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College Starter (10/14)

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  1. What is "that stuff"? Being a drunk? Being a jerk? Or being a drunken jerk? I've never heard any of these stories. Just oblique references.
  2. This joke, man. How many times can we make this same joke?
  3. Hmm. This makes it seem like without Carter their chances are slim. A Carter-less PSU still wins going away. What keeping Carter does is make the team score laughable.
  4. What's this story? I want to get the joke, too. I like blasphemous mockery.
  5. Apparently, I am just a fan who has no idea what really led to Scott's departure from UNC.
  6. All coaches imagine gettibg the opportunity to correct what they saw as flaws in the way they were coached. If DT had to pick out one way that CS dropped the ball, what would he say? Related: will the cowboys be playing dodgeball now?
  7. Alcoholic here, and I am proud of the time I have in sobriety. But let me just mention this: Stillwater. Edit: It's why I got just a touch of buyer's remorse re Taylor. Coleman Scott lived there AND LIKED IT . . . so much so that he got out, lived in a place hospitable to humans, and then took a demotion to come back. That's some crazy shit.
  8. I like the stage for the pole-dancers. I'm assuming there's an adjacent Champagne Room.
  9. This is why they'll keep Derek Fix and Chris Perry on staff. It's the one area where there's common ground
  10. Idk. Fix did figure out how to beat him. Gilman was the one guy that the Cross- cartwheel- shit worked on.
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