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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2024 in all areas

  1. This is discriminatory against people who are predisposed to finding whiskey delicious.
    7 points
  2. Just saw brackets are out. Go to arena.uww.org. At first glance, it looks like Spencer gets: R32 a Moroccan (heavy favorite) R16 #1 seed Zou of China (slight favorite; Zou is feisty) Quarters: probably Egorov of Macedonia via Russia (favorite) Semi's: Sarlak of Iran (arguably slight favorite, but Sarlak is seasoned at events like this and Spencer is not) Zain's draw isn't great. It's exactly what we feared at this weight. He has to hold his nerve for 4 tough wins to get to the final: R64 Coman of Romania (unlucky to have a R64 match..only a few do..Coman will put up some resistance, but Zain should win) R32 A Yemenese (should be easy) R16 Tumur Ochir of Mongolia (super scary...very solid, athletic guy) Quarters: Probably the Russian/Tajik Kudiev (not as good as Tumur Ochir, but he'll be well rested after 2 easy matches compared to 3 matches, with 2 tough ones for Zain) Semi's: Sujeet of India or Jalolov of Uzbekistan likely here (both very tough)
    4 points
  3. Alright where’s the guy who said he’d bet his last paycheck on this not happening. As you can see, I’m a very poorwrestler and could use the cash. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  4. What's this no longer bullshit, the US has a treaty with Mexico and Canada. If Mexicans are caught they are sent back. The problem all along has been people coming from other countries that don't have a treaty that are welcomed with open arms. I posted a video several months ago Peter Santanello at the border, they had wheelbarrows full of IDs from China, Pakistan, South America and places all over the Middle East.
    3 points
  5. You have to love the Babylon Bee. Nothing is sacred. mspart
    3 points
  6. Picture of the special new Orange uniform??
    3 points
  7. Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg are bringing on a completely unwoke production company, apparently Elon Musk has offered a Billion to jump start the project and reports are some big pretty big actors are lining up to sign on. I'd love to hear the chant "Death to Disney" because we need more black Snow White's and 6 ft tall transsexual dwarfs.
    2 points
  8. have you ever considered these whack jobs can shove their 'demands' up their asses? since when is the standard operating procedure to buy a product and then protest outside company headquarters telling them to change their business practices? did these protesters research the university prior to applying? do they understand they made a voluntary choice? and did they do so before or after Palestine broke the ceasefire?
    2 points
  9. 1- PSU 2- Iowa 3- tOSU 4- Nebraska 5- Michigan 6- Minnesota 7- Illinois 8- Rutgers 9- Maryland 10- Indiana 11- Purdue 12- Wisconsin 13- Northwestern 14- Michigan State
    2 points
  10. You see more non-great in their sport coaches in Basketball and Football at the highest level (some never having competed in the sport even). Doesn't work in wrestling. Wrestling is such a feel sport that you can't just teach Xs and Os. Now, being the best wrestler isn't necessary, but having some level of success is. And, as proven by the 3 best coach-wrestler combos (Gable, Smith, Sanderson) they have a feel for the sport that can't be read in a book and can only be taught by show and feel (and they have amazing mental side to relate to athletes as well). They can both show proper movement, proper execution, and can give the correct feel and pressure when working directly with athletes. I was talking with a retired professional football player recently and I told him that the difference between coaching football and wrestling is, wrestling coaches actually wrestle with heir athletes. Football coaches give instructions.
    2 points
  11. Congratulations on your sobriety. Keep up the great and hard work.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. I heard rumors Denzel falls in the same category as these folks.
    2 points
  14. All I know is Pop, Sanderson, and Taylor are costing themselves a shot at a 60 year old ex-swimmer who never met a carb he didn't like, be it liquid or solid. That is called opportunity cost, my friends.
