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  1. I had to giggle at Woods not knowing where Iowa was written on the singlet during his parade around the mat.
    5 points
  2. I'm more astounded that someone thinks Trump would ask anyone's input on anything. I didn't think that was in his toolbox. I think Trump's "question" was merely rhetorical. Of course he thinks the result should be thrown out and that he should assume his rightful place on the throne. Trump could play LeBron James in basketball, lose, and he would whine that the game was rigged and he really won. That's who he is, who he's always been, and who he'll always be..
    4 points
  3. First. For ***duck duck goose** sakes, can we talk wrestling and keep all the "tough guy" shit for DM's? Geezzuus, I get on here and see, 8 pages talking about an awesome dual, and it is 3 pages of some knucklehead calling another guy "boy" and moms are getting brought into it. Shit man, all you mofo's are bad asses, and obviously in the elite, because you love the best sport in the world! Now, to the dual. Lee looked gassed, but nobody should be shocked by this. He just had two knees repaired, so I would imagine he has not been on the mat for too long. Lee is a stud, if you disagree now over that match, Okie dokie...I say, watch him win another natty this year. ISU is coming. Man they have some young guys that are studs and competed well. My son wrestled Gaitlan (sp?) and that kid is going to be a good one too. Woods vs CS- that was fire. CS didn't back down, and Woods is tough. I noticed some debate on who was the bigger douche canoe, man they both wrestled hard. CS had a slight push on the edge at the end and Real started talking some shit. All in good competition if you ask me and I loved it. I think all fans that are part of programs like, Penn St. Iowa, Iowa St, ohio st are silly to say there is no home field advantage. The fans are nuts and it has to cause issues with mental toughness when you have a fan calling you a cocksucker....I turned on the Cambell vs Virigina match, I think there were 11 people in the stands...lol terrible. GOSH DAMN I love wrestling season, and we are just getting started!!!!
    4 points
  4. 2 attack posts in a row is an attack then re-attack If you respond and he attacks , it is a counter attack. If he is clearly proven wrong and doesn't respond it's a MedFFT If he is clearly proven wrong and does respond, it's most likely an off-topic fake attack to not get called for stalling.
    4 points
  5. This is like a pack of hyenas on a downed wildebeest where the wildebeest appears to enjoy being eaten alive.
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. People can hate the rule all they want (I do) but it was applied correctly in this instance.
    3 points
  8. Crackerjack analysis. After today's results, the words on everybody's lips are definitely "Penn State is in trouble, the Hawkeyes are coming for them."
    3 points
  9. These guys are trolling. Spencer Lee is an absolute stud. ISU backup is a tough kid. Battles for the starting spot and loses out slightly. Beat Teske last season. Spencer looked like a guy who needs some live competition and he got some today. What David Carr did to PK shows how special Carr is. PK beat Peyton Robb (possible favorite at 157 after this week) and Peyton Hall (just had a tough match with O’Toole) to win U23 trials this summer. PK is no joke and Carr made him look ordinary. It’s clearly not a disappoint to not major PK.
    3 points
  10. Given how accessible film is these days, imagine how successful Gable would have been in an era where he could have been cherry picking the best talent from all over the country? The numbers he put up with Iowa guys were incredible imagine if he had the recruiting advantages Cael does!
    2 points
  11. and the wildebeest is holding a bottle of steak sauce which he keeps pouring on himself just to make sure the hyenas find him tasty.
    2 points
  12. Imagine being so delusional that when everyone calls you out for being a turd, it could only mean that they're parroting each other. I want to live that life
    2 points
  13. Arizona certified its results today, which means: - Katie Hobbs is the Governor - Mark Kelly is still the Senator - Adrian Fontes is Secretary of State And Kari Lake is still a loser.
