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  1. Bader gave a great interview with him on the most recent version of the Bader show. Dude is beyond a gentleman, just a wonderful soul and a tremendous role model. I legitimately cannot think of anyone I would choose as a better role model to show a young person, let alone a wrestler. There are few wrestlers who transcend the sport itself in the example they set and being a legit role model for any athlete or any person anywhere. J'den is one of those few. If you haven't watched it, definitely check out the episode. We are lucky to have J'den as a part of the sport. https://www.flowrestling.org/events/6197840-the-bader-show/videos?playing=12478080&limit=60
    6 points
  2. There won't be a drop in applications for the Ivies. You are talking about a couple hundred people at most out of 36,000 students at Columbia. Most students there aren't protesting and are focusing on computer science, economics, or they're premed/prelaw. And with their free time, they're getting drunk. People who get their idea about what these colleges are like from the news want to hear a certain perspective. Do you really think there will be any less interest in a college that is one of the top 10-20 in the country, has incredible financial aid, and is located in NYC? All because there were protests that will have been forgotten about in the news cycle by the time application season comes along? By the time college applications start-up, the news will have some other "crisis" to focus on. The coaching job at Columbia is just as good as it was a month ago, which isn't really that great of a job.
    3 points
  3. How anyone … seriously .. anyone …. can support Hamas after what they did, is sickening. I’m ok with supporting the historical claims that Palestinians have made, but supporting Hamas and their actions is disgusting, through and through. And there were many after Oct 7 that did just that. Many with their current chants and protests aren’t simply imploring Israel to protect innocents, they are trumpeting Hamas’ calls … all while Hamas still holds hostages. F’ing sick.
    2 points
  4. 2) Point two, its illegal to use human shields in combat, not to protect yourself from those using them. The idea that israel soldiers should do a lot more room to room fighting to be nicer is a standard no other military on earth has been held to. 3 I hope you'll believe that I could think of a bunch of grisly hypotheticals that would completely undermine israel's war effort, but i think generating it and having you sift through it would be a waste of time, unless you just insist. Proportion in warfare is defined by whether a parties actions are in proportion to their goals(assuming the goals are legitimate). I don't see any evidence that Israel has unjustified goals or is doing anything out of proportion with them. And again, 100% of the civilian casualities are caused by Hamas. You don't have to keep saying that you don't support hamas, its a genocidal terrorist organization and I wouldn't accuse you of supporting them directly.
    2 points
  5. Haven't heard much based on what's already being reported. I do know what would help the recovery process tho..... .....A Marcus Blaze commitment
    2 points
  6. On Howard Stern's show today, Biden claimed... - He saved 6 people from drowning as a lifeguard - He received "salacious pictures" from women in the 70s that he handed to Secret Service , um senators don't have secret service protection - That he was arrested as a kid while standing with a black family on their porch as people were protesting desegregation. - That he was "runner-up in state scoring" in football.
    1 point
  7. Valenti is a very polished coach and a very polished administrator. He might be the best spoken (future) coach in the league right now. Coaches at similar institutions should really take a listen and consider sending some of their guys into the AD administration trees, it clearly has prepared Valenti VERY well to become the future helmsman of the Penn program. He’s very smart in the way he is constantly giving credit to other people with just about every sentence that comes out of his mouth.
    1 point
  8. Lebanon has been a US ally for a long time. Iranian proxies are able to infiltrate and stage military actions from their territory, but that does not mean the Lebanese government hosts them. They literally send officers to US military schools. I attended one with about a dozen of them. Ironically, a roughly equal mix of Christian, Jewish and Muslim guys who all smoked cigarettes and drank with each other. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. I’m just talking about his level of polish. There is a 1/2 hour interview with him that intermat put out, and the dude truly sounded like someone who knows how to navigate the institution, he sounds like an administrator as much as a coach, which is the primary point of difficulty for most wrestling programs, they are unable to build and maintain a positive relationship with their own schools in a meaningfully positive way. Agreed on the results part, but if more coaches sounded like Valenti(which only comes with gaining real institutional knowledge), shutdowns of programs wouldn’t be such a concern.
    1 point
  11. alright thank you. @uncle bernard due to my semantic ignorance, my post about your use of the term "indiscriminate targeting" was completely wrong. This does not mean I accept the premise that Israel is conducting the war in an unethical way in the context of an urban war against an enemy that is thrilled to blow themselves and their children up.
