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“This is such a straw man. Nobody is singling out AIPAC as a boogeyman.” Complete nonesense. Did you not read the title of this thread? Contrary to your claim, AIPAC represents American voters who are pro-Israel. They are not an agent of the Israeli government. Pro-Israel Americans have a right to stump for their cause without accusations of dual loyalty, nefarious Jewish control etc.3 points
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What the doctors and parents should be rushing their trans kids into is not drugs and surgery but mental health treatment. Some of you are sick in the head to try and play mental gymnastics to make it okay for kids to get trans surgery or take drugs to block puberty.2 points
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Especially after the final whistle when Cross pets Brands on the head, and Brands slaps his hand away. Initially, I thought there was an element of sincerity in that act. Then I watched Cross do it to about every top flight guy he beat. Cold blooded ... Kinda like the Nickal helping hand2 points
Forget about the perps, we don't care about them obviously. But you better get that storefront fixed ASAP or we will fine you. I heard this on the radio. This guy has no insurance because insurance companies no longer insure folks that are in downtown areas because shoplifting and car bashing into storefronts is rampant. Indeed, crime is decreasing per UB. It is this kind of crime that is rampant and the progressive city leaders do nothing but harass the biz owner. These thugs will drive these guys out of business and that will hurt lots of people. It is anarchy and the progressives applaud. mspart2 points
Brands not quite as young and looking to scrap and Smith just rolling him like a log.2 points
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Nice Sanctuary ya got there, New York. Now don't go imposing your patriarchal western racist imperial colonizing culture on this poor asylum seeking immigrant who is just giving the USA what we deserve by existing.2 points
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its lasted because it has no teeth. its just dorks with messiah complexes blurting out platitudes.2 points
Imagine having such deep deep feeling towards someone (in either direction) even though you’ve only ever seen them on TV and in reality has never done a single thing for you or too you .So much of a deep feeling you literally hate people who feel differently then you about the subject , then imagine having this feeling and fighting with your neighbors, family , co workers and complete strangers about for 8 straight years. When you step back and look it at like that y’all seem a little crazy no?2 points
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https://www.saveservices.org/2024/04/lawsuits-by-detransitioners-skyrocket-as-transgender-movement-retreats/ Lawsuits by Detransitioners Skyrocket as Transgender Movement Retreats WASHINGTON / April 15, 2024 – The transgender movement is facing setbacks on multiple fronts (1). Last week a comprehensive review of gender identity services for youth in the United Kingdom concluded (2): “The strengths and weaknesses of the evidence base on the care of children and young people are often misrepresented and overstated.” Thousands of young people received life-altering treatments with “no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.” “Social justice” ideology is driving medical decision-making, and “the toxicity of the debate” has created an environment “where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views.” In 2007 Boston Children’s Hospital opened the first pediatric gender clinic in the United States. The hospital boasted its Gender Multispecialty Service has “expanded our program to welcome patients from ages 3 to 25.” During the following years, trans medicine became a major money-maker, as nearly 9,000 transgender surgeries were performed annually in the United States (3) with a market value of $1.9 billion in 2021 (4). Medical treatments for gender dysphoria typically include puberty blockers, cross-sex hormone treatments, and eventually surgery on the genitals and breasts. The Mayo Clinic claims on its website that puberty blockers “don’t cause permanent physical changes. Instead, they pause puberty.” (5) But numerous research studies point to the opposite conclusion (6). A recent study, for example, reveals that puberty blockers for boys cause mild to severe sex gland atrophy, resulting in long-term fertility problems (7)... How anyone can countenance this transitioning exercise among minors totally baffles me. We are supposed to protect our younglings. Not experiment on them to their irreparable harm. mspart1 point
Rumor is @BobDole has been hanging out at some camp prepping, no one has seen Bob for months. I have it on good authority one of the first questions will be: why only 15 minutes? I'm ready for that one. On average we have more impartial moderators in Du & Rasta than that CNN crew. Tune in tonight and vote ionel in 241 point
Living his best life. Any other boomers in here just hate it so much?1 point
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that limp arm out of the underhook on the edge while he slips that leg in on the far side is so perfectly timed, I had to watch it like 4 times.1 point
A TWUNT like you acts so tuff on social media. You’re one continuous ️ jerk that talks big but knows nothing. I’m always me, which is way better than being a punk like you.1 point
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i was wondering about this. then yesterday i saw the jon stewart show was going to do something. so.. correct talking points allowed. smells of fascism.1 point
I’m messing with ya. But to answer your question, I bring it up in posts when all the “TDS! TDS!” folks, that can’t get Biden off their brain. Just one of those interesting aspects of human behavior around here.1 point
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Why do you mention TDS in your posts. I just respond to you. If you check that out, you will find the I only respond to your mention of TDS. My posts about Joe Biden are a public service to expose the lies and the deceptiveness of the Biden administration. This country is pretty resilient, but I don't believe America can withstand 4 more years of Joe Biden. Then you have Kamala who would take over if something happens to Joe.1 point
The scariest Batirov I ever saw was in this mujahedin vid of him in the woods wrestling some dude in full camo fatigues inside a a circle of armed dudes in full camo fatigues with a pistol going to the winner. . . I got my school account flagged for watching that one. I'm not looking for it again.1 point
Their top work was just as scary: Saitiev with that "west point" and Batirov with that modified tulsa-ride-lookin' gut thing, known in medical circles as the "labrum-ectomy." Brutal.1 point
Obviously saitiev could be as technical as he wanted to be, e.g. vs Fundora where he footsweeps his ass to his back and then gets up and dances the chechnuri. But, he just as often was like f-it, dived in on a leg, and figured it out from there, e.g. the second period of the match vs the Cuban. Edit: I forgot how the crowd was straight up laughing at Fundora during the "chechnuri" sequence after the foot sweep.1 point
If a program didn't like the head coach, they'd let him go, not map out a multi-year strategy of hiring overqualified assistants to undermine him.1 point
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Really ... doctor are treating based on fear instead of sound medical practice.1 point
was just listening to yianni mention how Batirov is his favorite wrestler. That time period with him and satiev hitting metzegers and cross ankle pics must have been a spectacle to behold. It feels like the Russian style has changed to a lot more outside steps and not going underneath guys quite as much.1 point
Or maybe he's an insecure HS kid desperate for attention and his dad is his enabler. Also, rap still sucks and Elvis is a thief.1 point
I’m surprised this thread has lasted as long as it has. Political nonsense, at best. Biden has dementia, Trump is a dick. Hard to fault anyone for holding their nose and voting for either, under these circumstances. They are the “charismatic” figureheads, real power resides with the advisors, staff, and bureaucrats, anyhow. Can we get back to college wrestling now?1 point
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150% wrong. Extreme heating has followed the skyrocketing CO2 levels. Are you smoking crack?1 point
A lot of people can talk about problems and solutions without dehumanizing others however Donald Trump is not one of them. His entire personality is built on being as mean and disrespectful to other people as possible.1 point
lol. "PLEASE DONT SUE US" that being said, and i know i sound like a quack... ain't no way that election wasn't rigged.1 point
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