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Everything posted by AgaveMaria

  1. and we think Greco is boring now...
  2. What does B1G stand for? Why the "G"?
  3. Making weight is easy - as long as it isn't what we wrestled in College.
  4. They figured Steveson couldn't make 125?
  5. Baseball coaches dress in the uniform of the team. Probably the only sport where this is required. If wrestling coaches had to show up matside in a singlet - some fans might be scared to show up to watch the duals. Mark Manning in a singlet? Some would not look too bad but then...
  6. Is it true Wisconsin coach Chris Bono wants to meet him and ask if he can introduce him to Yoko?
  7. "Can you introduce us to Cael"?
  8. Watched the 197 match of the Bakersfield Lurcher against the UVU wrestler and when the stumbler got a takedown the crowd was heard..., Twoooooooooooooooooo. Takes awhile for Threeeeeeeeeee to get into the system, doesn't it?
  9. Watched him in the Under 23 world tournament. A lot of good moves but not that great at setups. He needs to spend time with a master. John Smith is the guy. He can get him prepped and thinking 3-7 moves ahead and really tweak his mat awareness for openings he is missing now. He is very good, no doubt about it. But to be a world beater he needs to vary his attack and polish the moves so they are seamless.
  10. Stomach issues for some as they face real Japanese cooking for the first time?
  11. Nelson brands won against Stanford with one point on 1:01 riding time. Have seen many matches when the person starting and stopping the riding time clock was a bit late or early starting or let it go a bit long - and at times turning it off just a bit early. Can the riding time be subject to a challenge? Force a video review by the refs to check it for accuracy? 1:01 riding time is cutting it darned close - even if your name is Brands and your coaches will start throwing water balloons in frustration if the time is taken away. How about it - is this subject to challenge?
  12. Just as good as Jesus since they are all mythical.
  13. It varies depending on who you just wrestled.
  14. Maybe someone can clue in Donald Trump & he will talk about how hot Ford Focus is in a last desperate attempt to generate votes?
  15. They have the best looking wrestling mat in the country. A lot of nice mats with logos and school colors out there but none top the Fighting Camels. I wear my Fighting Camel hats often & support the program. Small schools need our support.
  16. He is coming to get a free Cowboy Hat. Farmer mentality - free hats are a big draw.
  17. A takedown is 3 points. Escape is 1 point and reversal 2. Why isn't a reversal 3 points? The bottom wrestler takes control as if they got a takedown. Seems that gaining the top position from bottom should be 3 just like a takedown.
  18. Actually he is using the position to push his pet peeves. Now they don't want to be called Mormons - after the last two leaders pushed "I'm a Mormon" campaign and "Meet the Mormons" books and supposedly Mormon means "More Good". They keep changing the never changing temple ceremonies - those passed down from Adam to the present day... At lease we have Cael Sanderson and are glad he did not commit to BYU.
  19. 47 years is a long time. Watching the program he should have turned it over to someone else at least 10 years earlier. A good guy & a good coach, but way past his expiration date & it showed.
  20. He was hell on wheels on the mat - what happened? Why is he villified on these boards?
  21. Scholarship athletes need to sue fast. Being given a Scholarship for their sport and then being told "you can't participate" is dishonest as hell. Surely a good Attorney can nail the school for deception like this. The school trying to drop wrestling when they have the greatest looking wrestling mat around" is asinine.
  22. When everyone knows it is Russell Nelson, Prophet of the Mormon Church - the one True Church and the only one with an actual Prophet who speaks for The Lard.
  23. It is a Religious school. Why any surprise when they screw the students and athletes?
  24. and you have legal proof of this..., how?
  25. Taylor has Assistants in the room. If he has to take off for a bit they can work with it. Preferrably Dake or someone else comes in - which can only benefit all those who are there. He is training in the room with his wrestlers and setting an example of what it takes at the highest level. Again, everyone benefits. No matter how he places they are all part of it. His commitment to competing is short term and then one and all get his full attention. This after a first hand look at the real world of what it takes at the top of the game. Just as Cael and 159-0/Olympic Gold is still reaping benefits for Penn State, OSU will gain from Coach Taylor and this experience. One big difference in wrestling and most other sports is that so many Coaches actually get on the mat and go with their athletes. A big attraction for many of these guys is the chance to roll around with a World Class wrestler who is also their coach. A lot more than "this is how you do it" and then you go out and try - they get to feel it on the mat knowing their Coach is The Real Deal.
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