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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2024 in all areas

  1. I forgot what a good sport Nickal is, like spanking an opponent during a match. And who can forget all those definitely not condescending helping hands after a match. Nickal is an all time champ and he's also an ass. They tend to go hand in hand as a requirement of the job.
    5 points
  2. Gotta wear these glasses to see it correctly. You can piss on someone’s grave pre match but cannot discuss normal strategy post match sheesh.
    4 points
  3. There has been a lot of talk about how NIL and/or transfers are bad for non-revenue sports. I am of the laissez-faire school of thought on the topic. But as a measure of "health" I like to look at things like the distribution of honors like titles or All-Americans. Presumably the more schools that have an All-American the better for the sport and its survival. Based on that, this year does not look so bad. NIL started in earnest in the summer of 2021, having its first impact on the 2022 season. The transfer portal was launched in the fall 0f 2018, having its first impact on the 2019 season, but it really began to be felt in the 2021 season. While the general trend in the number of schools is downward (highs used to be in the low 40's, now they are in the low 30's), this year marked the joint highest number of schools with an AA since 2016. For the health of the sport, it would be good to see that number consistently above 35 with occasional spike to 40. However, that may be tough with around 80 participating schools. When 40 was more the norm there were between 100 and 150ish participating schools. Looking at the AAs as a percentage of participating schools tells a similar story, I think. It would be good to see that number up around 50% (~40 schools).
    3 points
  4. Now you're just making things up. I went back and rewatched the post match interview and JB doesn't say a single word during it.
    3 points
  5. I will guess 125- Attasauov 133- Byrd 141- Pucino 149- Webster 157- Scoles 165- Braunagel 174- Ruth 184- Connell 197- Braunagel 285- Luffman
    2 points
  6. Carter Starocci literally said "this is little kid stuff compared to what I want" and mentioned the Olympic Trials on April 19th and 20th and "on Monday it's back to work. And just like Drake said, there's not friends in this industry." JB then goes, man, I'll tell you what, he mentioned April 19th and 20th and I know a guy who's gonna be there and I'd love to see him, and best believe I'm going for that leg. He won't disclose the injury but man he's looked great, and on a more serious note, Carter Starocci has had a phenomenal career.... And lists all of the greats and states he has to be on the mount rushmoore of Penn State. The amount of compliments he gave him were numerous. If you think that is making it about himself, then you are way too damn sensitive.
    2 points
  7. It's just weird that Bo hangs out in the PSU room and tries so hard to remain relevant in college wrestling. He's like the old guy in Dazed and Confused who hangs out with high school kids.
    2 points
  8. i'm messing with you. but it really is hard to take your posts seriously when you insist on crowbarring in awkward references to how good PSU is every other sentence.
    2 points
  9. The root here is that TPT is saying that there is no wisdom found in the NT or OT that cannot be found elsewhere. That would be correct. But there are more pearls of wisdom for happy living in the OT and NT (especially NT) than in many other books. They are more dense with these things than many other books. Hence I think that JRoss finds them worthy of consideration, if not from a theological standpoint, from a right living standpoint that will lead to more happiness than not.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. I do not root for Iowa in most (99%) of their matches - but Glazier grew on me as an underdog grinding it out. I thought he was done and will be glad to see him getting after it next year. I hope Arnold gets whupped a lot - but he seems dangerous. Is this a new Brands or Nelson Gamble Brands coming back?
    2 points
  12. DC asked him what he would do if he wrestled a hobbled Carter. He answered the question he was asked.
    2 points
  13. No. But he is being "criticized" here because DC asked him a question and he gave an honest answer. I guess, Bo and the PSU crowd can't enjoy having two 4-timers and setting the team record so they need to whine about something. Seriously, it was one throw away line that wouldn't have gotten much attention until Bo decided to call it out. JB is a ruthless competitor, he isn't trying to be miss congeniality and well liked by his peers. But he is good for the sport. Feel free to criticize him, just have an actual complaint and not "his answer to the question wasn't nice and made my feelings hurt" because people are pushing back on that one.
    2 points
  14. Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues. If my content annoys you, there is an ignore feature. If the topic annoys you, there is an ignore for it also. If you want to silence or change my mind, logic and data are your tools. I do not attend church, I do not pray, and I am not religious.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. I think JB knows he can't save anything in the tank against Nolf. Nolf is close.
    2 points
  18. Was awesome watching her turn around and drive away!! And yes, Trump was invited. Funny how people on here are arguing against support for a fallen hero...absolutely pathetic. Hope none of you idiots ever need a cop.
