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uncle bernard

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  1. Brian Thompson was on his way to deny care to a grandmother with breast cancer. Thankfully, like our national hero Daniel Penny, this good samaritan stepped in and killed him before he could hurt others. Am I doing that right @mspart?
  2. Google US Healthcare Crisis and you’ll find hundreds of headlines just like that. Must mean our system is a disaster according to your logic right?
  3. Yeah, then it would be actual self-defense. Neely didn’t attack anyone. He was unarmed. You can’t just kill someone because they make you uncomfortable. Imagine the bloodshed in this country if being scared was a valid reason for killing whoever you want. Maybe the shooter was frightened by the United Health CEO?
  4. The man Williams stabbed actually attacked him and his girlfriend.
  5. Yeah, what kind of country do we live in if you can’t strangle a homeless man for being loud on the subway? The man was completely restrained and no longer a threat and Penny decided to keep choking him for 5 minutes, even after he was unconscious. He was warned repeatedly by witnesses that he was killing him. Textbook manslaughter. “Lives saved” He was unarmed and the worst he actually did was throw trash. The only thing they found on him was a muffin. Was he targeting someone with a nut allergy perhaps? Being around someone going through a mental episode is frightening and unpleasant. But that doesn’t mean you have free rein to kill that person. The reality is most people in this country view homeless people as subhuman.
  6. What crimes have you committed?
  7. 1) Palestinians didn't start this war 2) Is the CEO not collateral damage in a larger political conflict?
  8. It's almost like there are a bunch of variables that go into choosing where to move. This is a pointless circle to go in and it distracts from the main fact: People who have single-payer healthcare love it. It is the system most of the rest of the developed world uses, with great success. We are the outliers. Conservatives never want to address these facts (even though they all jump to sign up for Medicare which is....single payer!)
  9. You don't get to do a "murder is murder" schtick then opt out when you're faced with a single counter example. You either believe it or you don't. Which is it?
  10. Where was this absolutist stance for the thousands of dead children in Gaza? I'll give you a chance right now. Do you condemn their murder?
  11. A country with 350+ million people can handle a few million immigrants much easier than one with 60 million on a relatively tiny island. Don't be dense. This whole discussion is stupid because we all know that they're just going where they could find jobs. Their number 1 country of emigration is the UAE. Why? Because they're importing foreign labor. That's where the jobs are. Healthcare is not the driving factor of where they go. HOWEVER, I bet most of them would prefer to have guaranteed healthcare over nothing.
  12. No, your diagnosis of people just hating him "because he's rich" was lazy. There are tons of rich people in this country whose murder wouldn't be cheered by millions. They hate him because he's a figurehead of an evil industry that ruins people's lives. I hope you never have to deal with an insurance company denying essential care to you or a loved one.
  13. The UK population density is 7x higher than the US. It's almost like there's more opportunity in the US for immigrants to get jobs. Even so, Indians are the number 1 immigrant in the UK and still rival US numbers despite it being a much smaller country.
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