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Winners Circle

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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. https://cowboy-wrestling-club.gymdesk.com/instructors/bio/id/32942
  2. Hopefully it's dead. Should have never been attempted.
  3. I'm hearing they're as close to a lock to Univ. of ILL as you can get.
  4. I 100% do not think we see 11 individual titles between the 3. I'd say 8ish is far more likely.
  5. 1. Forrest 2. Blaze 3. Bassett
  6. Pretty bold statement. I know he's a special talent. But a lot of special talents haven't won titles. Daton Fix, Thomas Gilman, Chance Marsteller, all had comparable resumes from a wrestling standpoint (I know Bo's a bigger recruit because of social media presence). I'm sure there's others, but that's off the top of my head.
  7. Most likely whoever wins more matches.
  8. Yes, we are in total agreement there. I don't think Cael & co. were willing to play the song and dance (all the social media etc.) of a 17 y/o. I think they took the "no one is bigger than the program" approach, and Bo wants to be the face of a program. Yes, I think it came down to money and amount of attention Brands promised him. He wants to be the center of attention, as demonstrated by how he handled the whole recruiting process. I'm not saying that to knock the kid. He had a much bigger recruiting process than I ever had. But you can't deny the kid wants to be the center of attention.
  9. The 1% is PSU.
  10. Apologies. Misinterpreted your quote.
  11. This is the one thing Mr. Pastry has said that I agree with 100%.
  12. This.
  13. I think they'll be ok. Cael & co. didn't see the need to play the song and dance of a 17 year old. And frankly I don't think any of us are in a position to question them at this point.
  14. They will.
  15. Is there a question or topic to talk about here?
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