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scourge165 last won the day on April 17 2023

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  1. It's not much of a distinction to me. David Taylor was a better "teammate" than Leader as they had ample leadership, but it's tough to find a 2X Hodge winner, 4X finalist and one of the top ~10 greatest Wrestlers ever. I've seen no evidence he's not exceptional in both regards.
  2. Ok...so not on his College team, but competing with the guy who was his biggest threat to make the Olympic team, Taylor and Brooks didn't train("out of respect," per Brooks) and then the knee injury presumably in 2019 that he tried to rehab? And you're claim is that he "hid" the injury so Nickal couldn't Wrestle(though he did) and the purpose of hiding it was to prevent Nickal from winning a medal? I thought he was just trying to rehab and was unable to do so. So in this case, he'd have had to work out with Brooks and disclose his injury to Nickal so he'd cut down to 86 instead of going 92KG where he couldn' beat Cox? I'm not sure how either would be disqualifying or how they relate to what was pretty clearly a discussion about College Teammates. No, a leader doesn't have to put anyone's goals before his own or it's "needs." They need to do the right things. They can lead by example, they can be vocal. You want a precise definition, go look up the definition of leader. I feel like most people who's been around the sport know it when they see it. -Good Role Model -Lead by example -Don't get into trouble -Don't get arrested for rape or crash your truck into people(so it definitely doesn't just get "dropped" on the best Wrestler in the room). If you get hired one of the 3-4 blue blood programs in the Sport and it's probably the most consequential move in the sport in ~15 years, I'd guess it's safe to say you're a good leader. If you want ME to give you an exact and all encompassing definition of a leader...I'm probably not going to be able to do so.
  3. Are you trolling? He's absolutely right, the best Wrestlers TEND to be leaders as well. Where are you getting the "aren't actively trying to abuse your teammates on a personal level," nonsense from? Everyone knows what it means. Lead by example, you're working hard, you're helping the younger kids...just...being a leader. Does every iteration of being a leader need to be spelled out? And please don't come back with assholes who were great Wrestlers but not leaders. The point was they TEND to be or they usually are. I'll assume Zain, DT, Ruth, Lee, Wrestlers like that have been pretty good leaders. I'd assume Spencer Lee has been...you watch what he did for his workouts, I'm sure you've got young guys who he's influenced.
  4. Yeah...I read that as his floor...because normally your brain fills in nonsensical comments with more logical thoughts. No clue why his "ceiling" would be AA.
  5. No...just saying how long those couple weights seem to be locked up. If Haines took a RS and went to '74 and Facundo wrestled this year, I still don't see how you fit all these kids in there. SVN, Kasak(who seems more likely to end up at '57/'65 than down to '41 after a RS year as has been speculated...though that was a while back). Meesenbrink, then Cunningham is a guy people tend to gloss over with Duke and Henkel. Just an incredible job of picking the right kids and these kids with the supreme confidence to believe they'll earn a spot. If you were a '74/'84, are you picking Iowa right now? Arnold and Angelo? I'm not a PSU fan beyond just being a fan of the sport and respecting what they're doing, but I'm curious how they get all these kids to come there. Didn't even mention Barr...who may be an '84 with Ryder and the Mirasola brothers. If they get a couple teammates from Bishop McCort, man, would that be a fun lineup to watch in a couple of years. Maybe a HWT from Iowa in that same class?
  6. No. He's not actually right. He's actually wrong. PSU is recruiting better than anyone else.
  7. I was just talking to an Iowa guy about PSU this past weekend at a party. He was arguing Iowa's recruiting is underrated and better than PSU...and then pointed to Angelo Ferrari. Now...the kid is a great recruit, but I had to point out how PSU is the only school that can have two guys who are the favorites to win a title next year most likely, Haines/Messenbrink, probably flipping weights and both have 3 years left(assuming Haines takes a RS). A kid in Facundo who beat him, Several other elite recruits coming in, but just PJ Duke and Henkel, the #1 P4P and the #8 P4P coming in at those weights because they want the best competition. There are a dozen other examples, just stacking ridiculous depth at weights with underclassmen, but damn, it's just impressive.
  8. Yeah, it wasn't so much that it was offensive...it's just...ya know, you're the insider with that iron-clad NDA who's got the inside info...how hard can it be to write his name rather than repeatedly calling him "the Cuban?" Also, just to be clear, are we talking about Diversent? It's...Diver and then sent. That's it. So...I'll assume it's a different Cuban as that one is just...waaay too easy.
  9. Ok...I get others calling him "the Cuban," since...well, they're not adamant about telling people how they're on the inside and they'll let them know(multiple times as though that someone changes the point that there are two BROTHERS who likely want to see each other in the lineup)...but the insider seems like he should call him something other than "the Cuban." This also makes me think of "The Swede" in Deadwood...who of course wasn't a Swede but was a bit of a psychopath, but I digress.
  10. Well...the comp was Aaron Donald as in size and maybe HOW he would possibly win matchups...if he ever progressed to the point of being able to learn the basic technique. It was NEVER that he would be Aaron Donald. If you thought Stevenson would be Aaron Donald, you draft him with your 1st pick in the draft. MAYBE not 1-1 with the QBs, but at least top 6.
  11. Probably doing some stupid shit...but I wish they could learn the lesson the same way I did...
  12. Jesus Christ...kids getting a couple hundred from me. I was just in an ATV accident and...I was pissed because...well, doesn't matter why, I got my arm and I'm healthy. That's brutal.
  13. Yeah, our RBs coach got a spot on the Jets 90 man when he was like...26. He was huge, he was fast...and he was gone real quick. It's the NFL. The guy packed every pound of muscle onto his body that he could have WHILE remaining an elite athlete with the flexibility and speed. And he was...IDK, 190 and pretty fast. Hard to know as he worked out and our Strength and Conditioning coach did hand timed 40s. So I was between 4.4 and 5.1... depending on if he looked away and happened to squeeze before I finished the last 10 or if he just forgot to hit time. He was getting tested pretty consistently at the 4.4-4.5 mark. Big gap, but...it's hand timing. That's how it works.
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