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lu_alum last won the day on March 17

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  1. Marcus Blaze proves in two consecutive matches that it is only necessary to wrestle for 20 seconds to win in freestyle. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Did you seriously think that Lalovic would share news about strategic changes within UWW with Christian Pyles? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. He’s attending NYU. https://www.newsweek.com/barron-trump-college-decision-revealed-new-york-university-1948823 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Bo got Spencer'd. Endurance is not an issue if you give up an early TD and several tilts.
  5. Temple undergrad. Lehigh for my Master’s. Both were Mechanical Engineering Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Had a job on Drexel's campus during my senior year at Temple. Here's the route I used to run home each evening. I made it through the whole year without incident until I got sucker punched on the corner of Broad & Diamond - 1/2 block from my fraternity house 5 days prior to graduation. The only part that worried me was the initial small hill from Market to Spring Garden through a very dimly light neighborhood.
  7. Carl was only strict toward Bubba Jenkins... and that was to ensure a starting sport at 157 for his kid brother.
  8. Not really... Ruth only got a one-month suspension (mid-Nov to mid-Dec). I'm sure PSU's schedule had a lot of events in that timeframe. https://onwardstate.com/2013/12/02/top-ranked-penn-state-wrestler-ed-ruth-charged-with-dui/
  9. Looks like The Unicorn runs a tighter ship than Carl. Ed Ruth never would have survived a Tuesday night food run to Taco Bell under DT's watch.
  10. With a good day on Sunday, they can go 4-for-4. (Mexicans not included) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. This used to be the rule at the NCAA championship. If you didn't make weight on Saturday, you were DQ'd, all your team points were vacated and you did not earn AA status. This changed the year Joe LeBlanc (Wyoming 184) missed weigh on Saturday morning, due to a misunderstanding of some sort. Wyoming forfeited his team points, but coaches lobbied for him to maintain his AA status after forfeiting his final two bouts to place 6th. https://gowyo.com/news/2016/6/29/577408c3e4b0bdd131ac7726_131479675871300026.aspx
  12. Maybe WKN is confused and thinks "LA 2028" means the '28 games are in Louisiana? Geaux USA!
  13. Is Brooks the first US citizen to win in this session? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Poster of Paris with Olympic venues highlighted. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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