    2 points
  15. You had light in your eyes at both dawn and dusk? That's a hell of a wrestling room...
    2 points
  16. I honestly thought that Starocci's comments were about someone else. About guys just taking money(Aliverz for example). I didn't read it as him taking a shot at Taylor. Maybe that's naive, I know everyone else did, but I just viewed it as taking the money to Wrestle elsewhere. There's really no way you can blame DT. If Cael had hinted at hanging it up, I think DT would stay, but...he's not. Also, I thought Sanderson's hirings at PSU was one of the coolest things for the sport at that time, but also REALLY shitty. He elbows out Douglas and then parlays that into the PSU job? And I remember saying right then he's going to build an Iowa like Dynasty(which I remember arguing with my coach about, but I think a LOT of people probably saw that coming given Penn's in-state talent...didn't see THIS type of dominance though). Anyway, I agree, they'd rally behind him. You can't blame the man for doing what..you KNOW you'd do in that situation or what your own coach and mentor did.
    2 points
  17. I like Lee's chances. Zou here feels like the scary landmine. He's very athletic and gives everyone problems. He doesn't get blown out. Egorov hasn't had amazing results the past couple seasons, although he's a real opponent, certainly. Sarlak has been MIA the last 2 seasons and wrestling behind Iran's weakest starter, so not sure the story there. Dingashvili is solid, but I'd definitely favor Spencer if that was the semi's match and everything was on the line. All in all, if he wrestles anything like trials, I think he controls his own destiny.
    2 points
  18. Brutal draw for Kamal Bey, also. Russia, Belarus, Sweden...then probably the Georgian or Nemes the Serbian. All coin flip type of matches.
    2 points
  19. Just for @MPhillips, there he goes again ...
    2 points
  20. You could have stopped right there...
    2 points
  21. I agree. It is super fun to watch two people who don't like one another (and hold grudges) attempt to work together!
    2 points
  22. Bo isn't going to leave his MMA career and MMA gym (that he owns) to go and be an assistant at OSU. Add in that it is DT alone and that would make it a no.
    2 points
  23. That stadium and the attached weight room are friggin' sweet! We held the seeding meeting for the 2023 Super Regional in their VIP boxes overlooking the stadium, and it was nice. UCO's wrestling room and coaches' offices would rival most D1s, too. If that guy is supporting OSU wrestling now, DT better keep him close.
    2 points
  24. Also funny that he brags that he is the highest paid college wrestler by far, and then criticizes people for taking a pay day
    2 points
  25. How is the possibility that an athlete who qualified for the US Olympic Team and tested positive for a substance on the banned list is "much ado about nothing?" Is there some qualification in the testing process that I missed which says "well, if it doesn't benefit you personally, then no big deal"? Here's the NCAA prohibited list (containing adderall): https://www.ncaa.org/sports/2015/6/10/ncaa-banned-substances.aspx Here's the US ADA statement on TUEs for stimulants such as adderall: https://www.usada.org/spirit-of-sport/education/athletes-adhd-know-about-tues/
    2 points
  26. Definitely past tense. Gilman controlled Fix in a way we hadn't seen Fix be controlled in MFS in a while. A 6-0 loss to Gilman in MFS is basically worse than a Tech to anyone else. Fix and Gilman have heavy defensive styles, so to not only allow be shutout but allow GIlman to score six points - that means there is a distinct gap there now that wasn't five years ago.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. This is why they'll keep Derek Fix and Chris Perry on staff. It's the one area where there's common ground
    1 point
  29. I believe he'd still train at the NLWC. You don't just lose those lifelong friendships and bonds because you decide to take one of the top 3, 4 jobs in the sport. If Cael and the kids/young men at the NLWC are who we think they are, they'd 100% be in DT's corner, they'd want him there and to be in his corner.
    1 point
  30. Would expect this comment from Porta not from gimp.
    1 point
  31. Glad they showed the toilets!
    1 point
  32. I was really really hoping we were never going to get a “will he or won’t he come back” situation with Gable again. I still maintain I believe he has no remaining eligibility. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. This is why the Unicorn migrated south, he wins all fantasy coaching meets below 42 degrees against The Dake.
