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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2024 in all areas

  1. This is what got him in trouble.
    6 points
  2. 125 R1: Kaylor vs Noto: both AA's Palmer vs Flynn: Palmer right off the scale is likely not gonna be at his best but I think hes a dark horse if he can manage his weight. Caleb smith vs The beard: not much to say just good match. 125 R2: Davis vs Ungar: I think ungar beats Peterson again, having watched a good bit of ungar hes rather boring on his feet but hes really good with double unders where we've seen Davis struggle a tad although it seemed patched up at big10's, and he has some nasty tilts. Figs vs Mckee: seems like Mckee is destined to lose r1 or r2 and then wrestle all the way back. Figs is by no means lighting the world on fire with his wins but hes been winning since his early season slump. 133 R1: Marlon Yarbrough vs nagao: Yarbrough is really 14-4 this year he had 3mff losses one of those losses should have been a win against Latona in the acc semis he also has a previous win over Latona earlier in the year and an 8-7 loss to ragusin. He did get teched by mason leiphart who is pretty prolific from top much like nagao so that bottom deficiency may haunt him here but I think it could be a potential upset. Nasir Bailey vs Kade Moore: kade did not look good at big 12's but maybe hes shaking the rust off he was looking great after he stuck Latona and narrowly lost to Vito. Picking Bailey but exciting one. 133 R2: Bouzakis vs fix: This kinda feels like a terrible matchup for Nic. Fix is as stingy as they come but more than likely Nic will just fire and I think that could lead to some easy points for fix, but Nic has that man strength so hes always exciting. Latona vs Ragusin: two very long boys. Ragusin is in much better form right now but Latona is a 2x AA so he knows how to get it done at NCAA's Nagao vs Bailey: Probably the least talked about TF this year. Bailey is super quick to legs and has great tilts on top (ask Evan frost) This may be my favorite r2 matchup in general going to be a lot of scrambles, I like Bailey to take it given nagaos slight lack of baseline defense this season. 141 R1: Brock hardy vs vince corbella: don't really expect Vince to wrestle he looked really hurt at conferences but purely based off name value a cool match Jordan Titus vs tom crook: just really enjoy watching both of these guys.. don't shoot a head inside single on Titus 141 R2: Beau vs Cole Matthews: Cole had this match about as close to won last year at NCAA's as you can without winning. Neither guy is going to take a leg attack more than likely so it feels destined for rideouts. Hardy vs Lemley: I mean both matches were sick and the series is 1-1 Jack vs Titus: 149 R1: Rathjen vs Williams: missed this one in the dual, Williams defaulted to Watters hope hes healthy but I think he may be a little soft to wrestle rathjen for 7 Abas vs Kasak: very much expect kasak to win this pretty easily but abas did once take Yianni to the brink 149 R2: Arrington vs Demilio: Arrington is in much better form but they did split at CKLV 157 R1: Lewan vs Saldate: Battle of the two guys that can stop Levi from majoring them DJ Mcgee vs Brayton lee: I think Mcgee is really underrated just being a MAC kid, could see him making some noise in this tournament Peyten keller vs Johnny lovett: Mac on Mac crime in r1 Mauller vs Travis: Teague took this one in the dual and they are high school teammates I believe, kinda leaning Mauller in the rematch 157 R2: Haines vs Mauller: Mauller punishes extended shots, unfortunately for him I don't know if anyone finishes better than Levi Lewan vs Robb: I think these guys both have at least two wins against each other in their careers, Lewan seems in better form but id like to hope we see CKLV Robb Andonian vs Downey: I don't really think Andonian is fully healthy, but the scrambles in this match could be absolutely insane Meyer vs Chittum: Third times the charm, hopefully we actually get to see it. I am about as biased towards Meyer as it gets so ill be picking him but his gas tank is a bit of a concern and chittum will be in his face for 7 165 R1: N/A 165 R2: Hall vs Antrell Taylor: Hall seems to have a lot of variance in his results but at his best he should AA at this weight. Taylor impressed me a lot at junior trials and most of this year. Hes super strong despite likely being an actual 157lber and holds really good position should be fun Olejnik vs Amine: Amine is another guy that just knows how to get it done at NCAA's going purely of this years results I favor olejnik pretty heavily 174 R1: N/A 174 R2: PK vs Conigliaro: I would have been more excited for this match had Conigliaro not just lost twice to benny baker 184 R1: N/A 184 R2: Sam wolf vs Bennet berge: Two guys that have really made big