    2 points
  19. Personally I think Bo’s being a baby about it. Jordan didn’t say to try and break carters leg at the knee. He just said he should target his shots to the leg with a brace on it. And what coach wouldn’t say EXACTLY the same thing?
    1 point
  20. This is so untrue. Burroughs was a World Champ when he was Carter's age. Carter has not even sniffed a World Team.
    1 point
  21. Hah, makes sense. I remember the buzz around the state tournament that year was over the runner-up who had come from a very low seed to make the finals. Everyone knew the pin in the finals was inevitable though. He will absolutely have a great life ahead of him, and wish nothing but the best.
    1 point
  22. I don't mean to harp on the guy, because he is going to have a more successful life than anyone could imagine, but it appears his focus was education and long-term mental health. When other guys (Parris, Kerk, Davison) were gym-ratting it, he was focusing on how to be successful in life. He didn't do anything wrong, he just didn't hit the weights as hard. It left him behind a bit and as he needed to rely on superior athleticism more to play catch-up with gents like them and Batista, it wore on his body more. The guy will be fine and I do wish him the absolute best.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Just to help you in your quest for the truth below is a pic of the real Yanni. The guy we watch on the wrestling mat is actually John
    1 point
  25. Rumor is BD paid hush money to Jimmy C for.........improprieties. Not saying it's true, but it would help explain why JC is still allowed on the forum. Just what I heard.
    1 point
  26. I didn't even know it was visibility whatever day until I saw a bunch of people looking for something else to gripe about on this board. If only we lived in a place where we had a right to choose what to participate in, and not be bothered by people who do things we don't agree with if we don't want to.....
    1 point
  27. Only one is undefeated...
    1 point
  28. He was enrolled at a two-year post-secondary institution. He then transferred to a four-year post-secondary institution. That description by every definition is a transfer. “Juco transfer” is the often cited parlance.
    1 point
  29. When that happens I pull up the video of the Wailers ‘catch a fire’ recording at BBC studios, particularly Concrete Jungle. Jah Bless.
    1 point
  30. I didn't get mad, bud. I got annoyed because you never fail to surprise me with how stupid you can be so often. It has shock value every single time.
    1 point
  31. I re-read the post i quoted, didn't see any reference to positions where RFK Jr moved right. You now mention national abortion ban, the Kennedys have always professed to be Catholic, the Catholic Church is against abortion so when did he move on this issue. Against gun control, 2nd ammendment issue, when was he for gun control (against 2nd ammendment) but then moved to opposing gun control (supporting 2nd ammendment)? Is he anti-vaxer or just against the covid required vaccination? How is this a right vs left issue if its science based? Is for science right wing? But again when did his position change on vaccination? The right isn't pro Russian so how is this moving right to be for Russian? I'd say is more crazy.
    1 point
  32. Could be true. Could be April fools. It's gonna be a long day for me lol
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. It's a 1/2 transfer. He was still practicing in the PSU room while at Lock Haven.
    1 point
  35. Nick Gwiazdowski, Binghamton to NC State
    1 point
  36. Man your good... with all the activity that's about to happen, will you update at 3:00 pm today? That would be MT time.
    1 point
  37. I get that Burroughs may be too old now, but lets not pretend that he couldn't of won a challenge tournament to make a team after 2011, he just didn't have to. He sent Dake and Taylor to different weight classes. These are just the list of guys in the challenge tournament which always has multiple time NCAA champs. If JB loses it will be to to father time, not because he had to go through a bracket with Jarrett Jacques in it.
    1 point
  38. Matt vs Sticca state final is one of my favorite matches ever. The hype on the forum before the Darrell Vasquez match was great, I think Wrestling Report forum. One Cali person posted that Vasquez would send Ciasulli home in a body bag. Vasquez had rough goes with PA kids in HS. I believe Brian Baglio pinned him at the Pittsburgh Classic. With that - Darrell Vasquez was a great wrestler and it's a shame that injuries or medical conditions wrecked his college career.
    1 point
  39. It's a bad look for wrestling in general. MMA/UFC is half WWE, the false bravado, the calling people out. Bo is brining that into his life. It may be a needed piece of his career, now, but it's not necessary in wrestling. And Starocci saying he's going to end Boroughs career... It's all moving to social media click bait.
    1 point
  40. And I’m a fan of Bo. But that’s a bad take.
    1 point
  41. I hope Brooks prayed for Nickal's salvation after seeing the liquor in his hand
    1 point
  42. Ah yes, David Taylor. Always most humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
    1 point
  43. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Wait are you being serious? I thought this was a 2/10 level troll job. Not even all 100% of Jesus could beat Taylor and tomorrow it is going to be revealed he isn't 100% because there's at least three holes in his game
    1 point
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