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Wyoming has the lowest percentage of archery hunters in the nation at 7%. Only 4,063 out of 58,882 total deer hunters used a bow or crossbow. Hunters harvested 35,061 deer and 7% were taken with archery equipment, tying Montana and Colorado for the lowest percentage of deer harvested by a bow or crossbow. https://archerytrade.org/2021-state-by-state-hunting-data-3-7-million-bowhunters-in-america/7 points
Or we could just do the international weights - or close to them, just transposed to poundage rather than kilos(my suggested in parenthesis for sanity purposes). 125 -> 57 KG = 125.6lbs (125) 133 -> 61 KG = 134.5lbs (135) 141 -> 65 KG = 143.3lbs (145) 149 -> 70 KG = 154.3lbs (155) 157 -> 74 KG = 163.4lbs (166) 165 -> 79 KG = 174.2lbs (175) 174 -> 86 KG = 189.6lbs (190) 184 -> 92 KG = 202.8lbs (205) 197 -> 97 KG = 213.8lbs (220) 285 -> 125 KG = 275.6lbs (285)4 points
Dude you are a joke!! Way to use a tragedy to show how pathetic and narcissistic you are. Get over the race baiting and get over yourself!3 points
205, 220 and 285 is overkill. Lots of D1 programs only have 1-2 guys per weight at 197 and 285. Adding another weight class in between will help a few 97kg guys but most programs will struggle to cover all those weights. Also losing 149 would take away arguably the most exciting weight and split it between 145 and 155.3 points
That wouldn’t increase numbers. You’re removing a middleweight where there are more participants and adding an upperweight where there are less participants. And that’s true even for 220’s in high school.3 points
I disagree with your disagreement. Her intent was to support the shooter. Murder is wrong BUT...... But nothing. Murder is wrong. When people get pushed too far, they go to court, they settle their differences within the law. Plus, she assumed he did this because he was wronged somehow. And came to this conclusion before any real facts came out. Yes, he has back problems and had surgery because of it. He did no business with United Healthcare and was never a client of theirs. So he was pushed so far that he chose a random CEO to kill? I made fun of her because her position is clearly ignorant and she proved that by clarifying saying murder is wrong period. So now that she has made her clarification, your questions are moot. As they should be. Keep up with the times my friendly little crustacean. mspart2 points
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That would be his 3rd redshirt in 4 years. If he stays at PSU his whole career hopefully he has about 3 degrees when he’s done2 points
Stop making sense. Why would we want to increase numbers when our sport is at a critical point domestically?!2 points
the problem is not the intent, but the current reality. wouldn't it be just lovely to have clean, renewable energy. but the technology just isn't there yet. there's almost nothing 'renewable' about it considering they are predicated on fossil fuels. saying an electric car is clean and renewable when the energy comes from a fossil fuel plant is just a shell game. but enough whackos (including politicians) don't get it. only a bunch of morons would push a national mandate long before it's even feasible. but alas, the 'party' of science that gulped down VAX and thinks girls are boys are in charge.2 points
125 - Sprately tech Peterson (5-0 OSU) 133- Ayala mdec Witcraft (5-4 OSU) 141- Jamison dec Block (8-4 OSU) 149- Parco dec Young (8-7 OSU) 157- Teemer dec Fish (10-8 Iowa) 165- Caliendo dec Amine (13-8 Iowa) 174- Hamiti dec Kennedy (13-11 Iowa) 184- Ferrari dec Plott (16-11 Iowa) 197- Buchanan dec Surber (19-11 Iowa) HWT- Hendrickson dec Kueter (19-14 Iowa)2 points
Looks like the MAGA mob will win on this one, with their various threats and dark money power. We get to gave a winger alcoholic abuser talk show host running the pentagon. What can possibly go wrong?2 points
Especially on a day when they did nothing wrong. Only you would complain about ducking when no one ducked. Just so incredibly dumb.2 points
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You probably wear ankle socks with your wrestling shoes.1 point
