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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2023 in all areas

  1. I'm not generally in favor of wrestling posters being dropped but in the case of NearFall I think it needs to be considered.
    6 points
  2. This bracket kicks ass not just because of the bustedness of it but the schools involved as well.
    4 points
  3. This happened to me as well. I was good in high school and then walked on in college. I was one of a few practice dummies for a guy that bounced around being ranked 6th-10th in the country. Those practices were long, hard days of being reminded there’s always a bigger fish. I wouldn’t trade one second of it for anything though.
    3 points
  4. Put the refs on a shot clock and give them 45 seconds to make the call.
    3 points
  5. My daughter figuratively pats me on the head whenever I reminisce about my wrestling 'career'. Thankfully, I still outweigh her so she has to tread lightly.
    3 points
  6. NC State wins first two, Jack and Arrington, close matches. Next up Ed Scott v O' Connor.
    2 points
  7. My second bout as a freshman was a doozy. We both shot low. His head smashed into my knee and fractured my kneecap which shredded a bunch of ligaments. My knee split his forehead open from the bridge of his nose to the top of his forehead. It's the only time I've seen or heard of both wrestlers being hauled off the mat on stretchers and off to the hospital. He went in for surgery immediately. My doc couldn't do anything until the following day. Suffice to say that ended my season with a 12' inch slice in my leg. I had intended to come back the next season. but my knee was still pretty wobbly. I played football that fall with an articulated knee brace that ran mid thigh to mid calf. It kills your 40 yard sprint times. The docs wouldn't let me wrestle without it, and the coaches wouldn't let me wrestle with it since it was a steel brace. It also killed my tennis game. I spent another year rehabbing it in the weight room and was able to play football without it. I planned to return to wrestling. Now I was up to 170 and it put me smack in the middle of 2 buddies and returning state placers. an 0-2 record and facing 2 top notch wrestlers kind of steered me time back onto the tennis court. I ran my tennis record up to 18-0 near the end of the season, then it happened. I moved laterally to return a cross court shot and my sneaker got hung up on the court surface and the force on my knee ended up retearing the MCL. Season done. Tennis career done. In football I had taken all sorts of hits with no problems, not even an ache, then a sneaker and a tennis court do me in. Not one to totally give up, my senior year I found baseball wasn't as stressful on the knees so I spent my senior season at second base, batted .380 and helped the team to the state championship. I don't watch baseball and tennis on the tube, but I will watch any NCAA wrestling and football event even if it's a rerun in July.
    2 points
  8. Not possible. Whole institution is D1 now. Never. ever. Accept dropping a program. It’s more than just winning, too. They’re in a bad spot but it’s not impossible to dig out. Not in wrestling’s culture to just quit on something when it’s hard. I won’t accept that as an option. None of us should.
    2 points
  9. Moved to Columbia in 2005 and Coach Smith courted my business for support. I was impressed by him and started supporting the Tigers. I had access that I didn’t even know was possible for fans/boosters. Watched many practices and even became the announcer for a few seasons to jazz up the product. Cyclones are still my other team.
    2 points
  10. How about if you lose a challenge, your opponent gets to choose either three points added to his score, or to make you do wind sprints before resuming the bout.
    2 points
  11. Oh...it's ALL becoming so much clearer! The "Real Wrestling," vs "Women's Wrestling," and the tough talk. Just...putting all the pieces together.
    2 points
  12. Absolutely. College wrestling needs to bottle the whole event last night. Cured a lot of the ills which have been belabored on this board for a while. The wrestlers wrestled, there was a lot of attacking, there were pins, terrific crowd, good behavior on both sides, and Carr topped it off with a clinic.
    2 points
  13. I never went to state. I have excuses for that. Wrestled from 7th to 12 grade. I was a volunteer wrestling throwing dummy coach for many many years and enjoyed that. I love wrestling as a sport but was never really all that good at it as a competitor. mspart
    2 points
  14. both of mine outweigh me now... as do most average 12 year old boys, so... every time the one still left at the house (for the next 4 days anyway) walks by he does a first contact move... or a drag... or a quick 2 on 1... i am convinced he just likes to see the flash of fear on my face before i go possum...
    2 points
  15. This could have been my post! Wrestled one season (freshman) of high school wrestling. Was third on the depth chart of five 88-pounders (Yes, I'm that old). Lost every wrestle-off to the JV starter, who was also a freshman. Tortured by the varsity starter (a sophomore) in practice. Finally, late in the season, we had a dual against a team who also had three wrestlers, so he and I wrestled an exhibition match (in my practice gear, because you had to be a JV starter to get a singlet.) I took him down and rode him out, earning a 3-0 decision with riding time (Yes, I'm that old). Shortly thereafter broke my arm wrestling (in gym class!) so that was the end of my season. At the start of sophomore year there was this girl that I had a crush on, and she was trying out for the school play, so I went too. She failed the audition, but I got the lead, so, since after-school rehearsals conflicted with wrestling practice, that was the end of my wrestling career. Pretty sure that some invisible hand made sure that I ended up where my relative talents (and lack thereof) belonged. My son had a nice high school career, one of the best wrestlers on his team. But, whenever I thought he might be getting a big head I reminded him that his old man had retired from wrestling no only undefeated, but also unscored upon.