    1 point
  12. Yes. Targeting is a process within the Joint (and each service, too) community. See: Joint Publication 3-60. https://www.justsecurity.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Joint_Chiefs-Joint_Targeting_20130131.pdf Joint Targeting School Student Guide: https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/Doctrine/training/jts/jts_studentguide.pdf?ver=2017-12-29-171316-067 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. Actually, it’s not. Targeting is a process. Controls placed on packages to avoid striking not-the-target is part of that. When you hit something other than an approved target, or mistake someone else for your target and strike them with weapons system (bomb, missile, or even non-kinetic effects) you are executing non-discriminate targeting. Also: The three separate cars from the relief organization that the IDF destroyed. That’s a perfect example. Either they knew that the 3x (properly registered with Israel/IDF) vehicles were not a legitimate military target and struck them anyways (discriminate targeting) or they didn’t do their due diligence and struck them anyways (indiscriminate targeting). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. The thing that I think pro Israel people have a hard time understanding is that when they kill so many civilians like this it’s making it impossible to get rid of Hamas, when these citizens see the state of Israel skill their family members who were not involved in insurgency it is only natural to gain grow closer to that ideology because it is a self fulfilling cycle , we already saw this exact same scenario happen in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    1 point
  15. He’s not validating human shields. He saying a country we are allied and supply maybe shouldn’t indiscriminately kill 100 “human shields” to kill one suspected terrorist and we should hold them accountable for when they do. Human shield defense doesn’t clear Israel of killing a majority of press and journalists there and all the other war crimes Israel is committing
    1 point
  16. They (athletes) don't have a defense because they are the plaintiffs in this civil suit.
    1 point
  17. Brooks is your surefire prospect, easy #1. Generational talent with all of the character traits you want, plus the product on the mat. A guy you're comfortable handing the keys to your franchise to. Think Andrew Luck. Vito is a bit of a trickier prospect. The talent is there and at his peak he's up there with the best... but where exactly does he fit in? Not sure you can build your team around a guy that's not filling a marquee position (weight). If you get David Carr you're certainly not disappointed, but you wonder about his peak production. The floor is high. He's going to be good. We know that. But is he capable of taking the next step (i.e. will he ever make a world team?)? Gomez is a walking red flag. You take a guy with his injury history this high in the draft and you're really putting your job on the line as a GM. Could you get 2 to 3 years of high level production out of him? Possibly. Might he be off your roster in 2 years? Also possible. Trent Hidlay is a guy you draft because you know exactly what you're going to get. He's going to grind. He's going to be in the mix. He's going to make your team better. He's not going to be an MVP--you know that. But he's also not going to get you fired. Griffith... the production is there, but there are major questions about his ability to translate to the next level, and I also have some questions about his love of the game. Fair or not, it seemed at times like he was going through the motions this year just waiting to secure his bag. I think that drops him down the board. Lewis--see Gomez description, x2. His best days might be behind him. If you can get him low enough in the first round he might be worth taking a flyer, but a top 10 pick is iffy. Fix is another guy where you know what you're going to get. You add him to your roster and you sleep well at night. He might even make a few pro bowls before it's all said and done. I think he goes higher based on his floor.
    1 point
  18. Although the decade or so away from coaching is unusual, Matt is one of the few people that have the ability to handle both the CEO side and the best guy in the room side.
    1 point
  19. Greco is not available post-graduate?
    1 point
  20. 1) Yes you got confused. The video you replied to is of the same guy willie was talking about. 2) Disagree. Following the catastrophe of the world wars, we came together as a civilized world to set down rules of war. Killing the human shields is a violation of those rules. It is a war crime. I believe in the rule of law, even when it's inconvenient. Levelling buildings you think might contain Hamas while you know they for sure contain civilians is a war crime. And it's wrong to portray that as their only option. They have one of the best funded, best equipped militaries in the world. They could be far more precise if they wanted to be. They just don't want to be. And they'll also be pretty open about that if you just listen to them. Hit translate on Hebrew tweets from Israeli politicians and generals. Far different tone than what they say in English for their Western audience. 3) Good. That's one of many reasons I don't support Hamas. Is that your only red line for Israel? Is there a civilian casualty number that you would find unacceptable, for example?
    1 point
  21. if you keep calling us fascists and racists i'm pretty sure we'll eventually cave and adopt your stupidity out of sheer embarrassment.
