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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2024 in all areas
If they shut Iowa out, will you finally leave us all alone - forever?6 points
When they try to impose their religion on me... I do. This is a serious, and growing problem in the US and abroad. Numerous state laws, essentially banning abortion completely, have recently been promulgated in direct contradiction of popular opinion, and without input from physicians. Unsurprisingly, many of these states have also eliminated free school lunch programs for those in need, along with any other resources that might trickle down to children in poverty. The underlying rationale for such jurisprudence - that life begins at conception, and must be protected (at least until birth) - is wholly religious. Alongside Alito's majority SCOTUS opinion (Dobbs v. Jackson WHO) that led to the above state laws, Clarence Thomas writes a concurrent opinion suggesting the court should go after contraception next. As an aside, Alito and Thomas have recently been under fire for receiving well over 8 figures each in undisclosed gifts (bribes) from individuals with business before the court. The current Speaker of the House, third in the Presidential succession line, is an Evangelical Christian and young earth creationist, and unabashedly agitates for a US theocracy. Numerous Republican house members claim the US Constitution includes no Establishment clause, and also agitate for theocratic rule. I don't care about AJ's supposed religious beliefs, but I'm going to mock and harangue right wing religious lunacy (and any accompanying hypocrisy), especially that which is espoused by those in power, however I can.4 points
https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/12047221-ncaa-official-coordinator-releases-statements-on-reaction-time-calls?utm_medium=socialmedia&utm_source=facebook&utm_term=thumbnail.officialstatement&utm_content=article&utm_campaign=news&fbclid=IwAR0q5x7FDFVL8qVz1yGvksVmGxeRmpVGqG-5dA2cakleHxtH3obl8fHIPS43 points
Do you remember that heart shaped hot tub in Dumb and Dumber?3 points
Instant zero credibility when an internet key board warrior says something like this...LOL Next you will list your degree's, your work history, how smart you are without anyone being able to confirm or deny it...what a freaking weak argument...but not totally unexpected from you. Go read a book and then come back and tell us how you are instantly now an expert...LOL3 points
You suggest that the court is illegitimate because the president isn’t elected by popular vote - which would be unconstitutional - then support packing it to delegitimize it. Illogical.3 points
I wouldn't be surprised if of the so called 81 million votes that only 65 million were LEGAL votes.3 points
C'mon nhs67, think of the greater good and take one for the team!3 points
Parts of it - https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/emergency_national_security_supplemental_bill_text.pdf Good and bad. Dead. Example Good $584,116,000 shall be for the hiring of U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel $139,000,000 shall be for overtime costs for U.S. Border Patrol Training Example Bad The Secretary shall activate the border emergency authority if (i) during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day; or (ii) on any 1 calendar day, a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are encountered. Change the terms to something like 100 or more aliens encountered daily or 5,000 or more aliens encountered monthly.3 points
3 points
128 135 143 153 163 174 186 200 215 MaxUltraWeight I think adding an 11th weightclass is an interesting idea. But I also think overtime should include a round where strikes are allowed so maybe don't let me write the rules.3 points
3 points
Biden tells crowd he recently met with Mitterrand, former French president who died in 1996 François Mitterrand2 points
Yes, it is about time to add a weight class and up the poundage for heavies. Add 225 and up the top guys to 300 or 320. We no longer have a 115 pound class. People are getting bigger and heavier. NFL and other pro sports have many big guys who are too heavy to wrestle because of the 285 limit. Many of them are not lardbutts, but athletes who carry the weight and have no problems with being fat. No to going back to Unlimited at the top. Making adjustments is only rational now as we are seeing more and more top grade athletes with the frame and flexibility formerly associated with smaller competitors. Yes, it would add one more weight class. That would help eliminate ties in match wins in duals. It would be more realistic in addressing the big wrestlers needs for a weight class that fits todays athletes. USA Wrestling could go along and start lobbying International bodies to follow suit. We see other countries who have to cut larger wrestlers as they have trouble getting down to the 276 pound limit. Bigger, faster, stronger - it is reality today. Why not make it reality on the mat?2 points
I don't consider legislators "leaders". They are representatives. Additionally, much more important than how we determine our representatives (i.e. democratically on a local basis) is that the representatives have very little authority and the government has very little business. This concept of limited government is the most important aspect of our government and it is one which we seem to have forgotten - or simply chose to ignore at an ever more egregious rate - over a century ago.2 points
2 points
For the last several months, my wife who is mid 30s - had several scans that suggested we should assume the worst. Today we found out it was benign. I have been processing gradually throughout the day and its been the best news I've had in awhile. I'll listen to some Toby Keith since you are all saying how good he was. I ventured into country but only a bit here and there.2 points
Mitchell Mesenbrink, Gabe Arnold, Braeden Davis, Luke Stanich, Meyer Shapiro, Rocco Welsh, Dylan Fishback and Nick Feldman all come to mind.2 points
This is just the social contract. People without kids pay for local schools. People who don’t drink soda subsidize the dental insurance of those who do. People who don’t eat meat subsidize ranchers and those who do. People who don’t give a shit about football have their taxes go to a new stadium. Sometimes you pay for things that don’t benefit you directly because they benefit society as a whole or enough people like it or we’ve decided we can’t or shouldn’t regulate people to that extent. If you’re so worried about who pays for an abortion maybe the guy who had sex with the women you’re calling whores can pay for it? He also probably knows sex can result in a pregnancy.2 points
2 points
