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  1. headshuck has a bias against people who talk about themselves in the third person.
    5 points
  2. Good article. Good read. https://jonathanturley.org/2024/08/27/democrats-lose-effort-to-block-cornel-west-from-michigan-ballot/ For months, we have been discussing the concerted effort of Democrats to bar challengers to President Joe Biden from primary ballots and block third-party candidates like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Cornel West from appearing on the November ballots. As both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris insisted that “Democracy is on the ballot,” their allies sought to deny the ability of voters to cast their ballots for other candidates. Now, a state judge has issued a stinging denial of the effort of Democratic officials to block West from the Michigan ballots. Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson helped lead the effort to prevent citizens from being able to vote for West in Michigan. Judge James Robert Redford issued the ruling days after West was kicked off the ballot due to technical issues. West issued a statement: “Victory in Michigan! We brought thousands of voices to the table, and the court listened, rejecting the Democrats’ technical challenges. This is a win for democracy and for every person fighting for truth, justice, and love. Onward!” He is running with Black Lives Matter co-founder Melina Abdullah. Democrats are still pushing to strip them from the ballots in other states to prevent voters from having a choice in the election. Another such effort failed in Maine recently. The press and pundits have been largely silent about this effort despite the glaring contradiction with the campaign rhetoric of the DNC on saving democracy from imminent destruction. The media does not appear at all alarmed or critical of the effort to limit democratic choice. The Washington Post stated clinically “Democrats are taking third-party threats seriously this time.” Taking it seriously appears to mean using legal means to keep them from the ballots. It is true that the main political parties have challenged qualification signatures and paperwork in the past. However, the reports indicate a systemic effort geared toward reducing the choices for voters. What is striking is that this is coming from democratic groups and the DNC, which are raising money on the “save democracy” narrative. The contradiction is spellbinding. On the same sites promising to oppose the third party candidates, the DNC and other groups push the narrative that only the Democrats are working to protect the right to vote. The Post reports that Democrats have studied the Hillary Clinton campaign and vowed not to allow third party candidates to drain away millions of voters as they did in 2016. This well-funded campaign to block other candidates is continuing. It was cited by Kennedy as one of the reasons that he pulled out of the race and endorsed former president Donald Trump. West is now a threat with independents looking for an alternative to Trump and Harris. West has long been a charismatic figure in academia. Decades ago, I was his editor on what may have been his first law review publication as a young, rising divinity professor at Princeton. One does not have to support Trump, West, or the other third-party opponents to find this effort repulsive. While some of us have challenged that hyperbolic claim that this “may be our last election,” the one thing that may not be on the ballot is choice, if the self-appointed defenders of Democracy have anything to say about it. I added the bold and underlined at the end here. Any open fair minded individual can see that the Ds are not doing this to protect democracy. They are doing this to protect themselves at the expense of democracy. This is insidious and as noted, is not being reported widely. Again, I say media is the enemy of the people as they are constantly showing themselves to be. mspart
    4 points
  3. Hell, I’d settle the being able to do the same amount of pull-ups I could do in high school.
    3 points
  4. But is it innuendo or did it happen? Do you think it’s negative to sleep with elder politicians in exchange for gifts and/or more lucrative political jobs?
    3 points
  5. AHHH...the boards token victim...the women in my life feel the same way and laughed at the meme.
    3 points
  6. I would think a decent high school debater would easily beat her in a debate. You just have to wonder how she has been able to be the attorney General of California and then Vice President. Now she is running for President. It just doesn't make any sense.
    3 points
  7. @headshuck the departure of glazier makes it hard to not agree with the sentiment of this topic. Glazier was a guy who I thought was gonna AA high, pushed aaron brooks, and I'd never heard of him a year ago. He wrestled a super disciplined style, because he's a modest talent, took the right shots, hand fought hard, can't get tired, great performer in dual meets, one of the examples of the quality coaching going on at Iowa.....FLUSHED!
    3 points
  8. These ads at the bottom seem new. Every page I click I get one. Pretty annoying. Is this a new change?
    2 points
  9. And so she can wag her finger and say, I'm talking now. It is my turn to talk. That's why they want the mics hot. mspart
    2 points
  10. but they had to have them to get into the DNC why is the DNC so racist
    2 points
  11. its a ploy to get trump to interrupt her... so they can call him a misogynist
    2 points
  12. Only if we complain enough. @BobDole you're killing us.
    2 points
  13. In North Carolina it was on the ballot, and it passed and somehow an activist judge got it overturned. This is like a banana Repulic.