    1 point
  22. and as far as fascist tendencies... is that anything like wanting to do away with the #1A and #2A?
    1 point
  23. With OTT in the books and a little over 2 weeks before the final qualifier, how are folks feeling about Spencer and Zain's chances to qualify their weights? Top 3 punch their ticket to Paris. It looks like UWW already has a participants list going, but dunno how accurate it is (e.g., McKenna at 65): https://uww.org/event/world-og-qualifier-0/participants Who is Iran's 57kg rep?
    1 point
  24. I guess we know where the money for the 4th place trophy went.
    1 point
  25. Posting cartoon propaganda and then insulting other people's intelligence is rich.
    1 point
  26. Earlier this month, the University of Pennsylvania announced that two-time NCAA champion Matt Valenti would be leaving his role within the athletic department to return to the wrestling team as an associate head coach. It's part of a plan for Valenti to transition into the head coaching position for the 2025-26 season, while current head coach Roger Reina steps back. Valenti sat down with Austin Sommer to discuss how this situation came about - why he initially left coaching and why he wanted to return. The two also discuss the transition to the head coaching position and how that dynamic works with the current staff members. Valenti also talks about Penn qualifying for the 2025 NCAA Tournament directly through the Ivy League, rather than the EIWA. They close by hitting on the Penn RTC and their performance at last weekend's Olympic Trials. For the full interview:
    1 point
  27. Tournament would be too long
    1 point
  28. Not anyone who isn't protesting lol
    1 point
  29. I think we need to modernize slip throws in both FS and GR. It's one of those things that we've had around for so long, we're kind of blind to the gaming of the ruleset. I recently brought up slips to a group of officials, bc a kid at Last Chance hit five slips in a match. It was ridiculous. My question was, "After the second slip, shouldn't the offender be warned just like passivity (caution and then one)?" I then brought up the idea of slips just going away. Instantly the officials said "No, then no one will take a chance at a throw!" That's old rhetoric. That's thinking like it's 1980. I don't buy it. I get there are rare cases where it's actually a slip, but that's probably 10% of the time. At the very least, I think after the second slip, you get a verbal, and after that it's a point. That's a start. But I also think they should just be removed for FS. As for greco, they should be called passivity more frequently. It's SO obvious when they are faked, call that shit! It's not good for the style.
    1 point
  30. I’ve said forever that if it looks like a clear slip then continue wrestling where you end up without awarding points to either wrestler. Ref can signal the “slip” to nullify any points being awarded, but if you end up on bottom afterward then you just have to deal with defending the position you are now in. Most slips, at least at a nine international level, are due to a lack of a solid position and technique anyway, so if you don’t want to end up on bottom after then improve on your position and technique.
    1 point
  31. 5% pleasure 50% pain And 100% reason to remember the name
    1 point
  32. And has been on a downslide since the day USAW decided to take an emphasis in folkstyle tournaments and series.
    1 point
  33. i was not following that exchange and interpreted this as reporting because you disagree with their take (willie has threatened to ban me before). doxxing and threats are a different matter. no excuse for that.
    1 point
  34. I absolutely wanted that moron rape apologist gone. For this I do not apologize.
    1 point
  35. There should be a style that only allows lower-body takedowns... no tie-ups. We'll call it Ocerg Kind of trolling, but kind of not
    1 point
  36. My guess for his five or six 1) Missouri - because it was mentioned as a rumor 2) Michigan - $$$ and position of need 3) Nebraska - high profile program close to his home state of Kansas and also in need of a HWT 4) Minnesota - because its heavyweight U 5) North Carolina - because its a position of need and Koll is persuasive
    1 point
  37. What do teens think about these types of posts? Im just trying to figure out the audience for what seems to me idiocy.
    1 point
  38. Hopefully he makes a full recovery. He has repeatedly had to deal with tragedy and challenging circumstances throughout his life (of course his own family, but also paddock and recently sasso) and still has such a positive/uplifting perspective on life. He’s a great voice and leader in the sport. An update: https://x.com/nickcorey167/status/1783170329218560381
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. With the limited amount of d1 Hc jobs, someone will want to take it on. Eventually the madness on their campus will stop.