No, you have that wrong. Biden could have not had this situation if he had left the Trump policies in place. It was not too difficult or complicated to leave those in place. It is not too difficult or complicate to put them back in place. He made the conscious decision to remove those policies and we now have the result of his dereliction of duty. And now he wants the Rs to help him fix it? Yeah right. That is cynical politics at the highest level. He does not want it fixed. He wants to put the Rs face in it. Pure and simple. He doesn't care about the border or too many people coming. He only cares that it now is affecting blue states and they are complaining and sounding like Rs. mspart2 points
This country needs term limits for congress long before it needs term limits for the Supreme Court.2 points
Because this is America where we deliver blast doubles of freedom and let democracy ring with leg sweeps. Are you one of those greco commies that likes to wear the red singlet?2 points
Responses in RED above. It looks like what you want is a Supreme Court and Appellate Courts to be stacked with "liberal" justices and you are trying to convince yourself how this could be done in a way that makes sense. Sorry but your wisdom and reasoning is faulty as noted above. How about we pack the court with impartial justices who will look at the Constitution and applicable case law to determine the just course of action to take? Wouldn't that be better that stacking with ideologues? mspart2 points
2 points
I have a slight disagreement with you here. No one is ensured a "say". The checks and balances are in place to ensure the government protects the rights of every individual (we are all a minority of 1). The right to be left alone, not to be infringed, mandated, etc. is the main point of the checks and balances and the whole idea of a limited government. Having a "say" is not as important as other people (even the majority) not having a "say" about me. summing it up - "I'm not the boss of you and you, even you ALL, are not the boss of me or anyone else."2 points
I can almost guarantee you I know more about it than you do. That's how I know which parts of it I disagree with.2 points
Insanity is Marxism, socialism, communism and progressivism. People leave those places in droves to come here for a reason. It doesn’t work. Never has never will.2 points
2 points
Because it’s part of the checks and balances our founding fathers created to ensure the minority always has a say. Who cares about the popular vote as were a Republic for a reason.2 points
Uncle Bernard doesn't understand the Constitution or what is legal. It is Greek to him.2 points
So again, what is the problem?? How is your life adversely effected? Because YOU feel there is a political majority?? You are right the idea is that the court should be an independent branch meant to regulate the CONSITUTION and when a courts decision goes against what you personally believe it does not mean the decision made was done for political reasons. And why do you want to delegitimize it?? That is an asinine way to think of it no matter what your political lean is. Would you feel this way if the majority was "left" right now? I think we all know the answer. To me if it was...again, would it effect me personally...nope! As for it not reflecting voter will...what, you want to have the Supreme Court changed every election period?? Seriously?? SMH Still waiting to hear what problem the current system is and how changing the number is a solution to any sort of root cause other then someone's political believe. If you can argue the LEGALITY of any of the Supreme Court decisions and how they are completely wrong....LEGALLY...go for it...we all will wait!2 points
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I agree with your assessment and if he makes it to November, I believe he’ll get fewer votes than last time.2 points
2 points
How can he be on the hot seat when he never pays-up when he loses? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
2 points
So many questions. Will the Brands ever get fired? Will you ever pay your gambling debts?2 points
I was referring to club programs, not NCAA programs. the NWCA has done a lot for this sport, all anyone on this forum does is bitch and moan….. it’s not snake oil at best when they are growing the sport and getting schools to add programs.2 points
Schultz has been very beatable this season....someone who matches his size and can do the bear dance with him for 7. minutes puts themselves in a position to win.2 points
It's been kind of a slow season so I invested some time instead in re-reading the Zavoral book and the HBO documentary now owned by Flo regarding Gable's last season. It's kind of jarring, bordering on grotesque, seeing that video filmed in the same wrestling mecca where Jesse Whitmer trained to be a one time starter, one time champion; where Lincoln McIlravy overcame headaches to win a third title and finish 96-3; etc., etc. Maybe someone could do a wellness check on the Gable statue. It's one thing to get thumped in a dual by the 13th ranked team; it's another allowing your room to be used for this crap. The way to turn around the first part of that sentence is not by turning to the second part of that sentence.2 points
That was brutal. Just brutal. Frankly Brown, an otherwise admirable person, also gets demerits for the final he won, with the cheap move, dropping to his knees so that the ref with the trigger finger would call locked hands on Wilps.2 points
2 points
Greco-Roman Freestyle Current NCAA Proposed NCAA 121 125 125 125 132 134 133 134 139 143 141 142 148 154 149 151 159 163 157 162 170 174 165 172 181 190 174 186 192 203 184 198 214 214 197 214 287 276 285 2852 points
2 points
Ive been thinking about this for awhile. such a stupid thing. ORS when you didn't compete once. he's not even qualified for the trials and did nothing to attempt to qualify. if he (or anyone in this position) doesn't even wrestle, the ORS year shouldn't be granted. such a ruse.2 points
I was thinking that Iowa had all ten in the top ten during Metcalf's era, but the best I could come up with was his senior year (2010 NCAA seeds): 125: McDonough #3 133: Dennis #2 141: Marion #6 (LeClere also ranked during the season) 149: Metcalf #2 157: Kerr (Aaron Janssen split time here during the season) 165: Morningstar #7 174: Borschel #2 184: Keddy #9 197: Beatty #9 285: Erekson #51 point
Obviously, this topic was a ruse to lodge my own complaint. So here goes, Matt Brown: If he would have beaten Chris Perry in the finals despite all of the stall tactics, Ok State would have had to look in the mirror much sooner. They would have recognized that scientific stalling will only get you so far.1 point
1 point
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