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Everything posted by AgaveMaria

  1. LIke drivers slowing for Car Wrecks and on the highwayk?
  2. Had to look it up when I was at the Library where they have computers to use. Don't go on any of those sites. Don't have a TV and haven't for some time, not since Hill Street Blues was on it.
  3. Or they thought his dad was Enzo & would be giving the coaches free cars?
  4. They don't threaten to flatten the tires on the trailer houses because those who move in do it right away and claim it makes it a permanent house.
  5. The perfect match on the roster with Ferrari at Buck Owens University where he will fit right in with a tattoo in White Trash Trailer park condos.
  6. You have been on X? What, you are an Algebra freak?
  7. What, they are posing for handcuffs & an arrest warrant?
  8. No matter the antics unless he screws up in a major way he will wrestle the whole season for the school. What he won't do is win it all this year and most likely not any other year. He won't have the practice partners in the room he needs to keep at the top level. He had them before but Buck Owens U just doesn't have it.
  9. Scourge 165 wrote: "they're Iowa. Gable turned them around. Cael turned PSU around." Gary Kurdelmeier turned Iowa around with Dan Gable on his staff. Then Gable took over as head coach. Cael & Co did turn Penn State around. Lee got pinned, plain and simple. Then he quit rather than wrestle back trying to place third.
  10. Wilt Chamberlain/Lew Alcinder-Karaeem Jabaar. Wilt could do it all. One season he averaged 50 points per game. Lew immediately raised the level of any team he was on. ------------ As for Wrestling I'll go with John Smith and 6 in a row and Dan Gable with total domination at his best.
  11. If not for Matt Ramos he would have been a 4x NCAA Champ? Give Ramos Credit just as we do to Larry Owings beating Dan Gable.
  12. Six in a row is a strong reason.
  13. Yojo Uetake. Cael wasn't chopped liver, either.
  14. BYU - perfect place for him.
  15. How about the youngest Ferrari at Iowa? Mainly because of the craziness of his older brothers and family?
  16. Dan Gable to Iowa. Cael Sanderson to Penn State. David Taylor to Oklahoma State. Any others in the running as the biggest betrayal to the University they wrestled for? I know, Taylor is a bit of a stretch but he is so linked to Penn State from College to International Titles I included him. Might have had Brands in here but they ended up back in Iowa.
  17. A lot of schools have fans that are jerks. Doesn't have to be a school with a winning program. BYU football, for example.
  18. The blowhard TV turkey who called LA Rams Quarterback Jim Everett "Chris Everett" - and is lucky Jim Everett didn't flatten him. Was, is and always will be a DoucheCanoe.
  19. Maybe Cael and other mormons can try out? Mormon teaching is that they are the chosen people and those calling themselves "Jews" are actually Gentiles...
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/germanys-first-hobby-horsing-championship-094545669.html You heard it here first & I'm not Cinnabutt! Just wonder if they will have weight classes?
  21. He is going to jump ship to Bakersfield where he can learn showmanship to go along with his mat skills.
  22. This is what AJ will have playing as he runs out to the Mat. Perfect for a Bakersfield boy.
  23. They must have lowered their academic standards. Years ago BYU was taken out of consideration because they did not meet them. University of Utah did.
  24. Just as much as the idea you get better fuel mileage driving South than driving North. Reason is apparent when you look at a Globe..., driving South it downhill.
  25. " Not a fan when Cael did it, and not a fan now." -------------------------- Cael did it as a result of his Team pushing him. Taylor is not doing that. If he wants to try & the School is OK - as it seems - Why not? Wasn't that long ago when Midlands was the Premier tournament that one might find they were going head to head with one or more of their coaches. What other sport has this happen? Most getting into coaching are not working out with their athletes. One main reason Dan Gable retired was he could not roll on the mat with them any longer after joint replacement surgeries.
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