    2 points
  16. The fan exhilaration of watching your favorite team dive into the end zone, seeing the ref signal touchdown and going crazy has been replaced by a subtle cheer, arm fold/fingernail chew, and wait for the refs to head to the review monitor. It does not make for a better product IMO. It takes away the spontaneous nature of sports that fans love.
    2 points
  17. CMU has beaten Northern Illinois (among others) Northern Illinois has beaten Cal Baptist (among others) Cal Baptist has beaten Wyoming (among others) Wyoming has beaten Utah Valley Utah Valley has beaten Northern Colorado (among others) Northern Colorado has beaten Cal Poly (among others) Cal Poly has beaten ArIzona State (among others) Arizona State has beaten Missouri (among others) Missouri should probably drop their program
    1 point
  18. I'm not a UNC fan, but I agree 100% with what you said. In fact, I've almost started a thread a couple times to say pretty much exactly what you just did. The only reason I didn't is too many times that type of thing gets blown way out of proportion. It's certainly a mystery to me. Maybe it's a matter of someone high up at UNC didn't want competition for the BB team?? (Not that that would be a problem this year, lol.)
    1 point
  19. California has some great wrestling because the state is enormous and has both ends which I have seen as likely though very different paths to wrestling: 1. Those who live in rural and working class areas, particularly around Bakersfield, Clovis, and Fresno. 2. Those who are super wealthy and have ability and willingness to pay exorbitant monthly team fees in LA county or SF CS Bakersfield may be having a tough time now but there are many paths toward relative success. I like them a lot, and root for the dude Chance Rich
    1 point
  20. Orine 4 back points. 9-1. Final 10-1 Orine with RT. Final 28-6. NCS. Embarassing security by ACCN. 70 year old guy stops by Chapel Hill, takes a free shot, and rides off into the sunset.
    1 point
  21. 3-1 Orine. Good scramble. Rock Harrison almost strips a gear. TD Orine. 5-1.
    1 point
  22. Neutral to start 3rd. Singleton TD, up 6-2. Ends 6-2. Good match. NCS 9-3.
    1 point
  23. Blood time, I guess. Good action now. 4-2 Singleton going to 3rd.
    1 point
  24. Reversal and escape. 3-2 Singleton going to 2nd. Mazzara top, Singleton out, up 4-2.
    1 point
  25. TD Singleton NCS. Up 2-0 over Mazzara. 165.
    1 point
  26. Scott escape, 3-1.
    1 point
  27. TD O'Connor, Going to 3rd 3-0.
    1 point
  28. Scott top, O'Connor escape, up 1-0.
    1 point
  29. Scott, O' Connor 0-0 going to 2nd period.
    1 point
  30. Classic case of great minds thinking alike. It isn't that long ago (2016) that CSU Bakersfield won the Pac-12 regular season title.
    1 point
  31. Haha... I was just typing the exact same thing.... Bakersfield has to self fund the program.... they have had a turn over in coaches that get little support.... but here they are still wrestling. They have a tough go just keeping the program afloat...anyone doing that deserves huge kudos and the entire wrestling communities support. The last thing any wrestling fan or coach wants to see is a dropped program....And I thought you were a Pac 12 supporter "NearFall"
    1 point
  32. I always wanted to be a navy seal but I never cared much for swimming or running. Now may be my chance.
    1 point
  33. https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/16/politics/illinois-balloon-group-alaska-missing/index.html
    1 point
  34. Quick sidebar... Morgan Turner is currently in the IL boys semis @ 106 and guaranteed to place. That may not mean much in about 40 other states, but that is a HUGE rare accomplishment in Illinois.
    1 point
  35. Those yields are annualized, not period yields. So the 4 month return is 4.8/3=1.6%
    1 point
  36. this country is so soft... like embarrassingly soft... like scourge level soft...
    1 point
  37. 1 - 2 - 3 seem clear cut to me. 4 - 5 - 6 can be in any order. Surber has a shit tonne of losses on the year. One good win won't earn him a Top 3 seed. Eliminating Surber from the 'three' OP mentions due to multiple conference losses makes it easy. Elam has win over the guy who beat Sloan and over Batista. Sloan is 19-1 where Batista is 14-4. 4-5-6 could be any order. If they put emphasis on winning percentage or even inner conference winning percentage then Surber could end up the 6. I think they will weight the win over Elam (as they should) and give him the 4. I know I put him at 5 and not 4 in the screenshot here, but I do think they give him the 4.
