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  1. It's about time other D-1 schools step up and add women's wrestling. There are some talented girls out there crushing it!
  2. This is the content I come here for
  3. Prima Donna and divisive presence? Yikes
  4. Who's bright idea was that?
  5. Have fun working tommarrow England!
  6. A lot of fans from other teams sure seem worried about what Iowa is doing.
  7. I think Jimmy Cinnabon is a fake handle/burner account created to get site clicks and activity. Change my mind.
  8. Carroll will put the freshman Merrill in a cradle to will the title. Then he will take off his ankle bands and shoot them Cowboy style from the hip right in front of Taylor
  9. Where do you get your stats from? What's the average size of an NFL linebacker? Can you list the linebackers that weigh 275? Are they coverted D-lineman in a 3-4 system?
  10. She has been wearing a big smile on her face
  11. Brooks trains in Holywater
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