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Jason Bryant

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Jason Bryant last won the day on November 28 2024

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NCAA All-American

NCAA All-American (12/14)

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  1. Probably any match that involved Mike Faust.
  2. Tennis is in the midst of a pilot program with split seasons. They do individual tournaments and qualifying for the individual championships in the fall. All team duals are in the spring. Individual titles determined in one half, team champs in another. https://wearecollegetennis.com/2023/09/01/ncaa-division-i-individual-championships/
  3. Scheduling/Calendar aside, what makes anyone think the power players are going to do anything to cede a perceived competitive advantage to one of their chief competitors? That's been a sticking points in the past - always having to go to Iowa in January. Now, climate in November is slightly more favorable in Oklahoma, but the point above has some merit. The power players are going to be for something if its on their terms.
  4. That's sports. Got a killer defense that's adept at stopping a team's spread offense? But can't stop a triple-option? Your run and gun basketball team is great, but what if they can't sink a 3 and can't penetrate against a team with a pair of 7-footers? The best team doesn't always win a championship - and that's a good thing.
  5. One thing we, as a wrestling community need to realize, is this movie isn’t “for us.” It’s for a more general, broader audience who isn’t hung up on the nuances of a niche sport as much as we are.
  6. They have one of the GOATS, Andy Hamilton. Kyle Klingman’s resume also speaks for itself - so from a position of “professional” writers, they have two of the best the sport has. Andy coordinates a network of writers who do the “insider” stories they feature on a number of programs. Guys like Jim Carlson and Travis Johnson have bonafide careers in journalism, others like Brian Reinhardt are former SIDs. There’s also some guys like Nick Corey and Dylan Guenther who have written for different spots, usually centered around a certain region or school. The insider stories are consistent and good reads. Engagement headlines for the social juice is just part of the world now - like most places - there’s always going to be a stinker of a headline here and there.
  7. They're going to likely start distributing each team's allocations soon, so that's where you'll find those. The staff pricing is in line with that and our allocations just opened up. ($500 all-session, same seat). Those are the same types of prices you'll get from the teams. I'm sure there will be some that get freed up, but you're not going to get them like that via ticketmaster. I always recommend joining the wrestling booster club (or something of the like) of the host school the year of the championships.
  8. The English announcers in the Olympics feeds are hired by the Olympic Broadcasting Service and they usually employ broadcasters they can use for multiple sports over weeks vs. getting sport-specific pxp broadcasters for individualized sports. That gets costly.
  9. Referees now also have two-way headsets to help them communicate on the mat without yelling across the action. Second referee (in those situations) are more involved and relevant than ever.
  10. The first guys I enjoyed watching/covering while they were in college Hazewinkel Coleman Scott Mocco Mack Reiter Trenge Byron Tucker My college roommates and oddly, Dave Shunamon
  11. Top five life moment.
  12. Rokfin YT: https://www.youtube.com/@rokfin7449
  13. It stopped since the stream is back up on Rokfin.
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