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  1. I think S Lee is the bad draw and I think he feels so also. I hope he wrestles that way. mspart
    4 points
  2. That’s incorrect. His win streak was snapped with a tie (which no longer exists) but he has an unbeaten streak, not a win streak. I can’t tell you exactly what his win streak was at the moment, since I don’t believe a published report of all his matches exist. I may reach out to UPJ to answer this question, since he’s got to have two considerably long win streaks on either side of that tie. And much to my displeasure, the term pinfall did exist in the record books and rule books prior to WWII and maybe as “recently” as the 1950s. I don’t dispute its former usage, it’s just not an applicable or accurate term in the more modern era of college wrestling (post-Gable era as some call it)
    4 points
  3. Sanderson was never in the argument for "best in the world." The other two have been. Sanderson is an all-time American great, but no one out the the US would consider him much more than a one hit wonder. His NCAA and coaching accomplishments have inflated his international achievements. Similar stuff happened with Dan Gable.
    4 points
  4. Here is an attempt to pick one at each weight 125- Luke Lilledahl 133 - Cael Hughes 141- Ryder Block 149- Kaleb Larkin 157- Raphael Hipolito (maybe I am missing someone else at this weight...) 165- Beau Mantanona 174- Gabe Arnold 184- Max McEnally 197- Connor Mirasola HWT- Aden Attao
    3 points
  5. them Greenlee's from UNI always messing things up. The one glitch in Haselrig's 122 match run and the only loss for McCoy in 132 matches at heavyweight.
    3 points
  6. Just got off the horn with Pat Pecora - we figured it out based on dates and times with the schedule. Haselrig won 71 in a row before the tie against Greenlee at the All-Star Classic. His only two losses in his career were his freshman year to Dean Hall of Edinboro, once at the regional and once in the semis of the D2 championships. Pat also broke out the schedule - they wrestled 8-9 duals against D1 schools in that era and a number of opens with D1 squads, so while they were a D2 school, his schedule was very D1 heavy (no pun intended).
    3 points
  7. Fun to imagine Gable shoestring tackling Tua and leg lacing him down the field
    2 points
  8. You don't get this level of context when you just look at results like I do. This is great.
    2 points
  9. After attending 47 NCAA tournaments, I rate Lou Banach as one of the best I ever saw, when it counted most. Lou went 1-3-1 in his three NCAAs with an overall tournament record of 15-1. Competing at about 215, he was outweighed in every NCAA match but one. He pinned Bruce Baumgartner in the finals as a sophomore, pinned 400-pound Tab Thacker his junior year when he took third while battling a shoulder injury, and defeated 395-pound MItch Shelton his senior year then pinned tough Wayne Cole of Iowa State in the finals. Lou also pinned four-time AA Steve "Dr. Death" Williams in a dual while being outweighed by about 50 pounds. Lou then won a gold medal in the 1984 Olympcis at 220.
    2 points
  10. Did you just call Shenanigans? I think I heard somebody call Shenanigans.
    2 points
  11. Eddie Grant like it too.
    2 points
  12. This is something I can get excited about. I was never a fan of the fake wrestling career. Felt like a waste from the get go to me, but it was his dream so, so be it. His athleticism clearly meant nothing to fake wrestling, but it will be the only thing that can save him in the NFL.
    2 points
  13. $50.70 is a pretty good take from them. Just about the best possible. Their terms of service has a liability limitation of $150. What I find especially annoying about Flo is that is your go to their website and attempt to sign up they won't even tell you how much the thing costs until you've made an account. Before you even see how much it will cost you've already given them your information and agreed to their terms of service. Does any other service do this? Seems backwards.
    2 points
  14. All-Star counted at the time. It doesn't count now, I think it stopped counting in the early 2000s. Also, that 8-9 duals was PER YEAR on UPJ's schedule, not total.
    2 points
  15. I think a lot of people are missing the context here and just clapping for this verdict b/c they hate trump. it's certainly fine to have your opinion of him, but the reality is that a lot of americans (most notably a significant portion of people that formerly didn't like trump) see through the BS and realize the justice system is clearly on a witch hunt that saw them • have DA's literally campaign on 'I'll get Trump" • raid his house and make a stink over a process that every former president was privy to (and that Biden wasn't and offended) • remove the statue of limitations for a he-said/she-said case from a serial accuser • take him to court and force him to secure a absurdly high bond for what is know as standard operation procedure in the real estate world • convict him on falsifying records for something that many politicians, in their campaign, have done over the years. so the Trump haters can certainly take joy in their desired outcome, but 1) it runs counter to the same group's claim that the justice system is rigged and 2) don't be surprised that the pulse of the country is one that recognizes the BS
    2 points
  16. At their college primes I'll take a healthy Cael over a sucked down Kyle who's about to succumb to organ failure.
    2 points
  17. The only way to do an accurate round robin is to allow it to be at the only weight in which Snyder was an all-timer: 97 KG. We already now what Sadulaev does to Snyder - not even a discussion. In Freestyle, I don't think a match goes any better for Sanderson. He struggled a lot in Freestyle, even losing to gents he would dominate in folkstyle domestically.
    2 points
  18. The other day I got auto-renewed by them with no warning. You'd think they would have changed some policies after a class action lawsuit, but still going about their shady ways.
    2 points
  19. Remarkable the number of times and the lengths you go to post things that just aren’t true.
    2 points
  20. What the?? Not sure what you are trying to say here, but if you are just trying to pick a fight with someone you think is a Trumper and upset over the verdict you may want to look somewhere else. By the way, you accusing people of being a trumptser and being brainwashed by Fox news works both ways pal...may want to look in the mirror to see if you are in fact what you accuse people of, just on the other side.
