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Paul158 last won the day on August 21 2023

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  1. He could do a Clint Eastwood and debate the chair.
  2. There is also the Trump factor when it comes to polling. Supporters for Trump sometimes intentionally mislead the pollsters. Usually, it is worth 2or 3 points.
  3. Do you think he stepped down or was he on the edge of the cliff with 10 knives sticking in his back. Then he said OK I will surrender for the sake of Democracy.
  4. If the polls hold its 50 republicans, 47 democrats and 3 toss up. 2 of the toss ups are swing states.
  5. I'm a father of 5 children. I have 4 daughters and 1 son. All are married and have 3 children each. I have 10 granddaughters and 5 grandsons. Do you think I am aware that birth control methods are not 100%. I cleared laid out what this discussion is about. I'm not going to be distracted with your desire to move the goal posts.
  6. As a former wrestler and coach, it isn't over until the fat lady sings. Never underestimate your opponent. Though Trump is favored right now the republicans can screw this up. The democrats will not go down easy. Yes, Kamala has a chance to win, and Trump has a chance to lose.
  7. There are a couple of polling sites that use an average of polls to determine their numbers. 270to win and 538 seem to be pretty fair in their poling. You will have a good number of options on all he different races from president, to congressional, to State mayoral races.
  8. just going through the internet reading different articles on the effect Kamala in the swing states. Most are in the Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania area. Kamala is very unpopular with the conservative independent women.
  9. No one really. Who knows at this time. We are like a ship at sea without a ruder.
  10. You might want to bring some sort of a weapon. You know, like possibly a gun. Maybe a few helicopters (AH-64 Apache's). Maybe a few(F-35's) and couple of tanks (M1A2 Abrams).
  11. I don't see any zip ties. There aren't any security guards opening the doors and welcoming them into the building.
  12. Most polls are showing a 5 % pump with blacks. That still leaves Trump at !9 to 20%. Which about 5% better than he did in 2020..I think Kamala is losing about 20 points with conservative independent women in the swing states. Which I believe a critical factor
  13. I will correct you. I'm not making a moral argument. Please reread what I wrote. I never mentioned abortion, nor did I imply abortion. I talked about birth control that is available to everyone for free in many instances. It has been around since the first condoms were available in the 1850;s.
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