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  1. allegedly the 4X PIAA pastry Champion do you mean?
  2. I think we have to wait a year to see?
  3. Jersey Robb?
  4. I'd like to hear your opinion. That was the year the Italian Constantine Rocco came in second. If Constantine won and Fuzzy said, "I guess we'll be eating spaghetti and meatballs next year or whatever those people eat" (paraphrasing) 1. Is that a comparable statement to his actual? 2. Do you think he would have to apologize to Rocco and lose his job?
  5. some of us don't use much social media. clueless again
  6. maybe based on projected NCAA points not duals?? only the #1 and the #3 count; and 1 earns more points
  7. Yes I've heard if your mother's father was bald; it's 50/50 you'll be bald
  8. I think Gabe was told he's not weighing in; after he broke the don't stir up the opponent on media day rule.
  9. your statement was word salad.
  10. I thought we couldn't say 'those people' Asking for Fuzzy Zoeller
  11. I'm thinking we don't see Teemer/Taylor Friday and that's part of the story Brands said the statement was: we need you. and he said he wanted to wrestle now
  12. @red viking @Tripnsweep do you guys drive a Tesla?
  13. You have a point, why are we associating narcissist with evil? oh wrong topic
  14. His exact words: where I can develop my Brands!
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