylor, when perhaps you are reading it wrong? "I get wanting to end on a high note (means I understand what BAC is getting at for someone wanting to end their career on a high note after OTT)...but something about "I can win trials and end on a high note, then not go to worlds because I might lose" (notice right here that it's in quotes and I am questioning that logic not quoting DT) doesn't seem DT-esque" Notice how I end with that not being Taylor and not attributing what is in quotes to him. As an additional note, the phrase "but something about" is being used to create doubt about what is coming next - what is in the quotes.
  3. Looks like Gable tried out with the Ravens today. Continuing down the football path.
  4. Yep- a couple OSU guys there.... the roster is on Track but I didn't see it on their website as of last week. A few other transfers in there as well from Bakersfield and a couple others.
  5. I still go back to why this discussion was not had originally when everyone knew he was the odds on favorite to win the spot and qualify for Worlds. Sucks to be Trent Hidlay finding this out when he could have gotten a shot at ZV.
  6. When people (and Taylor supposedly) say he wants to go out on a high note by winning Trials, but then doesn't want to go to Worlds, it begs the question of how confident they/he are in winning worlds if the original goal is to "go out on a high note." . Sorry. you don't see the logic there. You can continue to yell at people to get off your lawn now.
  7. There is 0% chance he crashes it because he wrestles at Worlds. Fire DT before he even gets started... not happening.
  8. I agree, there was not, but it speaks to the point of going out on a high note....and you also forgot my mention that it does not seem DTesque.
  9. Yeah...those are good points and I get wanting to end on a high note...but something about "I can win trials and end on a high note, then not go to worlds because I might lose" doesn't seem DT-esque. Just kind of a weird situation, but at least he addressed it right away to avoid the Gable backlash.
  10. Why does he have to discuss further with the team and those who supported him to begin with. Did they not believe he could win the spot?. "Man DT, I didn't think you were going to win, so I guess we need to discuss this further." Is anyone really going to raise their hand and say no?
  11. Yeah, but can they beat PSU at the big show ?
  12. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from a guy who knows a kid who's going with the girl who saw him drop some weights at the gym and get confronted by a guy that he was too loud. The campus police showed up but he refused to give his name. I don't think it's serious.
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