    2 points
  14. 1. Kerk is now #1 at 285 2. PSU has only needed 7 or 8 scoring wrestlers at NCAAs in recent seasons. 3. The transfer portal is still open at 125. 4. If you return 4 National Champs and #1 ranked guy who finished 4th last year, you are still the favorite to win 5. PSU has a proven track record of meeting or exceeding expectations at Nationals. 6. Iowa has a recent track record of underperforming at Nationals 7. Cael ("Carl")
    2 points
  15. 2008 149lbs World (note: World or Olympic, excluding World Cup) 4 Senior World Team Members Brent Metcalf Dustin Schlatter Bryce Saddoris Jordan Burroughs Junior Bubba Jenkins NCAA 6 National Champions Bubba Jenkins (2nd 2008, 1st 2011) Brent Metcalf (1st 2008, 2nd 2009, 1st 2010,) Jordan Burroughs (3rd 2008, 1st 2009, 1st 2011) Darrion Caldwell (5th 2008, 1st 2009) Dustin Schlatter (1st 2006, 3rd 2007, 7th 2008) J.P. O'Connor (5th 2007, 6th 2008, 1st 2010) Another 4 with a best finish of 2nd or 3rd (one loss) Ryan Lang Josh Churella Lance Palmer Adam Hall 13 All-Americans with 31 total AA achievements at the NCAAs. The other AAs not listed previously are Don Fisch Jake Patacsil Bryce Saddoris
    2 points
  16. If Michael Beard can improve his gas tank he's a national contender. As for 197 it has maybe the most parity of all the weights this year. Dean could finish anywhere between 1st and 8th and it wouldn't be shocking. If they ran 197 10 times at NCAA's they could have 10 different champs
    2 points
  17. Something has to come out of this. I'm a huge fan of the huskers, haven't heard anything. I do know burwick won the wrestle off at 133 at nebraska and would help the husker depth. Everything seems hush hush right now
    2 points
  18. You mean, like when so many fans clutched their pearls when Marinelli would release an opponent and then kick at their feet in an attempt to footsweep them? Yet no one seemed to have a problem when Jason Nolf did the same thing.
    2 points
  19. Disagree on this characterization. Swiderski clubbed the shit out of Woods twice after the whistle. Now I don't mind stuff like that, but I've seen the reactions whenever an Iowa guy does similar stuff, so I just find it funny. I thought it was awesome, and Swiderski is TOUGH!
    2 points
  20. Mr. 159-0 Wheaties box man (Cael) listed the three goals as a first-grader: Be a good student. Be a good person. Be an Olympic champion. https://www.deseret.com/2004/9/15/19850617/athlete-of-the-month-olympic-gold-was-sanderson-s-goal
    2 points
  21. From the official Iowa Wrestling social media team…
    2 points
  22. Yeah, this kind of made me lose my shit but I don’t really care at this point. He’s a keyboard warrior.
    2 points
  23. If there is one thing I’ve learned the last few years. It’s to wait until Jan and then look at how teams/athletes are wrestling before making hard predictions. Especially when it’s a staff like PSU that just calmly and consistently follows the process and focuses on getting better. The upsets are fun. But December woes are predictions
    2 points
  24. I hadn't bought in before, but at this point I think you've got to give some props to Kevin Dresser. He's done a great job rebuilding. If you watched his press conference after, it showed his intelligence and command. He didn't taunt or call anyone an orange. Strictly professional, with matter-of-fact but insightful answers. He's playing a long game and knows he's made a lot of progress, a 5-5 split against Iowa with Lee and Woods in the lineup, with 15,000 people holding their breath for 10 seconds of a locked-up cradle at 285 -- he knows there's no need to spin anything anymore, this is a real team and a real program.
    2 points
  25. Also God is getting tired of Aaron Brooks asking for favors. Will he still be as good without that special treatment?
    2 points
  26. Penn State era was fun - they had a nice run.
    2 points
  27. I’m a Penn State fan and I was happy for Beard. I’m hoping Dean will straighten out whatever is going on with him. 197 is very much a toss up this year, with Elam probably being a slight favorite.
    2 points
  28. Oh shit, ban basketball is back? Good dual meet. Spencer likely gets the tech if the ref doesn't stop him for potentially dangerous, but no doubt he didn't look great after that. He did dig deep for another nice TD in the third. The standard Lee is held to is incredible, though. He did still major his opponent in a big spot in his first match in a year in CTver after double ACL surgeries. Maybe calm down, as has been pointed out, Lee historically has not had the greatest tank early. I loved all the pageantry and shit talk, but I do get a kick out of one guy calling Woods a douche (and others expressing similar feelings) for....not liking getting clubbed multiple times after the whistle, I guess, but not much consternation over Bastida's theatrics. Either way. Good dual, never really in doubt even with Iowa State winning all the tossups (pr semitossups.) Most impressive Clone (other than Carr) was Paniro Johnson. Most impressive Hawk was Cass, but after that Nelson Brands looked really good, as did Real Woods. Warner, in a loss, showed more juice from neutral so hopefully he can build from that.
