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I'm passing on some excellent knowledge from @gimpeltf that I had saved down on my desktop: "1. Back in the day (40s-50s in particular) the top 4 wrestling colleges in the state sent their coaches out to local high schools to give clinics as the sport was in its HS infancy. Those areas where the colleges were became the states hot spots. One might surprise you. In no particular order- A. Western Pa (WPIAL)- Pitt (Rex Peery) B. North Central Pa- Penn State (Doc Speidel) C Eastern Pa- Lehigh (Sheridan/Leeman) D. South Central Pa- F&M (Believe it or not- they were among the top teams in the country back in the day) (Uncle Charley Mayser) 2. The State College system. Used to be known as the State Teachers Colleges. Several of them have dropped over the years. The PSAC was never a qualifying conference but the league tournament was one of the best in the country. So what would happen is that a kid would wrestle in HS, go to one of these colleges to wrestle and to become a teacher. Would get a job as a teacher and a coach and the cycle would continue in an upward motion." Really goes to show how PA became so good at wrestling in the first place and how PSAC (State Teachers Colleges) deserves a cherished place in wrestling history as a conference.5 points
You know when else public perception existed that crime was high in America? Pretty much always. And when immigration would make it worse? Again, pretty much always. That feeling is heightened right now. As recently as 10 years ago we'd see news reports or TV media run stories that stated that immigrants were less likely to report being the victim of a crime out of fear of deportation and/or further crime being committed against them. The same goes for minority communities. "Stiches are for snitches" is a familiar axion to many. Before writing this post I read a story from 2014, just 10 years ago, stating that immigrants were 78 percent less likely to report crime when compared to US citizens. If this is true, then how can the public believe immigrants are somehow less likely to commit crime than US citizens? Especially when many of those immigrants are coming from the most dangerous places in the world. Most as are running from the crime there, but how many commit crime. Enough so that people intuitively know something is wrong. You have to make them believe it, right? And how does that work? You create a study and then cite that study as the gospel truth. Then you repeat it over and over and over again in unison. So you may cite a study as reported in the .org world but the public holds little trust in those studies when they don't comport with what they think makes common sense. This is why Europe is turning away from the hard left as they see it, and why it is happening here as well. This is not to say that our citizenry are all saints, no one believes that. The USA now has some of those most dangerous cities in the world. And what is going on with crime statistics in some of our cities? A number of things are happening. Since the defund the police movement came into vogue they had to make people believe the police were oppressors. They clearly are not, but anything to get power, right? In some cities they have created new categories to explain away deaths. One of those categories is "suspicious deaths". In Philadelphia an enterprising reporter went looking into those situations and came away believing most were homicides. Can't have people thinking there were too many homicides now. So overlay all the new crimes victimizing the citizens with the existing crime victimizing the citizens and people are going to feel less safe, and no study will change that. People feel unsafe in their gut. And what about the financial costs of all of this policy? The country can't afford it. Cities are cutting programs all over the place because of skyrocketing costs. As since you asked, the oil being depleted here in the USA is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. It stands at about one half of its high set during the last administration. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcsstus1&f=m This means that at the same time our Strategic Reserve was cut in half, literally in an effort to add supply to consumers, gas prices still rose about 50 percent. People feel this in their wallets. As for the currency, it is stable for now. But China and Japan buy far less of our debt these days. Trust in what we are doing here is dropping. Currency that is good doesn't go bad over night, it takes a lot of bad leadership to make it happen. Just as in Europe. in New Zealand, in Canada, people want change. They no longer trust the status quo as they feel it everywhere that something just isn't right.4 points
That's certainly most impressive given all the times the Dems have controlled Congress and the Presidency. Bravo you sneaky GOPers!3 points
I hate to break it to you, but being sad about losing is not an injury.3 points
3 points
My rationale for hoping this thread is moved to the non-wrestling board: 1) Its not about wrestling 2) I can hear idiots argue about this stuff anywhere I go and the points mentioned here are identical 3) It has made me think worse of people who I otherwise respected from conversations about wrestling. (not because of their political opinion, but because of how quickly they are willing to abandon decorum when alternate views are presented). 4) I make a decent effort to avoid thinking about things I don't want to and this thread keeps popping up in a place where I don't intuitively expect it. I will otherwise just keep trying to unsuccessfully ignore it lol3 points
there were open air sex acts in dozens of major cities last weekend. tell me again how this country is becoming oppressively conservative. the surgeon general is Indian. of the last six surgeon generals, one has been a white male. the lady that is Secretary of Health, is a dude. The Vice President is a black woman who used to blow Montell Williams. The Secretary of Transportation is an unqualified gay man. there's mass illegal immigration and very soft on crime policies. affirmative action/DEI is at an all time high. trans surgeries are at an all time high. abortions are back on the rise. there are open air drug markets and govt issued drugs in dozens of major cities. the new Aide to the President is an Anti-Jew crossdresser. what fantasy world are you living in that leads you to believe this country is trending right? all of the above on the heels of '81 million votes' for what was clearly the most radical left agenda in history. how out of touch can one be?2 points
2 points
Adding to that: Border control is non existent with millions coming in illegally - Yep, that's the right Drug overdose deaths has skyrocketed - Yep that's the right Protests that turn violent - yep that's the right Protests that turn violent and nobody is arrested and jailed - Yep that's the right. Country wide protests for Hamas - yep, that's the right Forgiving student loans without legislation to do so - yep that's the right mspart2 points
That would be the patriotic thing to do. Oh wait, Kamala!!! Maybe not. mspart2 points