    1 point
  41. If he ever finds his way back onto a college mat, there is so much potential for him to do the funniest things possible at any point. Get DQ'd in the national finals--possible. Double bird split salute in Ames--possible. Pose and flex in Cael's face after winning in BJC--possible. Get in a fight with Terry Brands during a match--possible. These are just a few of the things currently being robbed from us by (admittedly, wise), administrators. Let's hope somebody is ready to make a bad decision.
    1 point
  42. https://aueagles.com/news/2020/7/16/wrestling-kizhan-clarke.aspx Born in Germany . Mother is
    1 point
  43. I was talking about JB being so competitive it makes him a pretty well established dick. To call taylor a competitive d-bag and then…not call jb or dake that is silly. They all showed up in the same canoe to that party. They’re all so competitive that to be anything other than the best ruins every minute of their day. We saw lots of that early on from Dake when JB beat him and everyone called him a whiner for years. But then he got a world team spot and chilled a bit…then he beat JB and became outwardly much more chill, and JB started seeming like the competitive dbag. They’ve all been this way all along, it’s just whether or not they win some tournaments esch year which determines how they behave. It’s one of the things that was so awesome about J’den, and is awesome about snyder too, they’re really composed and gentlemanly even when they lose. And, even if disappointed or angry, it is at themselves, they may express it but it is towards nobody but themselves, never at anyone else. It’s that lesson we all teach to little kids when they play sports. The irony is some of these guys are so good, they forget that lesson until they are re-taught it in their 30’s.
    1 point
  44. Does anyone want to be at Columbia right now?
    1 point
  45. Cheering someone of another race doesn't exclude you from being a racist.
    1 point
  46. How about any fan that goes to any event in any sport that drinks too much and acts like a jackwagon. If you shout anyone down for any reason, ride the officials, or get out of your seat to speak to the participants you are pretty much a crap fan and are embarrassing yourself and the sport.
    1 point
  47. To be clear, I am not saying Ochir is better than Zain - Zain has a Worlds Gold. I am saying Sujeet Sujeet might be better. He has an extremely high ceiling, but is similarly inconsistent to Johnny D. It really depends on which one shows up.
    1 point
  48. Here is the list INDIA - #6 Aman Aman (2022 U23 World gold) IRAN - Ahmad Mohammadnezhadjavan (2022 U20 World bronze, 2021 U23 World bronze) OR Alireza Sarlak (2021 World silver) CHINA - #7 Wanhao Zou (2022 World 5th) TURKIYE - #10 Muhammet Karavus (2021 U20 World silver) OR Suleyman Atli (2019 World silver) MONGOLIA - Munkh Erdene Batkhuyag (2023 U23 World bronze) OR Zandanbud Zanabazar (2022 World bronze) OR #18 Narankhuu Narmandakh (2022 61 kg World bronze) NORTH KOREA - #17 Chongsong Han (2023 Asian Games silver) KAZAKHSTAN - Meirambek Kartbay (2023 World 5th) OR Yerassyl Mukhtaruly (2023 U23 World 5th) OR Rakhat Kalzhan (2023 Asian bronze) GEORGIA - Roberti Dingashvili (2024 Euro bronze) GERMANY - Horst Lehr (2021 World bronze) UKRAINE - Andrey Yatsekno (2017 World bronze) 65 kg MONGOLIA - #4 Tulga Tumur-Ochir (2021 World silver) OR Tsogbakrakh Tseveensuren (2022 World 9th) UZBEKISTAN - Umidjon Jalolov (2022 U20 World gold) ALBANIA - Islam Dudaev (2022 Yarygin bronze) INDIA - Sujeet Sujeet (2022 U20 World bronze) BULGARIA - Salim Naim (2023 Euro silver) BAHRAIN - Alibeg Alibegov (2021 U20 World silver) FRANCE - Timourovitch Arsamerzouev (2022 U20 World bronze) TAJIKISTAN - Abdulmazhid Kudiev (2021 Russian Nationals bronze) UKRAINE - Erik Arushanian (2022 U23 bronze) GERMANY - Kizhan Clarke (UNC 2022 NCAA finalist) CANADA - Lachlan McNeil (UNC 2X NCAA All-American) KAZAKHSTAN - Maiis Aliyev (2022 U20 World 8th) ARGENTINA - Agustin Destribats (2024 Pan Am silver) BELARUS - Niurgun Skriabin (2020 Euro silver) NORTH KOREA - K Kim (2024 Asian Qualifier 5th) CHINA - Shaohua Yuan (2024 Asian Qualifier 5th)
    1 point
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