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Yeppers. General rule of thumb. Longest shot I could stretch is 300 yards over an ag field. That's a chip shot out West. Mostly hunt archery in PA. Only do rifle season for the tradition and fun time at camp. Will only rifle hunt out West. Years ago after my first hunt in Colorado I came home and ordered a FFP (First Focal Plane) scope!1 point
Maybe they should revise the warning labels on the drugs DOCTORS are prescribing for these teens when they are transitioning to another gender. Maybe in addition to the 50 other warnings they should include that taking these drugs may cause you to COMMIT MASS MURDER at Christian schools then commit suicide.1 point
Eventually, by law of averages he'll be better than somebody in his weight range....probably. Or somebody will get hurt. And when it happens...1 point
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If you like Cael you should like DT. His corner coaching is very similar and his assistants are well behaved. If you lean toward TnT and coaches who run out on the mat throwing fits then you won't like DT. Its prob harder to see his approach/style on TV than if you are there in person. They are managing tactics & time well to get majors & techs. I'd say his brick in Bedlam was optimal time to throw. They prob learned something from first couple duals. Pretty sure Gilman threw the brick in Utah V in Sprately match. They lost it and needed it in Amine match as Barraclough had locked hands in last 5 sec of TB.1 point
The fasting angle is a good one. I not a fastah but the glucose spike destroys me every time. Will have to look into Fast Lyte.1 point
You don't seem too conerned about the waste of taxpayer money RV. You are such a budget hawk, I'm just astounded you are not really more upset. All that talk about reducing wasteful spending and her is a real example and you are meh. mspart1 point
The most impressive part of the match was the pbp guy. Nice to see Battisto on the horn. I was expecting just a plain comment-free video feed from the Pac-12 Network.1 point
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I feel like we tend to underestimate Iowa's dual prowess. Last year was tough with back-to-back loses to Michigan and Penn State, but both teams had a talent advantage. When talent is about even TNT have a history of outcoaching other teams (Kevin Dresser Exhibit 1A). Until I see how David Taylor handles a match day squad (does he set up his lineup optimally? does he know in match tactics/adjustments? does he know when to and when not to throw the brick? can he manage the clock?) I think I have to lean toward TNT and Iowa.1 point
125: Spratley mdec Petersen (4-0 OSU) 133: Ayala dec Witcraft (4-3 OSU) 141: Jamison mdec Block (8-3 OSU) 149: Parco dec Young (8-6 OSU) 157: Teemer dec Fish (8-9 IOWA) 165: Caliendo dec Amine (8-12 IOWA) 174: Hamiti dec Kennedy/Brands (11-12 OSU) 184: Plott dec Arnold/Ferrari (14-12 OSU) 197: Buchanan dec Suber (14-15 IOWA) HWT: Hendrickson mdec Kueter (18-15 OSU)1 point
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That’s with no Teemer and OSU getting a major at 157. Flip that to an Iowa decision and it’s 17-15 OSU which is about where I’d have it right now.1 point
Ferrari's match starts at the 24 minute mark. Prepare to be underwhelmed.1 point
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You seriously have a problem with what I can only assume is your enjoyment of making yourself look extremely stupid. Take the L and stop posting.1 point
Fast Lyte. I think theyre centered around health concious people who are fasting and supplementing electrolytes.1 point
Well here’s the main part your dumb ass is missing….its not what Daniel said that got him exonerated. It’s what all of the people who were there on the train and witnessed the event in its entirety said that got him exonerated. Guess who was not one of those people. (I’ll give you a hint, he/she is making a real fool out of themself here). No that’s not me being PC, that’s me not being able to tell if you’re a boy or a bitch.1 point
I know you’re full of shyte trolling here but I’ll bite. how come you always have a similar situational story in your hopper of stories. It’s almost like you make them up to fit your trolling narrative.1 point
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