off the deep end to the right..lol lets see, men in womens restrooms. yeah thats the right DEI everywhere... yeah thats the right Coke in the white house... hmmm 'pride' nude parades every other day...definitely the right california in disarray... b/c of the right jews being attacked regularly.. yeah.. thats the right christian bakers who are being harrassed by crazies... yep, thats the right the world in chaos.. yep, GOP's fault2 points
this is where the conversation stops cause i think pretty much everything you said is false or predicated on economic ignorance.2 points
2 points
A true freshman, 4-3 against qualifiers, with a redshirt available and 3 years eligibility, is a good pick up for someone.2 points
I’m surprised Powe hasn’t had more interest (at least it appears). 25-4 as a true freshman last year.2 points
Kerk also seems to have similar knee issues as Spencer Lee, with 1/3 the number of titles in the same number of tournaments. Not to mention “pound his body into submission” is an interesting way to describe a guy that never wrestled more than 20 matches before the postseason…2 points
2 points
The vote by mail states will always be sketchy.2 points
1 point
The media finds her even more detestable because she is not only stunningly beautiful but also incredibly intelligent. On top of that, she holds a Harvard Law degree. They seethe with disdain and resentment. To them, she epitomizes 'privilege'—gorgeous, brilliant, educated, poised, confident, godly, and happy... Oh, and did I mention she's exceptionally attractive?1 point
I feel like we’ve never been so close… These are exactly my thoughts. We bitch and whine and moan, but we the people have the ultimate power to execute term limits, if we want to do the different and difficult things to execute them.1 point
1 point
Not the country, but certainly the Republican Party. There have been other attempts by the Republican Party to do the same in other states, but it has not passed the legislature. Meanwhile, you want to offer Biden's attempted, but failed, waiver of student loans as radicalization of the Democratic Party.1 point
like i said before it is a course correction. we were too far to the left... the pendulum is swinging back to center now.1 point
The people in office now will never work with each other, maybe we can get you to change your mind.1 point
1 point
Would this be a good time for me to get called out for being a dumb ass for saying that until both sides of nut jobs start spending more time working on shit together than they do on trying to find any way to blast and blame the other….continually making everything in politics and governing more extreme…nothing changes direction, and alls well that ends well!1 point
You make a good point, many seem to think: Greatest Of All Time = best guy I've seen in last 5 years or my favorite best guy seen in last 5 years.1 point
The tax code favors investing, as it should. As a result more people should be saving and investing instead of blaming the tax code.1 point
And with increased gov’t regulation, the smaller, private farms get squeezed out and taken over by the corporate farms where taxes are compensated through the employees and consumers. And the left loves the regulatory bureaucracy.1 point
Yup. But Bassett’s “list” is getting people to talk about schools that probably wouldn’t be talked about otherwise!1 point
Crickets. Now you can see why trump was hesitant when answering about releasing Epstein files lmao his name is everywhere. And yes before anyone ask yes anyone named on these files are awful and deserve death not just the repubs1 point
Re: taxes You are blending two different things. When people talk taxes and tax rates, they are almost always talking about income taxes. But virtually every wealthy person has gotten their wealth from investments. Wealth disparities are an inevitable outcome of a free market. If you are 10% better at farming in an agrarian economy, you will be modestly better off than your fellow farmers. But in a free market economy you borrow money to buy out all the other farmers, run their farms more efficiently, and become wildly wealthy when you capitalize that income stream and sell it to investors. In exchange, we all get more efficient food production. This is an argument you will often hear Warren Buffet make.1 point
Not sure, but in college he was never more than a qualifier, going 1-6 in three NCAA tournaments. Edit: I just looked it up and had a good chuckle. "By virtue of being the only entry at 92 KG at the Bill Farrell International, Reenan won the 92 KG title. And with that win has qualified himself for the World Team Trials." Woody Allen had it right. 90% of success in life is just showing up.1 point
Wow! Younger Generation (18-29) Grows Wiser Despite Liberal Media Propaganda1 point
Conservative view points remain disappointingly low but headed in the best direction. Thanks for sharing.1 point
Yeah I wouldn't disagree with that. Depending on the major program, I think you are correct that most have their guys already. He would be a nice addition to a mid-major as you mentioned. Of course we know he will be poached if he has success at UTC or another school.1 point
1 point
Looks like Campbell and the Citadel. Citadel over App State is a big upset for multiple reasons IMO. But then again Army, Navy and Air Force are all still on the list so maybe he is considering a career in the military.1 point
1 point
Schools eliminated per Flo: Appalachian State Central Michigan Cleveland State Drexel Kent State Ohio Saint Cloud State1 point
1 point
It is a brutal sport and injuries happen. Injuries even happen to (gasp!) Penn State (SVN, Robbie Howard, Starrocci).1 point
This is a good point but as far as any know, at this time, my statement is still accurate.1 point
1 point
I know reading comprehension can be hard, but I think if you go and read what I wrote again it doesn't say what you think it says. I never once said that sex of a person was made up. Rather, in the development of language (which in of itself can be considered a scientific field), humans developed different words in order to describe things hence created language. The creation of language doesn't superseded how we are genetically put together...aka, we are either male or female (99.9999999%). Now if you want to argue why we called it male or female, in addition to woman and man, sure, let's do that, pick any other two words besides man and woman to describe the two genetic geno- and phenotypes of humans in regards to their sex...should we pick pencil for males and erasers for females?? Go ahead three arrows...you can pick whatever two words you want in order to make yourself all warm and fuzzy at night...there there now....1 point
1 point
To be fair, my criteria was completely arbitrary. I am sure there are plenty of HOFers who do not meet it.1 point
Meh, disagree. If Dake gets gold, most people will see it as just that. A small percentage of wrestling die-hards will discount the gold because of no Russia or Belarus, but keep in mind that there will still be four Russians at 74kg representing other countries.1 point
1 point
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