    2 points
  29. Best thing to do at this point is to let it go...boy
    1 point
  30. I'm not involved in the argument at all, but it is some what unnerving to see a person whom is likely a grown man that you have never met repeatedly called "boy." Makes me cringe.
    1 point
  31. From ChatGPT: Based on the information provided, it appears that the Penn State wrestling team may be in trouble for this year's NCAA competition. The team has holes at 125 and 157, and one of their wrestlers, Dean, is either injured or has regressed. It is not clear what can be done to address these issues, but it is possible that the team's performance at the NCAA competition could be affected.
    1 point
  32. How was it a mess? The Iranian soccer team was courageous in their actions at the world cup, and the US team offered them support.
    1 point
  33. Jimmy, this is stale--like-fell-underneath-the-couch-and-forgotten-for-a-year stale.
    1 point
  34. Insert redundant 'pay your debts' remark.
    1 point
  35. Just remember that even though Beard beat Dean he is not better than Dean. We have learned this.
    1 point
  36. I've never had ACL surgery, but I'm guessing after having double ACL surgery it's hard to do cardio
    1 point
  37. Do you consider BB's current poster attacks to be counter attacks or reattacks?
    1 point
  38. Doesn't seem like much to argue with there................however I'm sure someone will.
    1 point
  39. You can tell you are someone to be taken seriously when it takes you a paragraph to explain why you reneged on a bet, bub.
    1 point
  40. I'm not speaking for the person you're asking the question to, but I think I have a pretty good perspective on home field advantage. For one, I've never really believed in it, simply because statistics don't bear it out very well. However, and with that said, there are two places where it is very real. One is rasslin against the Sqwawkers at Carver Sqwawkeye arena, and, two, playing the Packers at home in January. My only two exceptions.
    1 point
  41. I can only assume you have not attended a match at Carver. For reference material go to either BR or BWI and you can read up on "getting Carvered."
    1 point
  42. CHA is a much different home mat advantage than anywhere else, ya gotta be there and see/feel it.
    1 point
  43. It wasn't even Terukina who took him down it was the Iowa State BACKUP, Cabanban. Lee gassed horribly. He was no where near ready to wrestle.
    1 point
  44. Who was the douche? Swid seemed the part, looking from the cheap seats. Ignoring the final whistle.
    1 point
  45. I believe it should be called as stalling if it is stalling. Meaning a deliberate attempt to not wrestle. Just like if the bottom guy keeps just running out of bounds without trying to move laterally at all - or just something other than straight forward. I also think that bullshit where guys get on their knees and crawl around is negative wrestling. They get penalized in Freesttle for it, rightfully so. They should also get called in Folkstyle. It is negative wrestling.
    1 point
  46. The computer/tablet/phone, operating system, software are merely tools. In this case, tools to watch wrestling matches. Like I always say when I go to Home Depot to buy a hammer, I don't care what steel the head is made from, how it's heat treated, whether its cast, forged, machined, etc, etc. I'm only interested in driving nails, and occasionally pulling nails. I can trust that that hammer will drive steel, aluminum, brass nails. I'm sure I can even persuade stubborn fasteners with it. Yes, I realize that there are different hammers for different purposes and that a computer is much more complicated than a hammer, etc, etc, but the concept still applies. Expecting your customer to do your engineering for you is BS. IMO, Whoever accepts money from the end customer is ultimately responsible for the product meeting the customer's expectations and requirements. For F*#ks sake if you filled your car up with gas and a mile down the road it quit running and it was because your car is a Honda and that gas only works for Fords and Chevys (maybe...we're not really sure because we didn't test that, that's our customers' responsibility), you would not be happy. At least that's the way it was in my 40+ years of Engineering.
    1 point
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