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Everything posted by AgaveMaria

  1. Wow. Maybe Cael helps by giving them advice about how many Cows to pay for a wife? Mormons are big on the guy who paid 8 cows to buy a wife even as Mormon Apostle Heber C. Kimball said "'I think no more of taking a wife than I do of buying a cow."
  2. If it comes to him wrestling Ferrari he has the advantage of Cael & staff &who are very good at coaching & preparing to go up against a specific opponent.
  3. Is it a "Principled Stance" or do they realize they can't compete with the dollars?
  4. Bet Cam has a big poster of Varner on his wall at home. "How to sleep on the mat while winning".
  5. Bartlett looked bad. Didn't come to wrestle - phoned it in. Almost as bad as Kirkvliet. It is as if a number of the Penn State wrestlers aren't seeing enough mat time out of the room. If this team thinks they can set a record at Nationals they are fooling themselves if they keep this up. "Bonus Points"? The only record they get will be for stall points.
  6. Do you know of any studies or such on this? Might be worth monitoring diet & timing if it can help with performance. With Cam - a problem for more than four years now? I think Taylors philosophy will help but don't know if Cam will fully buy in - especially when in hard fought close matches.
  7. The turkeys who write for Yahoo.com? Or maybe even USA Today? Reality is that many are poorly written. Often followed by a story that does not cover the basics in the first two paragraphs.\ When younger the headline would read "Yankees win, details inside". News broadcasts would tease with "XXX win, details at 11". This gave us the basic information and we could read further or listen later for details that helped flesh out the story. USA Today came out with news stories truncated and dumbed down for those who can't read for more than a few minutes. Other papers followed the trend and we have many stories reported that don 't cover the basics, Who - What -When - Where - Why and sometimes How. From poorly composed headlines to cutlines that are not clear under images & photos to artlcles that fail to report the facts we are seeing mediocrity in action.
  8. Not saying he isn't good. He is very good. Saw him in one match where he looked as if he was drinking the Taylor Kool-Aid and he was aggressive & took it to the opponent. Another match - snoozefest with him looking like "holding position" rather than going after even the smallest gains. I generally prefer aggression on the mat. Really think riding without working for a pin is stalling. Counter wrestling is fine - as long as the wrestler is actually trying something when the oppenent starts a move. Just hope he opens up a bit more.
  9. "and things like that"..., "like, like, like, like, like". Painful to try watching.
  10. Considering what we have seen of his Character his coach is taking a big chance. Can he go the season without a blowup? If so, will he finish #1? I don't enjoy watching his lurching style at all. Add in his antics and attitude & it is easy to root for his opponents.
  11. Watching Cam Amine wrestle this year at Oklahoma State is almost painful. Davie Taylor has brought in his vision of how things are done. Amine looks at times as if he buys in and at others like the same old Cam - Trying to out Sominex Jake Varner. Dull as dirt at times & then he will actually look aggressive and go for extra points. Will he fully buy in by the time the Big Dance comes around?
  12. If you give us your address we can have Cael send the missionaries for a visit...
  13. Per Joseph Smith & the mormon, yep - a lot missing and "not translated correctly". Mormon leadership states Jesus was married and a polygamist - and Polygamy is "The Order of Heaven" and you have to be practicing it to get to the Celestial Kingdom - the highest degree of heaven. Jesus had at least three wives while here & if you read the Bible you will notice he appared first to Mary Magdaline - one of his wives. (Don't forget the teaching that God personally came to earth to impregnate Mary so Jesus would be born & be his son) Now they are even producing Primary booklets(Primary - sunday school for the under 12 year olds) about Joseph & Polygamy.
  14. The Cornhuskers will beat the Ground Squirrels.
  15. Like Theismann? College football player Joe Theismann (These - man) changed it to THIGHs- man because it rhymed with Heisman - the football trophy.
  16. Don't know, but maybe they are students learning the process? A number of things hurt broadcasts. Mumbling announcers. Those who don't do any homework and can't pronounce the names of the wrestlers. Camera operators who leave them on auto exposure so as they focus around the mat the exposure changes - too light to too dark. It is easy to measure the light, set the aperture & go from there. A big problem with attracting fans is the lack of information as to what is going on with "the brick" and referee timeouts and sideline meetings. They go off, watch some video, come back and at times not even a gesture, much less any explanation as to what happened or their decision. College & Pro football refs have it down - INFORM the fans. Make their experience one why want to repeat. Poor broadcasting can be fixed. The attitude that allows it to keep happening is the fault of those in charge - they need to be replaced and someone who will actually do the job hired.
  17. Won't happen. He does not want the headaches of a full time coaching job. Part time assistant/consultant or visiting coach/clinic guy is where he is at - if what he is saying about this is real.
  18. Maybe MSU can hire Bono away from Wisconsin? Looking realistically I think Ohio State wins a few more against them.
  19. Posted 11 minutes ago This post aged well. ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Hitler - Austria & then Sudatenland before the full war started. Trump - Greenland & Panama Canal & then Canada?
  20. Is Mark Schultz available?
  21. The Refs..., it is the fault of the refs. Or - the lights were wrong. The mat was slick or too rough or not clean or the wrong color. Make the claim - back it up on the mat or shut your pie hole.
  22. Jealous? Or acknowledging reality in The Land of Cael?
  23. Love this one. Banach being touted as a 4 time Champion - before winning his 3rd Title. Mark Schultz went up a weight class specifically to prevent it happening. The rest is history.
  24. Dan Gable, maybe? All those 30 minute plus mat sessions with some of his top guys?
  25. For NCAA wrestling it is Yojo Uetake of Oklahoma State and Curly Culp of Arizona State.
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