    2 points
  14. https://abc13.com/post/governor-abbott-says-1-million-texans-have-been-removed-voter-rolls-2021-effort-crackdown-illegal-voting/15233065/
    2 points
  15. They've wrestled twice and Parco didnt have the strength or technique to break through SVN's defense. I don't care if SVN has the flu and is rusty. Parco can't score on him. Van Ness has elite defense. Operating from the collar tie and high crotches aren't exclusive to Barr and Facundo. Bar attacks and re-attacks. Facundo sits in his stance and likes to watch paint dry.
    2 points
  16. This is not surprising at all. For as great as an athlete Steveson is he (1) never played football prior to joining the Bills and (2) is far too small to be a defensive tackle in the NFL. All the Aaron Donald comparisons were lazy given Donald started playing football at 5 years old and is 3" taller and 40 pounds heavier than Steveson.
    2 points
  17. Interesting, they protected Biden for years, got caught at the debate, but keep on keeping on with Kamala, even though months ago they were saying she was a liability. The media is in the tank for the Ds and will do anything to protect them as is obvious by now. mspart
    2 points
  18. with free transfer and NIL, they are all contract years
    2 points
  19. This is the biggest thing to happen to Bakersfield since Korn dropped Follow the Leader.
    2 points
  20. Hey, you guys quit freaking out. You are starting to make WrestlingRasta freak out and that is really bad. Just chill out and have a beer or whatever you drink.
    2 points
  21. Ford said its EV business is on track to lose an eye-watering $5 billion this year alone. In the three-month period ending in June, the automaker lost about $44,000 on every electric vehicle it sold. That is not sustainable. Sustainable?!? Hey, Greta says it is sustainable and Greta get what Greta wants.
    2 points
  22. i don't understand this post. what are you actually trying to say?
    2 points
  23. if kamala is this great lawyer, why does she need notes... shouldn't she be able to think on her feet?
    2 points
  24. i think if she speak unscripted is when people REALIZE something is wrong with her
    2 points
  25. You know what, you're right. But it was an emotional decision that I stand behind to this day. Ayala, Kemerer, and Eierman were hurt. Cassioppi? Not convinced, but we all knew he was taking the L to Gable.
    1 point
  26. I'm biased against tattooed prep school kids. You can't wear ties to class and be white trash. . . Now that I type this, I recognize that I'm also racist. Who knew?
    1 point
  27. You been sleeping in on Sundays?
    1 point
  28. Post some wrestling cartoons for us..
    1 point
  29. Re the Iowa culture, the departure of Zach Glazier should say everything. Dude was the soul and resident exorcist of the Hawkeyes last year, and is putting on his south dakota shoes after his coaches recruited over top of him for his final year of eligibility. Glazier is the epitomé of an in house program guy. How are the Brands any different from Jerry Jones at this point? I’m curious to know now, what is the going rate per win at NCAA’s nowadays? How much can wrestlers make per team point earned?
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Here is a question to ponder… Does PSU keep guys in their lineup for multiple years that go 1-2 at NCAA’s?
    1 point
  32. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/08/26/trump-harris-hot-microphones-mute-threat-to-skip-tv-debate/ Mr Miller went on to claim that the Harris campaign have also requested that the candidates be seated for the debate, allowed to use notes and deliver opening statements. Along with hot mics so she can say, "I'm speaking now" multiple times during the debate. So she wants to change the rules for the ABC debate completely. What a coward!! mspart
    1 point
  33. I am biased against sports that aren’t wrestling
    1 point
  34. I am a fan. I hate every other college in the country that has a wrestling team. I also hate every other college in the country that doesn't have a wrestling team. I hate people who want to talk numbers, outcomes and projections that have nothing to do with wrestling. I like to talk and write about wrestling and create wrestling videos and cartoons, and I'm biased against people who aren't equally interested. In that respect, I'm like the serial killer at Thanksgiving dinner who is burning up inside to say, "Guess what I did yesterday?"
    1 point
  35. I am biased in favor of anyone not in the Big 10
    1 point
  36. I believe he stated it was only a 1 year thing and he plans to purse the NFL after the FB season. Even if he doesn't get invited to combine, he will plan to workout for teams to pursue the NFL.
    1 point
  37. That would require them to admit that she is an absolute disaster and not up for the job. Voting on emotions is a real problem but "orange man bad".
    1 point
  38. Who wouldn't want to see Askren in his prime vs Nolf in his prime? In folkstyle, of course. Break out the popcorn for that one.
    1 point
  39. Thanks for sharing, @TNwrestling I could watch a non-stop loop of him winn-dixieing people
    1 point
  40. 'Outrage of the Day' post...
    1 point
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