jumps this year Chris foca vs Dustin Plott: I thought Foca had a chance to win this weight when brooks and Trent bumped up this year, he has since disappointed me, but at his best I think he can go with Plott salazar vs Rogotzke: If Rogotzke can reach back and chin whip Salazar then he can do it to anyone 197 R1: Surber vs Deprez: This match is probably not actually all that exciting just to contrasts of styles 197 R2: Stephen B vs Stephen L: Buchannen was a consensus finalist coming into the season, he has not really looked the part this year (rumors hes dinged up) I had never heard of Stephen little until he made the u20 world team, but man is he good Jacob Cardenas vs Rocky Elam: bit of a rocky season for... Rocky. The match in the dual was a fairly decisive win for Rocky, but this feels like one Rocky probably needs to get on the podium and hes done that his first 3 years so I think he finds a way Jaxon smith vs lou deprez: this feels like a match with smith can hit a duck or two and I'm here for it 285 R1: Nash vs Schultz: this one is for the boys that miss the old heavies, gonna be a lot of beef and a lot of pushing 285 R2: Feldman vs Trephan: the Feldman that lost to trephan early in the season seems far gone, I like him to get that win back here Nathan Taylor vs Dayton pitzer: I have Pitzer getting by Doucet and this is a match he won earlier this season so 21 seed pitzer in the quarters? Ghadali vs Davison: This match should be pretty high output, two guys that can really move.
    5 points
  3. Your post is now whining about him "whining." He's allowed to describe his life experience and what he feels, you're allowed to criticize it, but you're just doing the thing you're accusing him of doing.
    5 points
  4. Really dislike Fix over Crookham for number 1. Crookham wrestles and beats the returning NCAA and World champ twice and Fix ducks Crookham in the dual and is rewarded with the #1 seed.
    4 points
  5. Fix career record is 122-6 with 5 of those losses coming at NCAA's, 3 in the finals. The first 2 NCAA finals losses were in OT. The year that Suriano beat him in the finals, Fix beat Suriano in tie breakers in the dual. 60% career bonus rate, senior level world silver medalist. What exactly is championship material in your definition? Fix has been a hammer his whole career and is on the short list of best to never win a title at this point.
    4 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Starocci had every opportunity to get enough matches for rpi and to wrestle the b10 tournament to a place finish. Thats on Carter or his coaches its not the committee's fault. And we don't know if the bracket is screwed up because we haven't yet seen him wrestle since the injury.
    3 points
  8. Switch the position of "case" and "mind" and I'd agree with you.
    3 points
  9. I've identified the problem.
    3 points
  10. Honestly it doesn't matter what I say, or anyone says as you will just twist it in your head that we are somehow racists and don't care about other people. I am not sure how you get through life with such a thought process. What you fail to understand or even try to understand is that mine and others' opinions about the boarder issue have nothing to do with the unfortunate plight of these people coming here. It has to do with us as a country having secure boarders in order to maintain our sovereign state. We in the US are the most open country there is, and it is a great country to be in, and that is why so many people want to come here. I have no problem with those people wanting to come here but we would be, and have been, completely out of our minds for having open borders and not vetting the people who get let into our country. THAT is what people on here are arguing and you refuse to understand and just want to yell racist at as many people as possible. As for flying the illegals (that is what they are for not going through the proper vetting) to other parts of the country, I have no problem with that due to the fact that they all agreed to go. In addition, where your "empathy" for those people falls short, as well as your claim I don't have empathy, is they CHOSE to come here illegally, and they CHOSE to get on the airplane to get flown somewhere else. And it is probably offensive to those who you claim "don't understand"....are you calling them dumb?? Are you so superior and "privileged" that YOU know better than they do?? See how easy it is to play your stupid game?? Finally, the southern states do not deserve to be over run because of piss pour decisions by our government. I am all for those who want to come here to the US for a better life. I am also all for having secured boarders and an effective and efficient way to vet those people before letting them in. It really is that simple...so I will ask you again, stop insinuating things about me.
