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Everything posted by AgaveMaria

  1. I can see Penn State getting the record for duals. I don't see them winning Nine Titles in a row.
  2. Taylor getting pinned by Bubba - sure was the wrong time for it but as the guy says, stuff happens.
  3. Like the current coach at Oklahoma State?
  4. Most surprising was that Brands was actually aggressive with his wrestling. He got takedowns and was a force on the mat. Way different from what we have seen from him in the past.
  5. Why would you excuse a turncoat? He betrayed the program, let him go & don't look back. As for Chris Bono, there are many other options if they are actually looking.
  6. Have met a number of casual wrestling fans who are now following Big 10 teams. Mainly due to so many of their duals & matches showing up on YouTube. If you can't see it the casual fan or newby won't even know it is happening. Maybe David Taylor can start lobbying to get more of the Duals where they can more easily be viewed.
  7. Looks good folks. Looking at the season Penn State is having we are seeing them blitz some otherwise decent teams. The 2nd place team with only 8 points? That is a beating, big time. Did the Gable teams or OSU wipe the mat with opponents like this during their top seasons?
  8. If you are Mormon and have been to the Temple, you are endowed.
  9. Seeing how dominant Penn State is this year is amazing. They are wiping out the competition. Massacre is a term for many of the duals. In the past we had Oklahoma State and then Iowa dominating the scene. At their best, how do their top teams compare with the current Penn State juggernaut? Anyone with some analysis of these top programs so we can compare their best seasons?
  10. They were crappy in the 1960's and are still that now. Had one of our wrestlers with his short pulled to his ankles while trying an escape - he was iffy before and never came back after it happened in a gym full of kids & parents watching. The singlet may not be great but it works.
  11. Watch the movie DRAFT DAY & see about getting Uber-hyped athletes named Bo.
  12. Yep, does he want to be Ernie Banks or Mickey Mantle? At that, he probably won't even be another Spencer Lee.
  13. Yes, it can happen. I'll believe it when I see them beat Iowa. OSU hasn't done well against them for some time now & the initial surge from the guys has slowed. Tom is a good dual coach for the most part. We will see how Taylor does - whether is is just trying to copy Cael or pushing forward on his own. Does he decide to shave his head soon?
  14. He will teach Basset a valuable lesson: "don't have your mom wear glasses to the NCAA Tournament".
  15. The Guy on a perennial second placer or one of The Top Guys on a Championship team? Brands & Co will push & punish trying to make him a Grinder & injuries will result.
  16. Iowa isn't even first there. Try Mitchell, South Dakota. Home of The Corn Palace. https://www.travelsouthdakota.com/trip-ideas/story/visit-worlds-only-corn-palace-mitchell-south-dakota
  17. Did not realize that - tho it makes sense when looking more closely. Still think that next season is when he will "officially" start. Weight will clear out a bit & he has the experience of going aginst some very good competition from this year.
  18. Some of us older folks remember Cael & his career well. He never missed a match. He beat everyone for his four full seasons as the Starter for ISU. After three seasons undefeated we were hearing "let him come up to 197 - he'll gt his azz handed to him" - so he went up & still won it all. 184 saw guys going up or down to avoid him - part of why he went up. Hahn match at 184 was close manly because Hahn slowed it down big time - mainly stalling & hoping for a last minute takedown. Didn't work. As for a 5 timer? It is a fluke of the rules. If Starocci makes it, good for him, he earned it. If he doesn't it takes nothing away from his 4 titles and will be fodder for discussion for decades to come. Hope he does it, good for the sport.
  19. Before the change to 3 points for a takedown a reversal was the same number of points. Anyone know anything about the actual discussions made about this value change when those in the rules committee considered it? Before a takedown and reversal carried the same weight. Now a takedown scores more. Why? Both end up with the guy on top.
  20. Can't someone find a RUMP in there somewhere?
  21. The Refs..., it has to be The Refs hating Iowa, right?
  22. Tom has now seen his blond warrior against the top guy. A 3-1 shellacking! Can't get off bottom very well & doesn't understand stalling via being pushed out of bounds. Apparently no one else will beat him, or so thinks the brains at Iowa. So, let him keep his redshirt & gain experience as these matches "don't count". Then he wrestles next year with Tommy & Co having delusions of a 4 timer, undefeated. After the 4th title(& 4th Hodge?) Tom can retire. Yes, the kid IS good & this is some tongue in cheek - but a chance at a 4 timer for Tommy is probably too much for him to resist.
  23. He doesn't win enough because he holds his hands too close together? Maybe is is because he cuts his hair closer than when he first started at OSU? Could be because he has not perfected the Fireman's Carry - like the Russian wrestlers? Or, has not trained in Tibet with Bhuddist monks for a year? Not to worry. Surely David Taylor will touch his psyche & he'll become a 1st period Pinning Machine any day now.
  24. You are wrong, takedown breath. I can see the future clearly. It is coming - and we can't stop it.
  25. I will give my predictions next Tuesday or Wednesday. Maybe even the week after. I'm much better Predicting the past than the future. That way I'm pretty sure I am at least 40% accurate...
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