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Everything posted by AgaveMaria

  1. Anyone who keeps getting younger needs an asterisk. Anyone who wins so much on the mat against David Taylor but has never, ever won a fantasy match against him needs and asterisk. In fact, give him two..., maybe a half dozen if you want.
  2. Yojo Uetake was excellence on the mat. After his college career ended he was a Grad Assistant at OSU. I know from friends back then he would get frustrated as the wrestlers could not keep up with him doing his workout and warmup routines. Anyone have video of him doing these they can share?
  3. ? What are you referring to, you hemorrhoids?
  4. If he is going to stay he would be foolish if he does not make contact with John Smith and get the benefit of his knowledge. Work with that as well as Taylor and see if he can push to the next level.
  5. The shove constituted an Assault. After that it is only a matter of degree which will involve prosecution deciding what level to pursue. Nail the jerk to the wall, he deserves it.
  6. I have Cael as the top guy. Mainly because I watch and follow D1 wrestling. I see some programs at the lower levels have coaches with amazing records. At various levels we have excellent coaches and some who do more with a room full of kids that are not the top recruits in the land. Who do you have, for top 5 or so?
  7. Within 100 miles of the Border you have the Border Patrol with full power to stop and detain and arrest anyone. What I posted can happen does with some of these guys. Just because it does not happen to you doesn't mean it is not happening. It is like driving through Utah and getting stopped and the cop thinks the money you have "must have come from drug sales" so he confiscates everything. Months to years to maybe get some or all back. Meanwhile, you are out a vehicle and all that was in it, dollars to your ID and credit cards. This stuff happens.
  8. How needs "original thoughts" when direct quotes of The Rump himself are so damning. A man of low morals, lacking integrity.
  9. Will be AJ Ferrari. Brings his brother to the team & his Father as the ethics coach with the rest of the family as cheerleaders. Except the one going to Iowa.
  10. https://newrepublic.com/post/174448/judge-e-jean-carroll-case-yes-donald-trump-rapist It is a matter of Character. Not being one but showing a lack of.
  11. What, selling tornado proof trailers?
  12. You can laugh. It happens and is pretty harsh for those who find out how much it costs them even when the arrest is not followed up with prosecution. A lot like Jaywalking laws - all it takes is the wrong cop on the wrong day.
  13. The story now is the gold plates weren't even needed. He used a magic rock in a hat and the words magically appeared on the rock. The same rock he used scamming people telling them it was a SeerStone and he could find hidden treasure with it - an activity that got him arrested, tried and found guilty. As for The Rump - his MAGA is accurate - Meet A Genuine A-hole.
  14. I'll give Cael the benefit of doubt here. Knowing his upbringing I think he felt he could help Long. Already knew him from ISU. We know he set strict boundaries and did what he could to help. Not his fault Long didn't stay with the program. As for Ferrari, I doubt Tom Ryan would bring him in. No upside bringing in a known trouble maker that will poison the room. Ryan tries for good character and Ferrari doesn't fit.
  15. In the US possession and use of Pot is still illegal. No matter what your State says it is still illegal per the US Government. All it takes is one Federal Officer to nail you. Even if you aren't prosecuted you may spend time in holding waiting arraignment. Separated from what you may have been driving and your belongings. In some cases your file gets "misplaced" and you sit for a week in limbo before being released. Only to find your vehicle is in an impound and you have to pay to get it out - but it is a couple hundred miles away since they moved you to holding in another City or State. Many ways to screw you - and the stuff is still illegal.
  16. Adam Hall and Donnie, in that order. UVU has potential but has been held back since Cody Sanderson left. I think Hall will right the ship and the program will improve.
  17. Maybe Bo can be his bag man bringing the money back from Mexico when they pay for the wall?
  18. Not sure what that is so don't know what you are referring to. If you look at Germany ramping up to war with Adolf Hitler in charge you can see a lot of it in Donald Trump and his actions and speech. Marginalize groups and make them targets. There is only one truth, yours... no matter what reality is. Everyone who is not for you is an enemy and using the legal system to try and destroy you. Trump is dangerous and those who cheer him on are dumber than Mormons.
  19. Not to mention 6 bankrupcies as a business strategy to keep from paying suppliers and contractors the full amount due. Supporting dishonesty like this is criminal.
  20. It can't be many. They were both tough on the mat. Better careers than 99.9% of all who have wrestled.
  21. Dumber than dirt supporting a rapist, sexual predator, adulterer and convicted of 34 Felony counts. Maybe he has a whole closetful of Donald J(esus) Trump bibles?
  22. Doesn't matter who they get until they beat Iowa.
  23. What is the reason for the letter? It does not specify what was supposedly done.
  24. If Penn State had won only one NCAA team title before Cael... the guy must have been a miracle man.
  25. Swimmers look tired after the competition but they don't look like they are covered in sweat like wrestlers. Add in many think "I could do that" with a bit of practice in swimming.(basketball, etc - and even boxing) but not in wrestling. The thought that 'I would get my head torn off and my shoulders dislocated" is there. It isn't in many other sports. Then you have the rules. Not all that easy to understand for those with no experience or exposure to the sport.
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