    3 points
  11. In two seconds, I’m hitting Carter with a blast double and putting him through the scorers table before the ref can stop it for the medical forfeit.
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. People who are emotionally invested in matches, and don't have a complete understanding of the rule and interpretation, don't like when someone who has a better knowledge of the sport (but no emotional investment) makes tough calls. This is especially true because Angel does mostly high stakes duals and 50+% of the audience is going to be unhappy with some of the the calls. There is a reason why he continues to get the big matches and that is because he is consistently rated as high as just about anyone in the country on his application of the rules, mechanics, positioning, etc.
    3 points
  14. Ben Askren vs. Dylan Palacio (match in the stands or on the sidelines) https://www.tiktok.com/@flowrestlingtv/video/7332964302569164074
    3 points
  15. Bloodbath, Part III. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  16. Hopefully he'll survive the downstairs drill session.
    2 points
  17. I think Mesenbrink coasts to the finals. His draw is a total gift
    2 points
  18. Starocci has wins this season over the #6, 10, and 13 seeds. The #5 seed’s best wins are over the #7, 10, and 11 seeds, and he also did not do very well at the conference tournament. If there was ever a time for committee intervention, Carter Starocci was it.
    2 points
  19. A good bracket placement is 20 seed Tyler Wells. He beat his first round opponent Kurt Phipps the first time 7-2. If he were to win against he would possibly face Dylan Shawver who he also beat in the dual. He hasn’t gotten smoked by anyone as of yet. He wrestles way too tight so far in college but could be a bracket buster.
    2 points
  20. I think some on here care a lot more than Starocci does.
    2 points
  21. Did he place ahead of anyone seeded above him at conference? With two losses……. Does he have more matches than “ANYONE” in his bracket? How does two losses and the fewest matches in your bracket impact winning %.
    2 points
  22. Love Mesenbrinks bracket. I will be surprised if he is not in the final
    2 points
  23. 125 - 1. Davis 2. Stanich 3. Ayala 4. Ramos
    2 points
  24. @Paul158 I believe it is on here NCAA college wrestling home | NCAA.com right at 8 pm est.
    2 points
  25. I want to bet on the outcome of the NCAA D-1 wrestling championships. Where and how can I do so legally? Edited to add: I am not a current D-1 wrestler.
    2 points
  26. And here you are again TPT asking the stupidest questions feigning ignorance of the immigration laws that are on the books in this country. It is a stupid game you play. Spencer Lee pinned his opponent - TPT says - how do you know that? Under which rules did he do that? I demand that you answer my questions on this controversy. I demand you answer all of my stupid idiotic questions because I have a right to ask them. Well you don't have a right to the response you get when you do so. Play the fool if you want but that is on you. mspart
    2 points
  27. People may not like the TikTok generation for various personal reasons but they have this mindset down pat. They have a heightened focus on mental health and life hasn't been beaten then down enough yet to become cynical towards their ventures. Who would have guessed some bald kid from Utah would go on to be an art major in middle of nowhere Iowa that would transform a generation of college kids' minds
    2 points
  28. Who is he being more humane to? He has countless homeless US citizens roaming the city streets. He has added millions of illegals to that number. How is that being humane? They cannot work because they are illegal. And how is this being humane to the rest of us that have to pay for this. We didn't ask for it but we get to pay for it. Again, how is this humane to anyone? mspart
    2 points
  29. Ah, that is the question. He said it was debunked so it must be believed that it was debunked. See how that works? Again, he is not interested in having a conversation. He is interested in diverting the topic to other realms and seems to derive pleasure in doing so and derives pleasure at creating a situation where others get upset at him for doing so. Everything he accuses anyone of doing or being is pure projection. That is just the way it is. mspart
    2 points
  30. I'm really excited for @cowcards great great grandson posting this question in the trivia thread one day
    2 points
  31. All we need now is Andrew Sparks trolling Starocci to high hell on social media, talking about being the one to snap his 64-match streak
    2 points
  32. So Manning was right about the B1G tourney and wrong about the NCAA tourney. Right about what happened in the coaches meeting at B1Gs. The "he is drilling downstairs right now" is common joke that no one from PSU has disputed until now. At the time, people were also critical he didn't pull out until the bracket were set as it was believed it was done to intentionally impact the team race. No one from PSU spoke up like they are now. So basically Manning was right on all accounts except the one widely believed statement regarding Suriano's ability to compete at NCAAs that,has now for the first time ever, got people from PSU to speak up. Manning should tweet more, maybe getting information out of PSU won't be like Fort Knox.