    1 point
  34. As someone who uses PayCom for work, f*** that guy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. Social Distortion in two weeks (one of my bucket list bands) Greg Warren the week after that. Kidz Bop with my girls come the MN State Fair this year. Saw Nate Bargatze last summer.
    1 point
  36. I doubt that's the direction he's going to go. I think people are thinking more along the lines of...PJ Duke or young HS studs that can develop and help Okie St actually contend year in and year out. I'd bet money that HE wanted assurances(aside from his salary which...I'm sure will be the highest in the NCAA) that they'd fund the RTC, they'd provide money so he can have a Casey Cunningham type #1, and a well-paid staff and just money for the infrastructure so he can rebuilt the program and take them back to where they were just 20 years ago.
    1 point
  37. I don't think he brings anyone from PSU. I don't think he was as involved with the PSU guys as the RTC guys. And from the look of him at the Trials, he may not have been that involved with the RTC guys. mspart
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Hi style doesn't mesh with being on the World or olympic team. He might as well stay put and learn a new thing or two and maybe have better success. mspart
    1 point
  40. Says the guy who last threw his shot almost 220 years ago.
    1 point
  41. Think Scott can convince his wife to go to Hofstra?
    1 point
  42. I'm saying he's not gonna be in a new system. His training will be "tailored" to him.
    1 point
  43. The really smart coaches wait until the 2nd half of practice when the studs are a little tired to jump in. Helps keep the legacy going.
    1 point
  44. I don't think it is ego (although that may be the case for NM1965) as much as it is logic. There are talks of Gable being unbeatable in the room, but when he actually put in on the line and attempted a comeback to make the 1976 team he lost to to a college guy - Lee Kemp. John Smith is the goat, but he lost multiple times to Reinoso who ended up losing to D2 guys when he came to America. I expect many will have similar stories about David Taylor dominating the room at OSU. Presumably near his peak he just lost to a college senior Aaron Brooks who was beaten by Marcus Coleman. Taylor when asked about Kerkvliet kind of admitted to avoiding him in the room because of his size. The idea that Gable, Smith, Sanderson, Cunningham, Taylor ect by and large get the better of nearly all their wrestlers I would 't dispute, but they get to pick their spots and they are wrestling guys they know well. In a match it would go differently sometimes. There is a reason these guys are retired and coaching instead of competing.
    1 point
  45. This reminds me of Roy Batty's "tears in the rain" monologue in Blade Runner. "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die."
    1 point
  46. Bubba Jenkins middle weight coach.
    1 point
  47. Debatable. I know a fair number of coaches want the number of competitions reduced. But the opposing view is you need to compete to get better, as well as to get a feel for the other guys at your weight. And I think the small number of international competitions is more due to lack of events and travel expenses than it is a conscious decision to compete less. So I don't know, but if PSU was, say, the third or fourth best team, do you think they'd still be doing half the number of competitions as everyone else? I don't.
    1 point
  48. Gilman, Kennedy, Cox. Penn State killer there…
    1 point
  49. The fixation some of y'all have in Pyles is staggering. Not all content is for you. And if you don't want to watch it, nobody makes you do it (or come onto forums to spend more mental energy on this person you claim to hate.) I don't find his talking head videos super informative, so I don't watch them. But there are tons of fans who are don't trade anywhere near as much as I do. Same as politics where there will be people genuinely surprised this year about who is running or what their specific policies are. HOWEVER, working backward from the OP, the idea being mocked is that they should reach out to othe candidates? Many people, me included, believe they should (not that they will). Mocking that idea is foolish. Pop is a better coach than Scott by any metric. To me, THAT idea is self-evident, that you don't just lock in on one candidate for a job before looking into it, but for the OP, it apparently isn't, so maybe he needs to watch some more Pyles videos?
    1 point
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