    1 point
  38. i still regularly tell both my kids that we all the same amount of world medals between us and to maybe slow their roll a bit...
    1 point
  39. Just above .500 in Iowa over three varsity seasons. Three time third place district finisher when the top two qualify for state (top three go now). Cut way too much weight my senior year and suffered tremendously for it (wouldn't have been that good anyway but it meant I sucked if the cut bit me that week).
    1 point
  40. I wasn't bad, but I wasn't great either. Concussions is what did me in and my career, too early. Now a middle aged man living vicariously through everyone else. I had some headscratcher losses, some big wins, and then some matches where all I could do is lose and try not to get pinned (thank you Joe Heskett). Will always love the sport and the community.
    1 point
  41. I would be okay with replay going away in all sports.
    1 point
  42. I went from great in high school to not being the worst one in the room my first 1.5 years in college. I literally couldn't score a point on anyone.
    1 point
  43. Totally agree. Should be absolutely no more than 90 seconds from whistle to whistle for stop/review/restart. Buzzer goes off at 80 seconds regardless if sufficient evidence is found/not found, get back to center because ref has 10 seconds to announce what they saw and start action. This isn't the NFL we aren't selling commercials throughout 3 hours of television and these long breaks are killing the flow of a match. It's an anaerobic sport - you don't see NCAA 10K races constantly stopping for review to check if someone spiked another runner thus giving everyone a break and ruining the natural flow of the race and race strategy.
    1 point
  44. How about it Jimmy, tell us about your career.
    1 point
  45. I was asked to coach my daughter's soccer team one year. I had never played and never coached. There was some dishonesty involved by the team organizers and we wound up having to play U18 even though we had players as young as 13 and only 3 17 year-olds. But enough about my excuses. We went 0-12-1. I missed the tie, so I was 0-12 as head coach and the assistant was 0-0-1. My daughter was the co-high scorer on the team with 1 goal. The 13 year old had the other goal.
    1 point
  46. It looks like the 30-minute doc is free on Flo. Take some time and check it out. There are many inspiring people, and the world certainly needs this kind of positivity.
    1 point
  47. Yes, except for when Liam was beat by Ethan Berginc and when he was majored by Caleb Smith. He is a senior in his 7th college season with 1 career win at NCAA's. I think its fair to question whether he will be able to keep up this hot streak he is on.
    1 point
  48. Thoughts from a Nebraska perspective. 125 Cronin was very good again. A small part of me things he is overachieving a fair bit. I hope I am wrong. I think it is a little bit too easy to get to his legs against the good ones and he won't be able to continue to fight it off one legged. He is great at it though. His game in general is strong and he could finish anywhere from 2nd to a 1-2 record in NCAA tourney. 133 Burwick is better than this, but the writing is on the wall that he cannot score much at NCAA. The challenge will be to make NCAA at this point. It is almost like he is so used to not being able to get out from Hardy in practice he has lost all confidence in being able to get out against anyone or something. Still hopeful he can find a little bit of confidence for when in matters most 141 Hardy was awesome. Class act as well. People not Husker fans are going to be very sick of him by the time he is done. I think he can beat anyone with his best match. Also starting to realize his floor is heartbreak round and inching close to being higher than that. He needs to seed himself into a good situation. 149 Just a debacle with the redshirt. Anyone know why the Huskers didn't have anyone ready to go tonight? 157 Robb rebounded from the takedown well. He is the small favorite to win at one of the weakest weights. Fun to watch. 165 Hopefully Wilson is just getting a couple weeks to reset and work on things before it gets important. Hopefully no injury. 174 Ruth is athletic and is very dangerous. Labs showed a lot of heart to get that win. I hope he is okay and perhaps that match will help his gas tank as long as he is okay. He had to go through hell to win that. Very important win. He needs to be a 2 or 3 at NCAA if he cannot beat Penn St at Big 10 tourney 184 Pinto another solid effort. I hope he can find a way to work up the seeding ranks. Probably going to have to be done at Big 10 tourney as it is getting late. The grueling match after match every hour at Cliff Keen could loom large in a bad way for his seeding. Tough weight class. 197 Allred with a huge win for seeding prospects. He is wrestling so much smarter of late. Not quite as risky with his stuff. Finding better situations for himself. He is very dangerous as he can always pin anyone at any time. It would be awesome if he and Pinto can go down a class next year. 285 I was excited to see what Andrews had. I had no idea he was so small. Is it possible he can be 197 if the others go down? He didn't look much bigger than Eric Schultz to me. What are we thinking he weighted in at? Is there any hope for Nebraska to qualify a 285? I am losing hope that Davidson can do it and no way Andrews can imo.
    1 point
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