    2 points
  33. The way I see it… 1 Keck 2 Salazar 3 Plott 4 Munoz 5 Truax 6 Pinto 7 Stewart 8 Wolf 9 Berge That also might just be my bias showing on how I’d like it to play out, I think Salazars best chances of making the semifinals are avoiding a rematch with Pinto or Truax. And I don’t think Pinto beats Plott. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  34. Just came on over here to the dark side to take a peek and quickly wet my appetite for some carnage and found a thread displaying kindness. Restored my faith in humanity
    2 points
  35. according to some officials in Albany (and idk if it's true or not), no one was told those flights would be arriving. you're also missing the entire context, which is that the entire administration is hellbent on 1) allowing a mass immigration of people who come over illegally and 2) assisting them with taxpayer money when they do so 3) cherry picking who is allowed to be upset about it.
    2 points
  36. Remain in Mexico was working just fine under Republicans.
    2 points
  37. I just found a list of the worst people of the 20th Century and Katie Britt wasn't on it. 1. Hitler 2 Hillary Clinton 3. Pol Pot 4. Chairman Mao 5. Barak Obama 8. Joe Biden 7. Stalin 8. Taylor Swift 9. Idi Amin 10 Joseph Mengele. This looks pretty accurate.
    2 points
  38. Angel Rivera v Penn State Tom Brands v his blood pressure cuff Aaron Brooks v a major religion and its 2 billion people.
    2 points
  39. Don't know about that but isn't it true you have more thrones than anyone else on the planet?
    2 points
  40. This is also a small tournament phenomena. There is a very good chance Iowa finishes the NCAA tournament in front of Michigan, Nebraska, and Ohio State. Hell, how many times has PSU won NCAAs without winning B1Gs?
    2 points
  41. It always amazes me that someone can insist that evidence be presented yet never presents evidence of what he is saying. It is a double standard that is frequently employed by people that just like to argue and don't really want to understand a situation. When evidence is presented, they pivot and ask for more or different evidence and does not address what was presented. It is a classic obfuscation tactic. It is just a way to continue a pointless argument. Granted these boards will not cure all diseases or boil the ocean or come up with other solutions that elude most policy makers. But for the sake of our own understanding, it would be nice to have equally contributing partners in the discussion rather than some constantly wanting to sow discord. mspart
    2 points
  42. Here are mine: Mesenbrink/O’Toole or Carr Brooks/Beard Mesenbrink/Hamiti 2 Kerk/Bastida Crookham/Fix Crookham/Vito 3 Haines/Shapiro Gomez/Lovett 3 Brooks/Hidlay whatever number this is Beard/Hidlay Vito/Bailey
    1 point
  43. 125: #1 seed - Stanich; champ: Ayala 133: #1 seed - Crookham ; champ: Crookham 141: #1 seed - Mendez; champ: Woods 149: #1 seed - Lovett; champ: Henson 157: #1 seed - Haines; champ: Haines 165: #1 seed - KOT; champ: KOT 174: #1 seed - Lewis; champ: Lewis 184: #1 seed - Keck; champ: Keck 197: #1 seed - Brooks; champ: Brooks HWT: #1 seed - Kerk; champ: Bastida Penn State wins the team title
    1 point
  44. How about an Old Timer's match before the finals on Saturday: A. J. Ferrari vs. Pat Downey The Brand Brothers vs. Angel Rivera Ben Askren vs. Chris Pendelton Amine's Dad vs. Robin Ficker Brent Metcalf vs. Darrion Caldwell Austin DeSanto vs. His shadow Gym Jordan vs. john Smith Christian Pyles vs. Willie Saylor
    1 point
  45. You know what they say, one data point tells you everything you need to know.
    1 point
  46. Such a terrible person. Makes me wonder at what age she stops showering with her son.
    1 point
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