    2 points
  21. You never get over that kind of loss, no answer to the why?
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. 11 sounds about right. Is this the Norm quote?: "I think the worst part of the Cosby thing was the hypocrisy." And I disagree. I thought it was the raping. It's my feeling most rapists are hypocrites. You don't meet many that go "I like raping and I know it's not politically correct but, by god" and people go "well, he's not being a hypocrite and that's the worst part!"
    2 points
  24. The fact that Sanderson is so opposite from this is one of the reasons I appreciate and respect him so much. He already lost one top-tier wrestler (Suriano) for holding him back from wrestling, when the wrestler wanted to compete. Then he did it AGAIN with Starocci, leading him to rage quit (before reconsidering). PSU wrestling will always have its detractors, but you're a parent of a top recruit, you're always going to know that in a world (and, apparently, in a university) that too often puts the will to win over the health and well-being of the wrestlers, Sanderson is the dead-eye opposite.
    2 points
  25. Who is/are this "ya'll" you speak of? Many of us don't like Trump but versus Biden and his policy? TDS is real and apparently incurable. All Bragg did is wake up new/more Trump supporters. I'd be quite happy if we could just plug in Nikki Haley and move on but no we are likely to get 4 more years of endless impeachment. Its ya'll TDS crowd gonna have the bad weekend and weeks to come.
    2 points
  26. Like that Sajidov guy? Picked that dude's pocket, right? I know it's sacrilege to mock him, but we shouldn't just give Sanderson the fantasy win. Edit: Of course, Sanderson does win at the stipulated 197. At catch weight, idk.
    2 points
  27. I remember comments to that effect. Hand had potential and putting him up against mccoy to get embarrassed wasn't worth it. Also remember that being during gables hiatus.
    1 point
  28. Folk made Sanderson bulletproof. His incredibility fluidity, creativity and "freeness" made controlling him seemingly impossible. The way free makes you vulnerable really hurt him. There is also the question of if Romero was invoking any cuban traditions at the olympic games.
    1 point
  29. I still think it would have been some great wrestling and I would have paid 100.00 to watch it on PPV.
    1 point
  30. thanks for clarifying. sometimes its hard to know when leave your sword in its scabbard around here.
    1 point
  31. no love for Kerry McCoy? After a lackluster freshman year at 190, we went 131-1 at heavy, won 88 matches in a row, 1-3-1 at NCAAs, Hodge winner. Beat Neal in finals for his 2nd title (granted Neal was a soph). not sure he's top 5 just surprised I haven't seen his name other than on the Hodge winner list that was posted. or maybe I missed it. Dan Gable famously held out Wes Hand from wrestling McCoy in dual Hand's freshman year. Hand of course went on to be a finalist but at that point Gable said he hadn't earned the right to wrestle someone like McCoy. Of course, this was in a dual Iowa had locked up heading into the last match. PSU crowd was pissed.
    1 point
  32. There are old Iowa haters that refute stories about elder dan gable in the room all the time. I wonder if they really don’t have an argument given the stories come from Iowa room guys.
    1 point
  33. Sorry “kiddo” I couldn’t care less if they lock him up. Enjoy your infatuation with sphincters and Vaseline though. It doesn’t make you a bad person.
    1 point
  34. The question is whether or not we actually believe that. If so, Cael could be an olympic champion at 97kg right now.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Baseball bores me to tears but I must admit that the WCWS is actually a pretty damn good product in comparison. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  37. Women's College World Series is electric. It's like comparing a Savanah Bananas game to regular baseball. As in no comparison in the fun factor for the audience.
    1 point
  38. I think I found it: Orange man bad Check falsified Orange man bad Voucher falsified Orange man bad Check falsified Orange man bad Invoice falsified TDS Orange man bad Check falsified Orange man bad Voucher falsified ...
    1 point
  39. Flo peaked 10 years ago. Everyone who launched the platform and made it what it was is gone, and now it is basically just a good resource for HS wrestling. Family of HS wrestlers can watch their kids wrestle at events, and there are technique videos. Do they produce any significant events other than WTT?
    1 point
  40. I think part of Steveson being so highly regarded is how he won his title. He crushed 2X world medalist Gwiz in two matches to make the team. Then he beat 4X Olympic and World champ Akgul in the semis 8-0. Then he beat 3X world reigning champ Petiashvili in the gold medal match. So that's the next best USA heavy of the past decade, and the two best international heavies of the past decade in a single gold medal run. Snyder has a comparable win over Sadulaev, but it didn't come while he was in college. He doesn't have a win on the level of Akgul or Petriashvilli while still in college. He also didn't have to beat anyone domestic at Gwiz' level. Steveson had probably the best couple month run of any college kid ever at any weight. And I agree Mocco is hanging around the top 5, but I can't put him over Konrad who had his way with him while both were at their peak.
    1 point
  41. Synder gets dinged because he lost a match his senior year where Gable was pretty much untouchable his last two years.
    1 point
  42. Any team from a red state. So, not Stanford or UCLA.
    1 point
  43. Earl McCready went three for three with three falls in the finals. Dick Hutton was 3X NC, 4X Finalist.
    1 point
  44. That skinny punk was a junior gold medalist in Greco and Freestyle. Set a NCAA record of 122 consecutive wins and has a win over Kurt Angle
    1 point
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